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Relocating to a new state purity test

the problem is when people switch life modes but don't switch mindset. When urban, suburban people move to the country and don't shift or when rural people move to suburbia and expect it to operate like rural.

That is the bigger problem.

When people don't take a bit to get the lay of the land before they start trying to transform it (unwittingly) back to where they came from. These are natural instincts, but they cause all the problems.

I think the test should be something like 'you realize how you are changing your life and your families life too, right?' and point out what they'll have to do to make it work.

I think there's also a component of "why are you moving to x,y,z?" that never gets answered. Most of the time, people seem to be moving away. Hence, they are not emotionally attached to the new locations cultures, history, etc....

We moved TO TN... now most people moving here are doing to get AWAY FROM IL, CA, NY
Texas isn’t a free as it used to be. We are being eaten alive by property taxes and lots of failing infrastructure. Most mismanagement is at the local level and the fix is always more taxes and fees.

look at your income and run any one of the calculators or even TurboTax and see what state gives you the best buying power for your money. If you have kids factor that in. We pay nearly what it costs for cheap private school in taxes and won’t use the public school system because it sucks so hard. Literally our pyramid is a 2/10 average and it’s the second best in the district.
I think there's also a component of "why are you moving to x,y,z?" that never gets answered. Most of the time, people seem to be moving away. Hence, they are not emotionally attached to the new locations cultures, history, etc....

We moved TO TN... now most people moving here are doing to get AWAY FROM IL, CA, NY

That's true as well. I was offered a job in NC, first time I ever set foot in the town I moved to was 2 days before my report for work. I am in the "fuck illinois get me away camp" and don't have any attachment to NC, but it's a far more interesting place than IL. I have went into it open minded and as a fresh start so to speak. I mainly started this thread to get the perspectives of the people where you are moving to and comments and generalizations in the other thread got me thinking.

I do miss the food though, when I ask what's native to the area I get "we have a cook out and bojangles" :facepalm:

That's true as well. I was offered a job in NC, first time I ever set foot in the town I moved to was 2 days before my report for work. I am in the "fuck illinois get me away camp" and don't have any attachment to NC, but it's a far more interesting place than IL. I have went into it open minded and as a fresh start so to speak. I mainly started this thread to get the perspectives of the people where you are moving to and comments and generalizations in the other thread got me thinking.

I do miss the food though, when I ask what's native to the area I get "we have a cook out and bojangles" :facepalm:


that’s another reason we choose Maine. The food!! Seafood galore which I love. Lobsters can be bought right off the boat for $3 a lb. clams, mussels, fish, etc. apparently Maine is also known for Blueberries and produces something like 98% of the US supply. I am looking forward to sampling another Maine food staple, fiddlehead ferns. Apparently they are very popular there. Also the game animals. Deer, Moose, bear, turkey, etc.

the bottom line is we looked at a lot of states, Maine won out by speaking to us with their culture, foods, festivals (lobster festival, pirate festival, Highland games, etc) and over all culture. We are looking forward to assimilating in and becoming Mainahs!
Pee in their butts?

I don't even want to get that close to them. They're old and I will just assume they moved to be closer to grandkids. I live as far back in the woods as I could afford at the time when I bought my house. I'm "that guy".
It goes deeper than ideology and voting patterns.

Blue state filth have grown accustomed to the realities of a state run by other blue state filth. The crime, the corruption, etc. Their judgement as to what constitutes "normal" on all sorts of issues is fucked up and therefore these people cannot be relied upon to see and push back if the transition begins occurring in their new state. Regardless of whether they are good people or not they are carrying an ideological pathogen.

I wish it was as simple as good people are welcome and bad people aren't but unfortunately you can't really tell who's who.
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Some sort of skills based assessment. Like can you mount a tire on a wheel with a tire iron and get it back on the truck in under 20 minutes, then maybe you have to jog over to the rifle range, do 10 push ups and hit a target at 100 yards, all while some drill sargent is yelling at you the whole time. After that they march you into a room where you have to pass a elementary level us history and economics exam with slayer playing at volume 11. If you cry or seem even a little bit stressed or annoyed during any of this, you're out. Adapt and modify this proposal where needed.

Women, just send a picture in with your application, we'll let ya know.

