I think, and excuse me for just spouting off, that things are much more complex than the original article alludes to.
Every. Single. Person is responsible for their own behavior. Such behavior is learned from environment and enforced by other members of the community within the same environment. There is a median and outliers for every subgrouping of people, regardless of the grouping constraints. If you choose to group by economic status, excluding race, you will find less "hood shit" behavior because it is discouraged. There is obviously going to be outliers in this based on different individual variables, but the average will be conformist to the environment. Criminal behavior is atypical in such populations because behavior is shaped by threat of societal shame and backed by legal enforcement.
If you look by culture, well, that creates a disparity because there are almost no cultural homogeneous subsections of society within America, outside of perhaps indian reservations. Furthermore, when people talk about black culture, they talk about what they observe through media and specific anecdotal examples: Hip-hop, street violence, drugs, guns, whatever. When people talk about white culture, you get trailers, trucks, bad dancing and country music. However, the vast majority of people who fall in the middle-class, regardless of race, no very little about any of this stereotypical bullshit.
This article is outright lacking of intellectual discernment or credibility. If someone is going to invoke science, then they should damn well be able to account for the majority of the degrees of freedom within the system being observed, instead focusing on a single variable and ignoring the multiple other components which lead to community acceptable behavior. There is a propensity to shape and mold expectations of people based on race because it allows you to assign projected behavior and perspective without all the trouble of interaction, study, and proof. People can quickly make assumptions by visually inspecting a person, then apply that to all members sharing the same predominant features.
tl;dr: This is much more of an economic issue than it is a racial issue. Poverty leads to violence and criminality far more than race does. People's integration into society is a highly-individualized process, based on intelligence, education, religious beliefs, outside intervention, and a fair amount of luck. Fuck off with the "Taken from the jungles" bullshit. Anything credible Anthony Bryan said is mitigated by a laundry list of false-logic and a breakdown of basic analytical and critical thinking. Fuckin' clown shoes.