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Your not joking? That’s nuts. I’ve had all versions of both consoles. The PS4’s are junk compared to the Ones. The new x’s are ridiculous. Gamers I know looking for PS5’s are just looking for a single game to play. Nobody wants it for a main system. I was a PS guy until crappy ness of the 3’s then 4’s.

Weird. My Xbox makes a clicking noise while my ps4 works flawlessly.

I’m not loyal to either console but to call one junk is crazy. They are both awesome to play.
I have an Origin account now, because Newegg had the remastered OG Command & Conquer for $9, didn't realize it wasn't just a download, and you had to have an EA/Origin account until after they already had my money. I acquiesced, and started playing C&C, then realized how much better Red Alert 2 was. All 17 Command & Conquer games and expansions are on Origin in a package deal for $20. I've spent $20 on dumber stuff. :homer:

Damn, thats a steal. I think I had to make an origin account when I was playing BF3. I will have to check, those C&C games were some of my favorites.
How many "only" PS5 games are there right now?

It looks like almost everything is games that are on PS4 that are also on PS5. Is there a list of exclusive titles for PS5 only, with the chip demand that only it can handle?

I think I'll wait until there are more flavors on the shelf.
I managed to get my 2 boys a series S each and myself an X for Christmas. :flipoff2:

​​​​I believe part of the problems all round is that TSMC is the one making pretty much all the chips for the popular stuff (AMD, Nvidia, Apple) at the moment and they simply can't meet the demand.
How many "only" PS5 games are there right now?

It looks like almost everything is games that are on PS4 that are also on PS5. Is there a list of exclusive titles for PS5 only, with the chip demand that only it can handle?

I think I'll wait until there are more flavors on the shelf.

Exactly, while it's still better than what MS is offering, the pickings are very slim. I bought my PS4 at launch, the first time I bought a new console at launch and I basically had Battlefield 4 and Warframe to play. There were others, like Resogun the little arcade shooter and even Killzone: Shadowfall, but I wasn't really interested in it enough to buy it. So it was a bit of a dry time and I spent a lot more time playing BF4, even though I grew to hate it and Warframe because it was free and something new even if it was very bare bones compared to how Warframe is now. That lasted for about the first year and I decided then that I would not buy a new console at launch again and would wait a year or so. I have my PC to keep me company until then and I really only get to play on the weekends when I don't have things to do around the house so dropping $500 on something that will sit around and just be something to brag about seems a waste. I bought a leveling kit for my truck instead. :flipoff2:

As for the actual titles, I think there are 3 now. Astro's Playroom, which is basically a demo to show off the new PS5 features like the haptic triggers, but it does have a story and is about 3 hours long, so more than a demo, less than a full game. Demon's Souls is a remake of the old game for the new hardware, basically the same but with Ray Tracing and other enhancements. Last there is Destruction All-Stars which is a fun little racer/demolition derby sort of thing ala Rocket League or a Nintendo style racer. So yeah, nothing to get excited about right now unless you are a big Demon's Souls fan. Scheduled to come out this year are God of War: Ragnarok, Gran Turismo 7, Ratchet and Clank: A Rift Apart, and Returnal.

As for subscription services, they are good and bad. It's bad that just about every major publisher has one, but they can be good in short spurts. Much like I do HBO and similar streaming TV/Movie services, I get them for a month or two, play the shit out of what I want, then cancel the subscription until something new that is worth playing pops up. They want to attract the people who sub and forget about it for months on end while playing or watching other things, but if you are smart about it, you can play some good $40-$70 games for $10-$15 a month and call it a day. You will still want to buy things like FPS shooters that you will play for a long time, but for games that have a story and low replayability, streaming services are the new renting. Just my .02
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