You've basically described how society functions in general.
It seems like NY State is gradually getting way too liberal every year. Inequalities like education, affordable housing, economic opportunities, balancing criminal justice. Also the friggen "overtax" on residents is making the young, old & retired move to greener pastures. The ****o gov is bringing a bad taste/disdain in our mouths.

I cannot vouch for this but it seems more Americans are Independents & they realize our problems aren't being solved by the Dem + Rep parties... Don't forget the trust is going downhill fast. I can guess moving to another state can improve?

...known for Blueberries and produces something like 98% of the US supply.

Don't forget cranberries & bloodworms. I dunno if you heard but Somalians are moving to your beloved state & becoming Mainiacs-
that’s another reason we choose Maine. The food!! Seafood galore which I love. Lobsters can be bought right off the boat for $3 a lb. clams, mussels, fish, etc. apparently Maine is also known for Blueberries and produces something like 98% of the US supply. I am looking forward to sampling another Maine food staple, fiddlehead ferns. Apparently they are very popular there. Also the game animals. Deer, Moose, bear, turkey, etc.

the bottom line is we looked at a lot of states, Maine won out by speaking to us with their culture, foods, festivals (lobster festival, pirate festival, Highland games, etc) and over all culture. We are looking forward to assimilating in and becoming Mainahs!

I've thought about Maine a million times but it seems downeast Yankees are the stodgiest motherfuckers in the country.
It seems like NY State is gradually getting way too liberal every year. Inequalities like education, affordable housing, economic opportunities, balancing criminal justice. Also the friggen "overtax" on residents is making the young, old & retired move to greener pastures. The ****o gov is bringing a bad taste/disdain in our mouths.

I cannot vouch for this but it seems more Americans are Independents & they realize our problems aren't being solved by the Dem + Rep parties... Don't forget the trust is going downhill fast. I can guess moving to another state can improve?

Don't forget cranberries & bloodworms. I dunno if you heard but Somalians are moving to your beloved state & becoming Mainiacs-

I’ve seen mention of the refugees. From what I’ve read they are concentrated in the Portland area which is a fair ways south of where we are going. Down by the NH border.

I thought Cranberries were more a Massachusetts thing to be honest. Didn’t know they were cultivated in Maine as well. Call that another bonus. I’m also hoping our new property has some maple trees on it so I can make my own syrup again. Haven’t done that since I was a kid. I do know it has a blueberry patch on it already. Planning to plant some blackberry and raspberry bushes as well. Also thinking of turning one of the larger field areas into an apple orchard for a pick your own side business and maybe do a pumpkin patch in another field section for the same reason. Ideally I want to just get a part time 3 or 4 day a week gig when we get there so I have time for the family and to work the property.
Sounds good, /thread... Hopefully a farm tax break applies also-

There are a few I should be able to get. After 1 year there is a homestead break I can apply for, Maine has a tree growth break that needs a management plan attached that I need to look into further, and Maine does have a farmland break as well for active farms which I guess we would be if I follow thru on those plans.
There are a few I should be able to get. After 1 year there is a homestead break I can apply for, Maine has a tree growth break that needs a management plan attached that I need to look into further, and Maine does have a farmland break as well for active farms which I guess we would be if I follow thru on those plans.

What are the taxes on the new place? We found some land in jonesport that seems nice. The tax rate is high in Maine, but seems countered by lower property values. The tree growth program is sketchy and will hurt resale, if it's not a big difference I would stay away from that one.
What are the taxes on the new place? We found some land in jonesport that seems nice. The tax rate is high in Maine, but seems countered by lower property values. The tree growth program is sketchy and will hurt resale, if it's not a big difference I would stay away from that one.

It’s hard to get an accurate picture right now of what our taxes will be on the property. The current owner not only had the homestead and tree growth exemptions on the property, but he has more land that he is holding onto so he was paying the current taxes on record on a full 60 acres with those two discounts. We will be paying on the 26 acres purchased without the exemptions at first. The homestead one requires you to live there for a year before you can get it. The records on Zillow showed about 6k paid last year and a bit less the year before. On a bit less than half the acreage I’m guessing it will be lower than that for us.

