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SD60 Gear Pattern Check


Mean Dad
May 21, 2020
Member Number
Ben Lomond, Ca
What would the new forum be without a gear pattern check thread!

2006 F250 D60 Spicer 5.38 10" gears installed on a yukon grizzly locker

Pinion set with 0.034 shim under the inner pinion bearing race backlash is at 0.007 and the case preload just so that takes a wack or two to get the case in. Pinion preload not set and this is using setup bearings.

Let me know what you guys think.
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So I found out that the Spicer gears are face hobbed or "2 cut" gears and that they end up with a different pattern. That is why the drive size pattern appears angled. But I can't seem to find any 2 cut backlash specs for the D60.

I found this page that talks about how the pinion depth and backlash move the pattern around on the 2cut 8.8 gears.:
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Hard to say. The top tooth of the first pic (coast side) seems to be heavily slanted towards a triangle, rather than typical parallelogram that the 2 cut favors.

Drive side seems to straddle between triangle/parallelogram to my eye. What happens if you over-under size the shim (shape wise) ?
These are @ 0.044 pinion shim and 0.006 backlash. This attempt was before I realised they were 2 cut gears. Apparently they like more backlash, but I can't find any specs still.

I kept going shallower with the pinion thinking the hard line on the coast side meant I was too deep like with 5 cut gears, but now I am wondering if the 2cut's show a more defined line and that is a shallow pattern on the coast side. I'll make a couple more attempts tomorrow.

Here is 0.042 and 0.012" BL

Here is 0.050 and 0.008BL

I think I need to pull the pinion back out a little and tighten the BL a little. Below is what I am basing the corrections on. It seems a little different the adjusting the 5cut gears.

2cut pattern adjustments.png
Here is 0.046 pinion shim and 0.006BL

Here is 0.044 at 0.008BL


I'm thinking about running with this last one and trying to tighten the BL up to 0.006 what says the great PBB... or IBB?
Instead of starting a new one, I'll add to this. Its a 44 not a 60 but I figure close enough.
How's this look? They are cheap richmond 5.13s.
What causes the line that I circled. I didn't see that in the first couple patterns I pulled.
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