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Screw the NBA

Stop paying them and then we'll see if their heart is really into their convictions.
Pretty much it. Don't want to "work", go without pay.

One could not possibly minimize the situation any further than how they did with this statement.

On Sunday, police shot 29-year-old Jacob Blake, a Black man, in the back multiple times as he was opening the door of a parked car in Kenosha, Wisconsin, with his children in the car. Blake survived the shooting, but is in serious condition.

Just opening the door, minding his own bidness, nothing led up to it, no weapon in the car, no evasive action, just opening the car door and the cops decide to shoot him.
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Stop paying them and then we'll see if their heart is really into their convictions.

So what's odd and along these lines is I keep seeing news articles that Disney is purging (I would say minimizing the messaging) the SJW and Woke agenda's from Star Wars and Marvel films due to fans bailing on the last couple of movies. Apparently there is a saying in the industry of "Get Woke, go broke". If true then it seems that definitely works.
NBA doesn't care what Americans think, China and North Korea are their markets.
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Communists in China and army ants in North Korea care about the kenosha shooting ?

Edit: and yeah, Sluggo, old fellow, being a former moderator and all, ya should have looked and sirched harder. Now you are subject to well deserved abuse and ridicule . . .. :eek:
many of us have been saying this since we were old enough to have an opinion. Same for all pro sports.

From downhill slalom in the winter Olympics to stickball in the streets of the Bronx, you know where to stuff your opinion. :flipoff2:

Why are ppl so up in arms about how much sports suck? Team or other... I don't fkg get it.

wiffle ball - smear the queer - superbowl - thrilla in Manila - it's all the same / nothing but entertainment.

Who doesn't like "competitive games" between competitive athletes. :confused:
From downhill slalom in the winter Olympics to stickball in the streets of the Bronx, you know where to stuff your opinion. :flipoff2:

Why are ppl so up in arms about how much sports suck? Team or other... I don't fkg get it.

wiffle ball - smear the queer - superbowl - thrilla in Manila - it's all the same / nothing but entertainment.

Who doesn't like "competitive games" between competitive athletes. :confused:

trampas, to me it's about the athletes who are paid huge $$$$$$$$$ thinking they're social leaders and what they have to say on anything matters.
I've seen them morph from athletes into cry babies. They can either STFU and do what they're paid to do or go fuck themselves.
I've slowly lost interest in all pro sports as their whining has increased.
We don't like arrogance. Not even Barry Bonds, a super ego if there ever was one, dissed his fans. He never did it. Ali didn't do it. Tiger Woods didn't do it. The Olympic downhill don't do it. These suck ass clowns reek, fucking stink of entitlement. Making old white dude angry couch potatoes out of common mortal humans :laughing:

Edit: you are upsetting {gary} so there is that positive . . . . :lmao:
I'm not up in arms. I don't give a fuck. hence the "shut the whole league down for all I care" agreement.

And I agree with that sentiment. Wholly.

World Cup can suck it. NBA can lick it from behind. Superbowl? Eat my shorts.

Just don't understand the whole idea of giving a ratfuck.
These suck ass clowns reek, fucking stink of entitlement. Making old white dude angry couch potatoes out of common mortal humans :laughing:

Millionaires aside, they're groomed by the buffoons who write their checks to act like role models to the younger athletic generation, who bring the money to the table. Spoiled milk, get over it.
I agree with this thread. I grew up playing ball and watching Jordan, Kobe, Lebron but holy shit I am so done with this bullshit.

I bet there are hundreds of D League players who would gladly go to work in the NBA.
Yeah. I got lost. Couldn't tell if I was in your thread, {gary}'s or the gizim thread.:laughing:
I’ve been done with sports for almost 5 years. To hell with them all.
I’ve been done with sports for almost 5 years. To hell with them all.

My last hold out was the NHL , tonight they postponed games for this political shit show , fuck you Gary Bettman and your fucking league , I'm out , I'm done you have ruined my favorite past time with your appease the :mr-t:'s bullshit. :flipoff2:
Professional sports is racist. Making a bunch of minorities chase a ball around for your viewing pleasure, yall should be ashamed of yourselves. :flipoff2:
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