we only found out about the additional 34 acres thru some of the documentation sent along with the paperwork. I have asked our agent to let the seller know that if he ever decides to sell those additional acres I would like the first right of refusal to purchase them. It’s way more than we really need or want, but it would complete the property and guarantee a huge buffer around us that won’t be built on down the line.
It’s hard to get an accurate picture right now of what our taxes will be on the property. The current owner not only had the homestead and tree growth exemptions on the property, but he has more land that he is holding onto so he was paying the current taxes on record on a full 60 acres with those two discounts. We will be paying on the 26 acres purchased without the exemptions at first. The homestead one requires you to live there for a year before you can get it. The records on Zillow showed about 6k paid last year and a bit less the year before. On a bit less than half the acreage I’m guessing it will be lower than that for us.

we only found out about the additional 34 acres thru some of the documentation sent along with the paperwork. I have asked our agent to let the seller know that if he ever decides to sell those additional acres I would like the first right of refusal to purchase them. It’s way more than we really need or want, but it would complete the property and guarantee a huge buffer around us that won’t be built on down the line.

:smokin:Yeah 60 acres isn't a bad spread. Tons of room for activities. We're on 40 and it's pretty damn nice
I think there's also a component of "why are you moving to x,y,z?" that never gets answered. Most of the time, people seem to be moving away. Hence, they are not emotionally attached to the new locations cultures, history, etc....

We moved TO TN... now most people moving here are doing to get AWAY FROM IL, CA, NY

That is a great point. For me, all of my moves, like yours, were to a place I REALLY wanted to be.

My bet is that most people who want away from a place, if the place was a person, they'd probably want rid of them too.

btw, my grandma is from Lenoir City. The rest of my extended family is from Alabama, I went to school in Virginia (go tribe!) and lived in Kentucky for 5 years and Tn 2 (sewanee) and LOVED that whole region. I totally 'get' why it would be a great place to live.
That is a great point. For me, all of my moves, like yours, were to a place I REALLY wanted to be.

My bet is that most people who want away from a place, if the place was a person, they'd probably want rid of them too.

btw, my grandma is from Lenoir City. The rest of my extended family is from Alabama, I went to school in Virginia (go tribe!) and lived in Kentucky for 5 years and Tn 2 (sewanee) and LOVED that whole region. I totally 'get' why it would be a great place to live.

So how did you end up a raging leftist?

btw - the only place I’ve ever received a ticket is in Lenoir City. Both thrown out as BS but still cost me a full day of driving, sitting in court and acting polite.:mad3:
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The records on Zillow showed about 6k paid last year and a bit less the year before.

:eek: $6k in property taxes? Does Maine have state income taxes (too lazy to look). Guess I need to quit bitching about paying $2k for my 25 acres... wow
#1. Is you need to support the place for what it IS, and not try to change it. Untold people (lots from California) moved into new high rise condos in downtown Austin because it was “cool”. They quickly became annoyed with live music being played every night and BBQ smoke blowing into their windows, and started lobbying to shut it down. No shit, the two most defining characteristics of the city, and what draws people there.

#2. Is voting/political views. The top 1% of conservatives in California are probably left of center in Alabama, they just don’t have any idea. Leave that shit behind, it hasn’t worked.

This also carries over to local “traditions/ways of doing things.” Something like a 200 acre wooded city park that isn’t “off leash” for dogs, but has been accepted as one for 10 years. It is expected that if you have your dog off the leash, you’ve trained it, socialized if, and can maintain control of it. Some new millennial couple from CA that just bought their first dog, a 10 month old husky that’s a loaded gun lets it off the leash because they see other dogs “having fun.” It tears ass all over the place, doesn’t listen to them, and ends up biting another dog. “Karen”, (also recently moved there from CA), sees it happen and calls the cops, because she is afraid of dogs, and doesn’t want to use the other 10 city parks that are the same but most people don’t let dogs off there. She informs them that there is a “leash law” posted, and they need to come enforce it. So they do, for everyone.

Same deal with a park along the river that you aren’t supposed to have alcohol at, however most of the people there keep a 6 pack in the cooler and are hanging out relaxing. Cops roll by and as long as nobody is staggering around, underage, or naked, they let them be. Cali boys roll up with a few 30 packs, start shotgunning them, blasting music, swearing, and “bro-shove-fighting”, cops crack down on having a beer there.

