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Radical Leftist Attack on Gas Lines in Colorado

[486 said:
did you at least get naked and smear yourself with shit so they had to deal with that the entire time they were there?

No, But I pissed in a few corners so he would know it was my territory. That'll teach him.
sounds like bullshit. Earth First! was active about 40 years ago... and were lame back then... I guess the brown berets will attack Palm Beach tomorrow turning off the water at Mar a Lago or something.

Check with Arty Farty on that.:lmao:
the gas company might of had to purge the air out of the lines in sequence. Easy to do if you have risers with valves and plugs but residential might be another animal to deal with.
Anti-NG nuts have been brewing for awhile. Several mountain towns have required their latest socialized housing proejects be built without a gas line into them. Since we lost the coal battle, this is the next line they are pushing.
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