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Relocating to a new state purity test


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May 28, 2020
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Hickory, NC
Figured I wouldnt crap up the maine mortgage thread, but what's the moving to a new state purity test? See some people saying people are fucked in the head based purely off where they were shat out of thier mom's vag, so what's the thought criteria for deeming one acceptable to move to a "free" state from one that sucks?
Some sort of skills based assessment. Like can you mount a tire on a wheel with a tire iron and get it back on the truck in under 20 minutes, then maybe you have to jog over to the rifle range, do 10 push ups and hit a target at 100 yards, all while some drill sargent is yelling at you the whole time. After that they march you into a room where you have to pass a elementary level us history and economics exam with slayer playing at volume 11. If you cry or seem even a little bit stressed or annoyed during any of this, you're out. Adapt and modify this proposal where needed.

Women, just send a picture in with your application, we'll let ya know.
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While no one will want to move to kansas, I am ok with this test being put in place to live here. All of the above is fine with me. If they can require a kung flu shot to get in to jersey, we can require you not be a liberal to get in here.
I didn't grow up in Az.. I grew up in Long Beach, Ca.- Born in Harbor City, Los Angeles. And I didn't move here until I was 28 or so. At the time I wanted a rural area to relocate with freedoms that Ca. had destroyed and space to roam. When I moved here I ASSIMILATED to my surroundings and didn't retain the bs that I left from. That's it. I wasn't a hunter, but I learned pretty quick. I had no idea what ranches were really about, but I learned fast and respected the lifestyle (close the fawking gates). Beyond that, my attitude already reflected that of a the rural mindset. I fit in well...made many friends over the years and know the terrain.

You want to know what the most annoying sound in the world is? "Hi, we just moved here from California". You know why? Because most of the asshats aren't going to come in with the attitude of settling in and assimilating. h no, they want to fawk the place up and make it like the shithole they left. It's apparent, and annoying.

EDIT: That isn't to say I haven't met a bunch of "native" zonies that aren't liberal twats either. There are plenty. BUT, if you choose to move to the mountains in a rural area, then do NOT bitch about a tractor on the highway, cows in the field across from your awesome new real estate purchase, leave trash in the woods where my kids play, bitch about the snow, cry about the redneck that almost put you in the ditch because you didn't bother to shop BEFORE the storm, raid all the shelves at the store to hoard food for a 3" snowfall... etc. and etc...
You want to know what the most annoying sound in the world is? "Hi, we just moved here from California". You know why? Because most of the asshats aren't going to come in with the attitude of settling in and assimilating. h no, they want to fawk the place up and make it like the shithole they left. It's apparent, and annoying.

I have an asshat for a neighbor who moved from CA. Absolute fucking tool and I wish he and his wife would go back.
I have an asshat for a neighbor who moved from CA. Absolute fucking tool and I wish he and his wife would go back.

I lean pretty far conservative in my values and thinking. And I get not wanting to have some bozo from Cali move next to you. Most times I give the benefit of the doubt because many of the refugees are actually somewhat conservative and hate the place for what it has become (It wasn't a blue, democrat destroyed shithole when I grew up there in the 70's/ 80's). The second they start in with the bitching and complaining about "How this place is", then it's game on... My response is "Why the fuck did you move here then"? "LEAVE". The conversation goes only one of two directions from there. :laughing:
I didn't grow up in Az.. I grew up in Long Beach, Ca.- Born in Harbor City, Los Angeles. And I didn't move here until I was 28 or so. At the time I wanted a rural area to relocate with freedoms that Ca. had destroyed and space to roam. When I moved here I ASSIMILATED to my surroundings and didn't retain the bs that I left from. That's it. I wasn't a hunter, but I learned pretty quick. I had no idea what ranches were really about, but I learned fast and respected the lifestyle (close the fawking gates). Beyond that, my attitude already reflected that of a the rural mindset. I fit in well...made many friends over the years and know the terrain.

You want to know what the most annoying sound in the world is? "Hi, we just moved here from California". You know why? Because most of the asshats aren't going to come in with the attitude of settling in and assimilating. h no, they want to fawk the place up and make it like the shithole they left. It's apparent, and annoying.

EDIT: That isn't to say I haven't met a bunch of "native" zonies that aren't liberal twats either. There are plenty. BUT, if you choose to move to the mountains in a rural area, then do NOT bitch about a tractor on the highway, cows in the field across from your awesome new real estate purchase, leave trash in the woods where my kids play, bitch about the snow, cry about the redneck that almost put you in the ditch because you didn't bother to shop BEFORE the storm, raid all the shelves at the store to hoard food for a 3" snowfall... etc. and etc...

