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Radical Leftist Attack on Gas Lines in Colorado


Red Skull Member
May 19, 2020
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Mountainair, NM

Apparent Radical Leftist Attack on Gas Lines in Colorado, Leaving Thousands Without Heat

By Nick Arama | Dec 31, 2020 8:00 AM ET

The FBI is now investigating what the police are calling an “intentional attack” on the gas service lines in and around Aspen, Colorado.

According to ABC, coordinated attacks involved three separate Black Hills Energy gas line sites, one in Aspen and two elsewhere in Pitkin County on Saturday. According to Assistant Police Chief Bill Linn, the saboteurs had some knowledge to understand what they were doing, they “tampered with the flow lines. They turned off the gas lines.”

Police found the words “Earth First” written in black marker on the pipes at one of the sites. A second reference to a radical environmental group was found at another disrupted natural gas pumping site near Aspen, the police said. The sites had security measures that the saboteurs overcame. There were some footprints found, but there were no cameras at the sites. Looks like that was a critical thing to overlook with the crazies we now have on the left.

What that meant for the area was not good. That left thousands of residents and businesses without heat as the temperatures dropped to near zero degrees.

Local authorities handed out thousands of space heaters to try to help keep people from freezing on Tuesday.

From ABC:
Black Hills Energy officials said about 3,500 customers were affected by the gas outage, and crews had to go to each natural gas meter to manually turn them off and relight the pilot lights. Officials said the work was continuing Tuesday, but it was unclear how long it would take before gas service is restored to everyone.

Linn said the police department was handing out about 6,000 portable space heaters to residents.

He added that numerous businesses, including restaurants and hotels, had to shut down due to the loss of gas.

“It’s almost, to me, an act of terrorism,” Pitkin County Commissioner Patti Clapper, who lost heat in her home due to the vandalism, told The Aspen Times newspaper. “It’s trying to destroy a mountain community at the height of the holiday season. This wasn’t a national gas glitch. This was a purposeful act. Someone is looking to make a statement of some kind.”​

There were still about 1500 who didn’t have heat on Tuesday, after three days of chilly weather, but officials thought they’d be able to have those folks back on by Wednesday.

The FBI is now looking into the group “Earth First.” ABC tried to contact them to ask if they had done it and got no response.

Despite that threat to thousands of people, this has gotten very little attention from national media. A quick search reveals no coverage from CNN and MSNBC. While ABC News covered it on their site, it didn’t even make it to their air the day it happened on ABC’s World News Tonight, according to MRC. Apparently, leftist terrorism against the infrastructure doesn’t grab those networks

I think it is kind of funny since Aspen is a haven of leftests
This is why the right will lose the civil war. Marching in the streets, waving a flag and singing the national anthem doesn't do a fucking thing to help our nation. Only violent attacks, like we've seen from the left all year, get anyone's attention. SCOTUS on record rejecting the Texas case out of fear of riots.
This is why the right will lose the civil war. Marching in the streets, waving a flag and singing the national anthem doesn't do a fucking thing to help our nation. Only violent attacks, like we've seen from the left all year, get anyone's attention. SCOTUS on record rejecting the Texas case out of fear of riots.

Well they do want population reduction... Let start by killing all the commies first.

In minecraft of course. :stirthepot:
So a local Pol is calling it an act of terrorism. I thought colorado and surrounding states were full of millitias? I wouldnt have been surprised to have seen the locals set up their own cellular game cams and a response party. I wonder if the next story will be about bodies dressed like antifags found lying near gas line infrastructures?
This is why the right will lose the first few skirmishes of a civil war. Marching in the streets, waving a flag and singing the national anthem doesn't do a fucking thing to help our nation. Only violent attacks, like we've seen from the left all year, get anyone's attention. SCOTUS on record rejecting the Texas case out of fear of riots.

FIFY once it goes down that far shit will change in a hurry.
So a local Pol is calling it an act of terrorism. I thought colorado and surrounding states were full of millitias? I wouldnt have been surprised to have seen the locals set up their own cellular game cams and a response party. I wonder if the next story will be about bodies dressed like antifags found lying near gas line infrastructures?
So you've never been to Aspen? Bunch of affluent white people dressed up as cowboys and thier brown none english speaking servants. Its the Jackson Hole Park City of CO.
Think the whole earth first is just a red hearing. Id be looking for a disgruntled Black Hills employee. Feel bad about the working class but the rest of those mother fuckers could freeze for all I care.
[486 said:
;n252120]so they broke in and turned a couple valves
when I hear "attack on gas lines" I think large fires and crashed trucks

Sounds like something dumb teenage me would have done.
This. Sounds like a simple act of vandalism to me, not some huge coordinated attack.

says in the article that gas workers need to stage turning it back on so they can relight pilot lights
rofl what

furnace man come saaave me I'm a retard that can't hold the button down on my water heater for a minute after sticking some fire back in it
Sounds like a crew member that wanted some extra money relighting pilot lights decided to make some extra work Overtime money. Households can't relight their own pilot lights?
This is why the right will lose the civil war. Marching in the streets, waving a flag and singing the national anthem doesn't do a fucking thing to help our nation. Only violent attacks, like we've seen from the left all year, get anyone's attention. SCOTUS on record rejecting the Texas case out of fear of riots.

