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bordering on illiterate
May 19, 2020
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I heard a conservative law professor claim that the Supreme Court rulings this week will cost Trump the election.

His rational was, Supreme Court appointments were many peoples number one reason for voting for the Republican candidate. They may not have liked Trump as a candidate, but they were unwilling to let the Judge picks to go to Hillary.

With the court ruling on civil rights protection for LGTBQ, and now DACA, that he has failed to provide a conservative court.

Will it matter enough to shift the election?

Keep in mind that Trump did not win the popular vote.

Trump won Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania to win. Out of those he won by 110,000 votes TOTAL between the 3 states. It wasn't a land slide.

If they flip Texas, Florida, Or any one of a number of states, Creepy Uncle Joe will be the man.

(And BETO told us a lot about Texas if we are honest enough to listen)
The fact that a supposed Conservitive judge flipped and voted with the liberals is nothing new. It something in the air or water
Trump won Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania to win. Out of those he won by 110,000 votes TOTAL between the 3 states. It wasn't a land slide.

If they flip Texas, Florida, Or any one of a number of states, Creepy Uncle Joe will be the man.

(And BETO told us a lot about Texas if we are honest enough to listen)

You're 100% right. I just don't see how Trump will pull off a victory considering how close those states were and how the country's mood has shifted. The suburban women seem to have abandoned him. Even as someone that voted for him I get tired of his near constant buffoonery and inability to do much more than bluster. He's become that crazy parent that no one listens to anymore.

All I can hope for is that the Senate remains GOP and even that is in doubt.

Will there be a reaction from the moderates because of all the lawlessness we're seeing right now? Will the "silent majority" speak up? I hope so but who the hell knows?
SCOTUS ruling on DACA made zero legal sense. SCOTUS is broken.

I've said it before, but Supreme court is only right because they are last. They are not last because they are right.
Been saying that since the Texas election. Beto almost won. Let that sink in. I've been noticing a lot of liberal shift here, obviously we left the border open way too long to yankees and Californians. Texas will turn blue soon. When Texas turns blue, the balance shifts and we're lost. The progressives played a long game starting with Wilson and the conservatives and libertarians have been happy with the scraps and fighting little battles. The war is almost over and we didn't even know we were in one. Will Trump win? Maybe, maybe not. But this was has already been won by the progressive movement. All that's left is to mark the date.
Trump twatting out about how the military needs to crush protests is not helping his standing with the moderates.

And of course the Bolton book, ooooh-weeee, if even 1/10 of that is true he's fucked. We get to add "first clinically senile president" to the list of democrat accomplishments.

Riddle me this: why should kids be liable for the actions of their parents? DACA doesn't give them automatic citizenship either.

From a legal standpoint, being here illegally doesn’t have a age limitation. There is no legal protection for them aside from an executive order.

what’s legally right and what you might think is morally right don’t and won’t always agree.
Been saying that since the Texas election. Beto almost won. Let that sink in. I've been noticing a lot of liberal shift here, obviously we left the border open way too long to yankees and Californians. Texas will turn blue soon. When Texas turns blue, the balance shifts and we're lost. The progressives played a long game starting with Wilson and the conservatives and libertarians have been happy with the scraps and fighting little battles. The war is almost over and we didn't even know we were in one. Will Trump win? Maybe, maybe not. But this was has already been won by the progressive movement. All that's left is to mark the date.

Texas isn't some Republican strong hold. Texas has had 4 Republican governors, well 5 if you count Elisha Pease in the late 1860's who I believe was appointed, not elected. That's it!
That was the whole argument with the supreme court. And most of them agree that maybe deporting people who were dragged here as kids is a bit of an asshole move.

Doing the right thing morally is not the job of SCOTUS, applying the constitution to laws is the job of SCOTUS. See the difference?
And where in the constitution does it say that the feds shall hold children liable for the actions of their parents?

You did not answer my question. Where exactly in the constitution is there a law that allows minors to immigrate outside of our normal immigration laws?

Clue - no where. And SCOTUS can not make laws .
SCOTUS seems to have stepped away from "this law, as written, is unconstitutional" to "we're going to amend the law with an opinion."
That's not how the constitution works. It was meant as an inclusive list of the powers of the feds and a partial list of state powers, with anything unmentioned in the document being reserved for the states.


What does that have to do with the question...
I heard a conservative law professor claim that the Supreme Court rulings this week will cost Trump the election.

His rational was, Supreme Court appointments were many peoples number one reason for voting for the Republican candidate. They may not have liked Trump as a candidate, but they were unwilling to let the Judge picks to go to Hillary.

With the court ruling on civil rights protection for LGTBQ, and now DACA, that he has failed to provide a conservative court.

Will it matter enough to shift the election?

Keep in mind that Trump did not win the popular vote.

Trump won Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania to win. Out of those he won by 110,000 votes TOTAL between the 3 states. It wasn't a land slide.

If they flip Texas, Florida, Or any one of a number of states, Creepy Uncle Joe will be the man.

(And BETO told us a lot about Texas if we are honest enough to listen)

Maybe, just maybe the justices ruled on the law instead of on "ideology". After all that's what they're supposed to do.
They are talking about the DACA decision today. Keep up! :flipoff2:

I think Roberts likes being the swing vote a little too much for my tastes.