YouTuber that pops up in my feed some just bought a “ranch” last year. Glad he didn’t leave San Diego county, cause it was a very quick, “It’s dark, let’s put lights up all the way around the house”. :rolleyes:
Willingness to assimilate would be at the top of my list.

I don't really give a fuck how much better things were up north, you moved here for a reason so deal with it.
Not sure why I have to wait for snow to put a California prius/tdi/bmw/merc in the ditch? Their front license plate is very easy to lock on to. Make eye contact, steer towards, flip bird.

We are renaming Highway 260 to the "Donald Trump Highway" soon. Hope that helps with relocating decisions. City messicans are having a shit fit.:flipoff2:
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Do you recognize the failure of the leftist ideals that caused your previous location to fail? Do you condemn those ideals?

That sounds easy enough, but doesn’t play out in the long run. Our area saw crazy growth and real estate inflation just before and through the .com boom. This was a fairly small-ish farming-based area. Those “cashing out” wanted a slower pace of life, more room, more freedoms; but as time went on that changed. Instead finding new favorite local restaurants, they missed the “good” chain-type restaurants they left behind. Instead of shopping the mom and pop shops, they missed their big box type stores. They got pissed about the cars in the neighbors yard, or their animals, or xyz. 30 yes later the gentrification is complete.
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YouTuber that pops up in my feed some just bought a “ranch” last year. Glad he didn’t leave San Diego county, cause it was a very quick, “It’s dark, let’s put lights up all the way around the house”. :rolleyes:

This idiot?
One of the dmax douche videos shows him trespassing on one of my jobsites last year, was destroying neat lines in a street subgrade. I know of that dipshit haha. :lmao:
I keep telling my wife that within 10 years or less Salt Lake City will be mini L.A.
As always follow the money, people escaping inevitable rising costs of living/crime/ever increasing property taxes etc. They move to a new popular spot all the while raising costs of living for the current residents - in turn forcing them to move to new hot spot etc. A volatile cycle that will keep repeating itself.

As for politics and trends that is just one state trying to assimilate another - they have no plan of their own on how to deal with incoming masses (money grab long and short).

Having lived here since 1997, it saddens me to see what this place has become.
the problem is when people switch life modes but don't switch mindset. When urban, suburban people move to the country and don't shift or when rural people move to suburbia and expect it to operate like rural.

That is the bigger problem.

When people don't take a bit to get the lay of the land before they start trying to transform it (unwittingly) back to where they came from. These are natural instincts, but they cause all the problems.

I think the test should be something like 'you realize how you are changing your life and your families life too, right?' and point out what they'll have to do to make it work.
Just had this pop up and seemed appropriate for here:

I saw the "destruction" of a little rural town in SF Bay Area... sucked big time.

I keep moving further and further out to BFE trying to avoid liberal mindset destroying the area.
I lean pretty far conservative in my values and thinking. And I get not wanting to have some bozo from Cali move next to you. Most times I give the benefit of the doubt because many of the refugees are actually somewhat conservative and hate the place for what it has become (It wasn't a blue, democrat destroyed shithole when I grew up there in the 70's/ 80's). The second they start in with the bitching and complaining about "How this place is", then it's game on... My response is "Why the fuck did you move here then"? "LEAVE". The conversation goes only one of two directions from there. :laughing:

My hood is turning over, 5 home sales (out of 12) in the past 6 years starting with us. Next door neighbor that moved in the same time we did is cool and the other one just moved in and first thing he did was fly a Gadsen flag. House next to him just got sold to a family from Texas and they're solid. House across the street from them sold to a couple from Freemont, CA. They put a bunch of money into it and are Air BnB'ing to horse people, and plan to retire and get horses of their own so their 16 grandchildren can come out and ride, they say it's a 5 year plan, I hope to be gone by then, to where, I dunno.
My hood is turning over, 5 home sales (out of 12) in the past 6 years starting with us. Next door neighbor that moved in the same time we did is cool and the other one just moved in and first thing he did was fly a Gadsen flag. House next to him just got sold to a family from Texas and they're solid. House across the street from them sold to a couple from Freemont, CA. They put a bunch of money into it and are Air BnB'ing to horse people, and plan to retire and get horses of their own so their 16 grandchildren can come out and ride, they say it's a 5 year plan, I hope to be gone by then, to where, I dunno.