How does an untargeted attack that impacts their allies and supporters help the radical lefts cause here? They harmed their own people and their own cause.
How does an untargeted attack that impacts their allies and supporters help the radical lefts cause here? They harmed their own people and their own cause.
they did something in meatspace rather than just wallowing in their own self-pity on the internets
[486 said:
they did something in meatspace rather than just wallowing in their own self-pity on the internets

Is that all it takes to be your hero?
Sounds like a crew member that wanted some extra money relighting pilot lights decided to make some extra work Overtime money. Households can't relight their own pilot lights?

Likely, after a main has been depressurized, the gas co has to lock out all of the meters, pressure test for multiple hours, then unlock the meters and light each house back up. Having had a couple houses in town blow up due to cracked nat gas lines, I wouldn't want to rush a turn on/re-light after a line went to zero pressure.
This is why the right will lose the civil war. Marching in the streets, waving a flag and singing the national anthem doesn't do a fucking thing to help our nation. Only violent attacks, like we've seen from the left all year, get anyone's attention. SCOTUS on record rejecting the Texas case out of fear of riots.

Well.... only violent attacks protected by decades of legal representation and infiltration of the body politic.

I suppose I don't have to explain to you, young Padawan, that pure violence with nothing to back it up is the fool's road to extinction.

If a Lefty does a violent attack, they are coddled for the rest of their life. Bailed out by 100 different 'Projects', about a dozen legal bodies fighting to represent them. Eric Clanton did no time.

When a Righty commits a violent act, Righty fags can't wait to put him to death.

That's because the Right, say most of this board, is made up of a bunch of privileged fags for whom the Flat Tax is a real, pressing social issue.

Lefties OTOH will go homeless for months or years, travelling around the country, just for a single opportunity to punch one Nazi and end up in jail (where they will be bailed out and taken care of).

The Right is weaker because the Right is weaker. The Right has always had a greater potential for violence, but they don't take care of their own.

The Right is weaker because Kyle Rittenhouse sat in jail for months after video proof he did nothing wrong, and nobody on the Right showed up to shut down whatever Donut Patrol and Shyster Shop were responsible for it. Those Prosecutors should have been afraid to send their children to school, and Wall Street law firms should have been pro bono-ing the slightest goddamned Civil Rights violations by Lefty Municipalities, of which there were an infinite number.
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So you've never been to Aspen? Bunch of affluent white people dressed up as cowboys and thier brown none english speaking servants. Its the Jackson Hole Park City of CO.
Think the whole earth first is just a red hearing. Id be looking for a disgruntled Black Hills employee. Feel bad about the working class but the rest of those mother fuckers could freeze for all I care.

sounds like bullshit. Earth First! was active about 40 years ago... and were lame back then... I guess the brown berets will attack Palm Beach tomorrow turning off the water at Mar a Lago or something.
Well.... only violent attacks protected by decades of legal representation and infiltration of the body politic.

I suppose I don't have to explain to you, young Padawan, that pure violence with nothing to back it up is the fool's road to extinction.

If a Lefty does a violent attack, they are coddled for the rest of their life. Bailed out by 100 different 'Projects', about a dozen legal bodies fighting to represent them. Eric Clanton did no time.

When a Righty commits a violent act, Righty fags can't wait to put him to death.

That's because the Right, say most of this board, is made up of a bunch of privileged fags for whom the Flat Tax is a real, pressing social issue.

Lefties OTOH will go homeless for months or years, travelling around the country, just for a single opportunity to punch one Nazi and end up in jail (where they will be bailed out and taken care of).

The Right is weaker because the Right is weaker. The Right has always had a greater potential for violence, but they don't take care of their own.

The Right is weaker because Kyle Rittenhouse sat in jail for months after video proof he did nothing wrong, and nobody on the Right showed up to shut down whatever Donut Patrol and Shyster Shop were responsible for it. Those Prosecutors should have been afraid to send their children to school, and Wall Street law firms should have been pro bono-ing the slightest goddamned Civil Rights violations by Lefty Municipalities, of which there were an infinite number.

Magine that, the right respecting civil obedience, whoda' thunk
[486 said:
;n252120]so they broke in and turned a couple valves
when I hear "attack on gas lines" I think large fires and crashed trucks

That's because you have been trained to believe that it's not a violent act specifically because these are the shenanigans that the Left pulls, and now there will be at least 10 Amazon/Netflix/Hulu 'Original Show!'s which have as a plot point, heroic Environmentalists who fight a corrupt and racist stupid fat white Sheriff and his white-suit wearing Boss by turning off a gas valve. Your children will admire those kids while you sit in your shop bitching at me about Progressive Taxes.
Magine that, the right respecting civil obedience, whoda' thunk

The problem with sarcasm is that when you don't carry it off properly, your statements are ambiguous. If you had done this correctly, your words should say more than the number of them on the screen, but frankly I don't know what you mean. This is because you didn't key into internal dialog that we both share.

