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RIP Kentucky

I have totally flipped on that. I think Opioids meth, and coke need to be stamped out and tightly controlled. MJ, Psychs like LSD and shrooms, legal. Opioids and coke re-wire your brain. >50% of this country doesn't have a solid family background to prevent them from slipping into addiction when their brains are not finished (<25 years of age).

Airstrikes on the cartels. Life in prison for higher-up drug dealers, no parole, make them grow their own food. Increase the police force 5x in inner-city neighborhoods, and load the paddywagons every single night with street dealers and throw them on the farm for 15 years minimum.

I can't hardly believe that I've switched to Judge Dredd on this but I have. Full out Robocop those hard drug motherfuckers.

I should, however, be able to go down to the local pharmacy and ask for a tab of LSD over the counter. Shrooms and LSD should be part of the separation process for our combat veterans. We should have our taxes raised 1%, income and corporate, to provide a 1 year separation/de-compression process for our Vets.

Edit: even non-combat. The shit I went through when I got a divorce while showing up for underways in the Navy, nobody should have to go through that. There's 'unfair' and then there's that. Military duty is arduous, a 1 year de-comp on the taxpayer's dime should be part of the package.

So keep doing the same shit that hasn't been working, ground breaking...
Ah, see the documentary said nothing about her being fired from that job. that is the kind of lop sided reporting that causes these peaceful protests. they made her out to be trying to better herself...blah blah blah.

Another point is the "witnesses" disagreeing on whether the cops knocked/announced or not. Surely the cops and da haven't ever persuaded a witness to say something just outside of the truth, just to avoid that petty theft charge or petty maryjane charge, have they? Again, eliminate the lust-full desire of the leo to go after all that free money and this issue ends. Hell on the radio this morning I heard of a dope bust that netted 6 million in drugs, cash and property. Tell me that's not why this is still going on. Kind of like the masks, this isnt about health, its about control.

thanks for the video, I will watch as soon as I have a minute,.

I fully agree on the cops/witness/DA and the announce or not stuff, but the reality of the situation was that they had a valid no knock and no legal requirement to announce. It is amazing the BF wasn't charged, according to his own statement, he could EASILY have murdered a neighbor that was drunk as shit and trying a key in the wrong door. his words "we heard something rattle around on the door, breonna yelled 'who dat' and i fired a shot through the door"

the other silly thing is that the "main guy" was busted on a no knock where they didn't knock, just blasted the door down and snagged up several people with guns and drugs. So in the cops thinking taylor was "alone" and "less a threat" they did give a knock, and it resulted in her death. a legit no knock blast in there, while i disagree with it, would have resulted in them scooping her up without incident. They had enough notice to get out of bed, toss on some shirts, grab the gun and yell at the door.

but yeah, the war on drugs needs to end and the BS narratives push these peaceful protests
Getting pretty tired of all the black lives matter bullshit. I hope some kyles show up and thin out the herd a little bit.
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I have seen this a few times on the FB - yes the Engrish is bad as fuck but look at what we are up against.

I see that is a police uniform not a EMT so this might be for someone else, I can't tell and there is no context ever given.
the Breonna Taylor "memorial" in KY has a big "breonna was asleep" sign and a "capitalism is killing us" sign.

That is what we are up against! fucking lies, ignorance, blind adherence and extremism justifying violence.
I think four year service ex military should have all Healthcare paid for the rest of their lives (unless you saw combat in a 2 year service) Even if non- combat. Joining the military is the biggest sacrifice and commitment a person can make in this country, and we should honor every single one of them for the rest of their lives.
This hits home with me. My father went 3 tours in nam, to come back and be called a baby killer. The shit he saw, the shit he went through, the friends that died in his arms caused major ptsd for him. It was not an easy childhood for me to say the least. He definitely needed help n but couldn't get it. Now they the va he has full medical and 100% disability. He's 70 this year, and shouldn't have had to wait this long for help. This country literally abandoned our combat heroes from nam and its disgusting.

ramble follows....