You know where is awesome horse country? :laughing: Up here man! Seriously though, we have been looking around the contiguous US for places. I keep coming back to where I am now... I have been to all but 6 states, the ones I missed are Mass., Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Delaware and Connecticut. Aside of Nevada, Utah, Colorado and Wyoming, Az. just has the bulk of what I am looking for. At least for the time being up here- and we really like another community East of this town. About 35 minutes, a place called Eager and the outskirts. We even looked at Tennessee, theres just very little public lands past the Mississippi.
the problem is when people switch life modes but don't switch mindset. When urban, suburban people move to the country and don't shift or when rural people move to suburbia and expect it to operate like rural.

That is the bigger problem.

When people don't take a bit to get the lay of the land before they start trying to transform it (unwittingly) back to where they came from. These are natural instincts, but they cause all the problems.

I think the test should be something like 'you realize how you are changing your life and your families life too, right?' and point out what they'll have to do to make it work.

That's a good take IMO. My wife's experiencing this now actually. I Joke around all the time with her that she wants to pack up the surburbs we used to live in and hate and move it here haha. She doesn't vote (don't worry fellow NC people) and is very conservative and all that shit, she's just pissed the target isnt stocked with all the shit she used to buy and the next closest one is an hour away type of stuff.... We joke around that we can't really fuck around here and have be on our good behavior until we get rid of our Illinois plates as we have a target on our back :lmao:. Not really evreyone here has been cool as hell, I'm pretty sure I have talked to my neighbors more in 2months here than I did in 10yrs back north.
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The test is easy - if you move somewhere and use the words "Well back in x we did y" you fail, go home if that's what you want.

My parents were looking for a mountain cabin. They looked at one and my mom made the comment that she didn't like that you could hear the neighbor shooting guns. I told her point blank that she either needed to stop caring or having a cabin was not for them.
Good thread.

I will say people from Cali have a bad rep everywhere just because they came from Cali. In the research we did on the 7 states we were considering, I kept seeing one common thread on city data forums in all but one. Change out your CA plates as soon as possible and DON’T tell people you are from CA if you can avoid it. The only state we were considering that I didn’t see this mentioned was Vermont. This is one of the reasons it fell from consideration for us. Many people also mentioned not comparing your new state to what you left behind.

since this post is a spin off from my thread regarding relocating my family from San Diego to rural Maine, I’ll toss out some of our reasons for the move and the mindset I have about the whole thing.

I grew up in a rural lifestyle. 32 acre horse farm in upstate New York, 28 acre farm in northeast Ohio. Didn’t see metro life until I went to college in Providence Rhode Island. Then spent 16 years in San Diego. I’m at the point in my life where I am fed up with almost everything that comes with urban living. The crime, the drugs, the homeless people, the noise, the traffic, the high cost of fuel, the looking out my window and seeing nothing but houses as far as the eye can see, etc. what should be a ten minute drive often becomes an hour of sitting in gridlock. I actually miss when it was enjoyable to drive. I have no problem driving 20 to 30 minutes into town without traffic to buy groceries and supplies. We do a sams club or Costco run once a month or so now, I have no problem driving a little further to do the same thing in a rural area. I’ll actually enjoy the drive.

I miss nature and trees and seasons and green grass and seeing deer wandering around in my front yard (especially during deer season). Maine is a constitutional carry state, San Diego getting a permit is impossible. Maine has no magazine restrictions, no 10 day waiting period, walk in, pick your shiny new gun and walk out with it ten minutes later. Only one county in Maine does emissions testing and the new house is NOT in that county. No CaRB compliance bullshit so I can actually buy a pedal commander for my Ram. I can buy tuners and a whole host of other crap that Kommiefornia has deemed illegal.

cost of living and property is far more reasonable. The entire state of Maine has a lower population than the city of San Diego. Also, I really miss the small town sense of community that just doesn’t exist here in CA. We’ve lived here for 7 years now and only have regular conversations with 1 of our 15 neighbors. When I grew up rural everyone knew each other. Everyone would help each other. People actually pulled off and stopped if you were sitting on the side of the road with a flat tire.

to summit all up, I miss the kind of life I grew up with and I want my kids to have the kind of childhood and lifestyle I enjoyed growing up. I want to get back to that kind of lifestyle as well. Working with my hands on my own land. I’ll likely take a part time job when we get there so I have time to enjoy with my kids working on our new property and home. I have 6 acres of cleared fields to work with. Thinking of doing an apple orchard on part of it and doing a pick your own apple side business. Maybe do a pumpkin patch on the other field area for some extra fall income as well. I’ll happily trade the downsides of the city for the downsides of the country all day long. And fawk Kommiefornia bullshit politics.
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