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Rusty Spoons
May 22, 2020
Member Number
Anyone know familiar with him his status ? Haven't heard or seen him in a while. 1 week with the user info.
After a few beers we had a night of passion that was simply life changing. He needed to take a few weeks off to reevaluate life.

Overbear ? I thought the campgrounds in the NF were closed ?? :confused:
Overbear ? I thought the campgrounds in the NF were closed ?? :confused:
Last time y'all asked I said something about him getting picked up for his sketch AR pistol build. He came back and joked about it, but the ATF actually cracked down on pistol braces now so who knows. :laughing:
Well he is missed. He almost always had something relevant and insightful to add. His effort in the old board Covid thread was epic. So no one knows him personally . . .. . . .
Ghey as fuck.

Fuck off asshole. In every virtue I posted about, you fail. :eek: Show your ballsack :lmao::lmao::lmao:

I asked earlier if anyone knows him. Nobody. Now you assert, advertise he's gay as fuck. I guess he does indeed know one person here . . . . . ..
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Fuck off asshole. In every virtue I posted about, you fail. :eek: Show your ballsack :lmao::lmao::lmao:

I asked earlier if anyone knows him. Nobody. Now you assert, advertise he's gay as fuck. I guess he does indeed know one person here . . . . . ..

Don't be pissed at me that you can't find a man date.
Just because you haven't discovered the joy of sex with men doesn't mean you have to act jealous.

That's what red gets for leaving a computer unlocked and logged in at the lab :laughing:

Can you be any more of a fag? I never realized how dumb you were until the anti Trump stuff recently then it seems like every time I see your name you are talking about taking dick and stuff,
Provience put a lot of time and effort into keeping us up with the Wuhan since it started. It was at least 60 pages and hundreds of posts long with many links and info sources. . I would like to see him back here as he was always informative. I really don't undersstand the Gay bullshit unless I missed some 13 year old's joke.
Can you be any more of a fag? I never realized how dumb you were until the anti Trump stuff recently then it seems like every time I see your name you are talking about taking dick and stuff,

His dick-talking ramped up after I think Slowpoke pointed out how often Trampas talks about gay shit. Then I noticed it and said something, now troll accounts are talking more gay stuff. Make of that what you will but the heat is off Trampas right now.

The real question here though is why you assholes don't make me a thread when I go on vacation? :confused: What the fuck no love?
His dick-talking ramped up after I think Slowpoke pointed out how often Trampas talks about gay shit. Then I noticed it and said something, now troll accounts are talking more gay stuff. Make of that what you will but the heat is off Trampas right now.

The real question here though is why you assholes don't make me a thread when I go on vacation? :confused: What the fuck no love?

Was not me.
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