Since we don't share that dialog, can you state what you mean directly?
[486 said:
I dunno. It's more than I'll ever do. :flipoff2:

Part of the problem is that we are all moving away from cities. It feels like a retreat and makes it harder to fight antifa/etc
Likely, after a main has been depressurized, the gas co has to lock out all of the meters, pressure test for multiple hours, then unlock the meters and light each house back up. Having had a couple houses in town blow up due to cracked nat gas lines, I wouldn't want to rush a turn on/re-light after a line went to zero pressure.

This. They cut my gas off at my old neighborhood for a bit and had to re start each house one at a time. Liability and all.
[486 said:

says in the article that gas workers need to stage turning it back on so they can relight pilot lights
rofl what

furnace man come saaave me I'm a retard that can't hold the button down on my water heater for a minute after sticking some fire back in it

That apparently was a mandatory thing here after we got our house tented. We had to pay the local utility to turn the gas off, and then after everything was done, I was supposed to meet them(between noon and 5pm, had to take off work to do it) so they could turn my gas back on and re-light my water heater. Sure, I'll play their game. I sat around for about an hour and then figured screw it, I want my gas back on, so I grabbed a big wrench, turned it on, and re-lite the pilot light. Really glad I did because the utility guy never showed up that day. Next day I get a knock at my door and it's the dude there ready to finally turn on my gas. He had that perma-stoned look and talk about him that made it obvious why he was here on the wrong day. I told him it was already on, he did it for me yesterday. "Woah, really?"
"Well alright!"

He then spent an hour in his truck playing on his cell phone in front of my house. :rolleyes:
[486 said:

furnace man come saaave me I'm a retard that can't hold the button down on my water heater for a minute after sticking some fire back in it

I'm not proud of it but I almost got in a fight with the PG&E guy one night, it's like 8pm and he knocks on the door and says he had to shut off the gas line for an emergency repair on the neighbors house (I guess we share a street shutoff?) and he will be back when he is done to relight the pilot lights. Didn't think much of it but I got to thinking my furnace and oven are both electrically ignited, only my water heater has to be manually lit and I installed the fucking thing myself.

He comes back and I told him I had it covered, he says I HAVE TO let him in which put me in a fucking mood, words were exchanged and I told him to pound sand and went and lit my water heater. When he was walking away he said something about having to call his supervisor. He calls me about 10 minutes later and says that his supervisor will not let him leave the gas on without checking all of the appliances and he got called away on another emergency so he turned my Gas off and he would be back in 45 minutes to an hour. More words were exchanged.

Now I went and looked and the valve on the meter was closed but there was no lock so I thought about just turning it back on but I have work the next morning and I don't need a late night of battling over stupid shit and a cold shower to top it off so I agree to just have him come in. What followed was the most sarcastic man on earth watching the vindictively slowest PG&E guy on earth turn on my furnace, and each one of my stove burners (broiler too!!) and my water heater.

Like I said, not proud of it but it was kinda funny in retrospect. They must have blown up a few houses in their day to be that anal about it I figure.
I'm not proud of it but I almost got in a fight with the PG&E guy one night, it's like 8pm and he knocks on the door and says he had to shut off the gas line for an emergency repair on the neighbors house (I guess we share a street shutoff?) and he will be back when he is done to relight the pilot lights. Didn't think much of it but I got to thinking my furnace and oven are both electrically ignited, only my water heater has to be manually lit and I installed the fucking thing myself.

He comes back and I told him I had it covered, he says I HAVE TO let him in which put me in a fucking mood, words were exchanged and I told him to pound sand and went and lit my water heater. When he was walking away he said something about having to call his supervisor. He calls me about 10 minutes later and says that his supervisor will not let him leave the gas on without checking all of the appliances and he got called away on another emergency so he turned my Gas off and he would be back in 45 minutes to an hour. More words were exchanged.

Now I went and looked and the valve on the meter was closed but there was no lock so I thought about just turning it back on but I have work the next morning and I don't need a late night of battling over stupid shit and a cold shower to top it off so I agree to just have him come in. What followed was the most sarcastic man on earth watching the vindictively slowest PG&E guy on earth turn on my furnace, and each one of my stove burners (broiler too!!) and my water heater.

Like I said, not proud of it but it was kinda funny in retrospect. They must have blown up a few houses in their day to be that anal about it I figure.
did you at least get naked and smear yourself with shit so they had to deal with that the entire time they were there?
Part of the problem is that we are all moving away from cities. It feels like a retreat and makes it harder to fight antifa/etc

divide and conquer
if you've only got a couple close neighbors it's way easy to paint the picture that you're a baby rapin' nutjob when it comes time for them to kill you
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