You're the one that needs to keep up. Grumpy specifically mentioned the ruling on civil rights protection for LGTBQ.
SCOTUS ruling on DACA made zero legal sense. SCOTUS is broken.

Do you know the "liberals said the exact same thing you just did about D.C. v Heller & Chicago v McDonald ? This is why I disregard all comments like yours.
SCOTUS isn't here to make rulings "you" agree with. Making rulings you dislike does not mean SCOTUS is broken. All it means is you're having a hissy fit about the ruling.
You did not answer my question. Where exactly in the constitution is there a law that allows minors to immigrate outside of our normal immigration laws?

Clue - no where. And SCOTUS can not make laws .

I used that "where in the constitution" B.S. in a recent post, just as a way to point out that that argument is total bullshit. Something does not have to be specifically mentioned. Try reading the 9th amendment sometime.
You're the one that needs to keep up. Grumpy specifically mentioned the ruling on civil rights protection for LGTBQ.

The LBGT+ ruling is sooo last week. :flipoff2: Honestly I missed that in my first read and only saw DACA. Probably because I had just read an article on the DACA ruling.
People who think about the court as "conservative" or "liberal" are idiots that have been brainwashed by the two-party system. I want a court that will interpret the Constitution (and law) as written. We need one or two more Libertarian-leaning justices.
If conservatives in DC threw better parties the court would go to them not the liberals who have a better source for party supplies
People who think about the court as "conservative" or "liberal" are idiots that have been brainwashed by the two-party system. I want a court that will interpret the Constitution (and law) as written. We need one or two more Libertarian-leaning justices.

Someone who gets it. :bounce2:
People who think about the court as "conservative" or "liberal" are idiots that have been brainwashed by the two-party system. I want a court that will interpret the Constitution (and law) as written. We need one or two more Libertarian-leaning justices.

Agreed. I assumed (correctly) the 2 rulings that came today and they should not have been a surprise to anyone.

The issue with Trump on DACA is they din't have any good reason to end it. Law say it can't be aributary, or cause I don't like that so I'm gonna stop it. Seems like they could have made a good case and legit reasons to end it but chose not to. There are so many conditions with laws anymore it's insane and what trips nearly everyone up. You have to be exact in the letter of the law and what it requires.

Not I don't agree with it.
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Agreed. I assumed (correctly) the 2 rulings that came today and they should not have been a surprise to anyone.

The issue with Trump on DACA is they din't have any good reason to end it. Law say it can't be aributary, or cause I don't like that so I'm gonna stop it. Seems like they could have made a good case and legit reasons to end it but chose not to. There are so many conditions with laws anymore it's insane and what trips nearly everyone up. You have to be exact in the letter of the law and what it requires.

Not I don't agree with it.

I thought you where smarter than this, First of all it's not a " LAW " it's an EO end around congress by the Obolo regime , second of all Chief Justice Roberts is a piece of shit.

Roberts is a activist judge who legislates from the bench , should be impeached IMO , fuck him.
Agreed. I assumed (correctly) the 2 rulings that came today and they should not have been a surprise to anyone.

The issue with Trump on DACA is they din't have any good reason to end it. Law say it can't be aributary, or cause I don't like that so I'm gonna stop it. Seems like they could have made a good case and legit reasons to end it but chose not to. There are so many conditions with laws anymore it's insane and what trips nearly everyone up. You have to be exact in the letter of the law and what it requires.

Not I don't agree with it.

Uh... didn't have a good reason to end an EO that had a sunset date and violated current law?

so confusing.
I thought you where smarter than this, First of all it's not a " LAW " it's an EO end around congress by the Obolo regime , second of all Chief Justice Roberts is a piece of shit.

Roberts is a activist judge who legislates from the bench , should be impeached IMO , fuck him.

This is what seems pretty clear to me:

“We do not decide whether DACA or its rescission are sound policies,” the chief justice wrote. “We address only whether the agency complied with the procedural requirement that it provide a reasoned explanation for its action.”

After contentious debates among his aides, Mr. Trump announced in September 2017 that he would wind down the program. He gave only a single reason for doing so, saying that creating or maintaining the program was beyond the legal power of any president.

But the justifications the government gave, Chief Justice Roberts wrote, were insufficient. He said the administration may try again to provide adequate reasons for shutting down the program.

The colored is what trips everyone up. It needs to be followed to the letter or it will get tossed or ruled against in court.

As for an EO vs Law, they are very similar either is valid until Congress changes or passes a new law or it's removed by the court. Anyone's feeling about the EO or law is not legal justification for it not being valid.
This is what seems pretty clear to me:

The colored is what trips everyone up. It needs to be followed to the letter or it will get tossed or ruled against in court.

As for an EO vs Law, they are very similar either is valid until Congress changes or passes a new law or it's removed by the court. Anyone's feeling about the EO or law is not legal justification for it not being valid.

EO's only apply to federal agencies, no?
Uh... didn't have a good reason to end an EO that had a sunset date and violated current law?

so confusing.

Sounds like Trump didn't state either of those when he ended it. The reason's he gave did not meet what the court said was required.

Also they said he could re-try with better language/reasoning that would meet the requirements he if he so feels. Reads as though he and his team got lazy and decide to do a hail mary rather then put forth an effort to follow the requirements.
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