#3. Is something that isn’t necessarily their “fault” by choice, it just happens. When they left a place where $750,000 bought you a shit hole condo and moved somewhere that market price is $275,000 for a reasonable 3/2 house, who cares if it turns into a bidding war and they end up paying $300k for it? Burr is happy, seller is happy, win/win. As this continues to happen, property values start shooting up, which is cool until rents start jumping 30%, so people have to move out. Those who have been saving up to buy a house can’t afford to any more, and grandpa’s property taxes go through the roof so his social security won’t cover them anymore on his paid for house.

That ones not specific to people from CA or NY obviously, but folks relocating from Kansas or Tennessee for work generally don’t have the same leverage.
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I didn't grow up in Az.. I grew up in Long Beach, Ca.- Born in Harbor City, Los Angeles. And I didn't move here until I was 28 or so. At the time I wanted a rural area to relocate with freedoms that Ca. had destroyed and space to roam. When I moved here I ASSIMILATED to my surroundings and didn't retain the bs that I left from. That's it. I wasn't a hunter, but I learned pretty quick. I had no idea what ranches were really about, but I learned fast and respected the lifestyle (close the fawking gates). Beyond that, my attitude already reflected that of a the rural mindset. I fit in well...made many friends over the years and know the terrain.

You want to know what the most annoying sound in the world is? "Hi, we just moved here from California". You know why? Because most of the asshats aren't going to come in with the attitude of settling in and assimilating. h no, they want to fawk the place up and make it like the shithole they left. It's apparent, and annoying.

EDIT: That isn't to say I haven't met a bunch of "native" zonies that aren't liberal twats either. There are plenty. BUT, if you choose to move to the mountains in a rural area, then do NOT bitch about a tractor on the highway, cows in the field across from your awesome new real estate purchase, leave trash in the woods where my kids play, bitch about the snow, cry about the redneck that almost put you in the ditch because you didn't bother to shop BEFORE the storm, raid all the shelves at the store to hoard food for a 3" snowfall... etc. and etc...

Holly Shit! Harbor City is also where I was born, and lived circa 1953. Left California in 71 to join the Navy; now settled in Utah living in my "parents basement". Man do I know how fucked up California and New Jersey are!
I ended up in Oklahoma City because of the military. I hated it there specifically and city in general. I never once considered trying to change my environment into what I missed, I just made plans to get the fuck back to where I wanted to be.

I'd like the same for the assholes that move into my neck of the woods now. You don'[t like my target practice on Saturday mornings? Quit bitching on nextdoor and start a search on zillow you whiny ****. I'm sure Boston would welcome your silly ass back. You don't like that I park my tractor in my front yard? No problem Houston bitch walk your chihuahua back across texas. We are starting to see CA flight here too, but not in my particular little slice of heaven.
that’s another reason we choose Maine. The food!! Seafood galore which I love. Lobsters can be bought right off the boat for $3 a lb. clams, mussels, fish, etc. apparently Maine is also known for Blueberries and produces something like 98% of the US supply. I am looking forward to sampling another Maine food staple, fiddlehead ferns. Apparently they are very popular there. Also the game animals. Deer, Moose, bear, turkey, etc.

the bottom line is we looked at a lot of states, Maine won out by speaking to us with their culture, foods, festivals (lobster festival, pirate festival, Highland games, etc) and over all culture. We are looking forward to assimilating in and becoming Mainahs!

A blue crab does not taste as good as a Dungeness, don't let those locals up there fool you.
:eek: $6k in property taxes? Does Maine have state income taxes (too lazy to look). Guess I need to quit bitching about paying $2k for my 25 acres... wow

Know what’s worse? My current property taxes on my 1/8 acre suburban lot in CA is just shy of 5k.

Maine does have income and sales tax, however the rates are lower than they are in CA. So the overall tax burden for us will be quite a bit lower. And again that 6k was on the full 60 acre parcel. We purchased a little less than half that so it should be lower. Probably about on par with what we are paying here now.
Know what’s worse? My current property taxes on my 1/8 acre suburban lot in CA is just shy of 5k.

Maine does have income and sales tax, however the rates are lower than they are in CA. So the overall tax burden for us will be quite a bit lower. And again that 6k was on the full 60 acre parcel. We purchased a little less than half that so it should be lower. Probably about on par with what we are paying here now.

see if Maine has any sort of Ag/forestry exemption for property taxes... may be able to lower it more.
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