Maybe the best thing that GenX has done, other than the idiots in Portland and the Henry Rollins worshippers, is to hold up respect for our Vietnam Vets. The Vets stood up for themselves first, and people like our families did it because of the Baby Killer bullshit. IMO that made the 1980s conservative.

You don't see too many faggots bagging on the military these days, although they're trying to start again because of Chinese and Russian influence.

All of my family except my step-dad and his brother went to Vietnam. My Uncle was too old and had already gotten out of the Navy in '66 or so, my dad was too short and 'fat' (it was all muscle back then). My bio-dad joined the Army and got sent to Germany. My other Uncle was a Silver Star Marine. All of our other family and friends we hunted and fished with were in Vietnam. Most of the dads of the kids I went to school with.

So I grew up hearing about Vietnam, and I know that my cousins and friends whose dads went didn't. Didn't get mentioned in the house until maybe the late 1980s. My own personality is definitely formed on the fact that watching TV, Vietnam would get mentioned and my parents would grumble and talk about how bullshit the treatment of the Vets was. Gee, why is Evernoob so distrustful of the media and government, even though he was in the actual Navy?

I was always hard on myself about my short 6 years. I rode around on a boat and ate 4 hot meals a day, so much steak and lobster I got sick of it, had hot showers that mostly did not reek of lube oil and DFM. My space was A/C and so cold that I wore foul-weather jackets and a watch cap in Florida in summer. (that used to piss the snipes off when I showed up for chow that way). My tour was probably the safest period to be in the Navy since the 1920s. Didn't have to go to Desert Storm. The only time I carried a loaded firearm on duty was about 40 minute transferring 1,000 kilos of cocaine to Rosey Roads. I mean, I carried a gun every time POOW in port, and guarding Cartel prisoners, but not loaded.

But I also put up with a lot of shit for a 19 year old kid and now I look back on it, I'm sort of amazed I didn't just bow out. Look at my personality: I am a person that does not belong in the military. But I toughed that shit out and my stuff worked and worked good, and it's probably why I didn't get into more trouble. 2 primary duties. Several secondaries. I'm glad I was in and I'm glad I experienced a lot of stuff that I did, but I paid a fairly severe personal price over that. Not going into details but everyone that did peacetime service knows what i'm talking about.

Plus you hold yourself up to an impossible standard. WWII were the vets that we were looking up to, I guess we kind of ignored the fact that a good 10% of Vietnam Vets were completely ruined by their experience and treatment when they came home. But WWII vets did what they wanted and got away with anything. They drank their sorrows away and nobody fucked with them.

As fewer and fewer people serve in the military and see combat, we have to stick up for them because it's not like the late 1940s when the idea of calling a WWII vet a baby killer would get your teeth knocked down your throat and no DA would touch that assault.

So my reverence for Combat Vets is that much more, b/c I know what i put up with and we had literally just defeated the Soviet Union and were the world's undisputed Superpower that wiped out the world's 4th largest military in 2 weeks. I didn't have to sleep with camel spiders, burn shit, or dig latrines so that the ladies could show up and play Soldier Girl.

Sit in a fucking jungle with ball rot. Come home and have some rich faggot spit in your face, it's a wonder more hippies didn't get offed. Honestly, it's fortunate for the faggots that the best people usually end up in the military, and it teaches self-control. Then the US took in loads of Boat People from Vietnam, kids I went to school with, and now rich white kids are saying the US is the worst most racist nation on Earth.

I don't think these media people and Tech overlords and politicians understand what they're dealing with.
by all means, read the super long link from the tatum report earlier. it establishes timelines and pictures and phone records and all kinds of shit

I don't care if all of her shit is true, No knocks are bullshit and don't give them the right to murder someone. They killed an unarmed woman by shooting her 6-7 times and never shot the guy with a gun. WTF
I don't care if all of her shit is true, No knocks are bullshit and don't give them the right to murder someone. They killed an unarmed woman by shooting her 6-7 times and never shot the guy with a gun. WTF

alright, except they did knock, so even if it weren't a no knock warrant, and they knocked, because they did, she'd still be dead because her BF shot the cops and blamed it on her.

regardless, that was all settled with the passing of "breonnas law" and for the last 100 days, the protests have been even more baseless.
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