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President Trumps speech in Texas

Pity when you have to go to the foriegn press to find out what your president said
Starts around 3:58

So, Trump's speech. How are we supposed to hear it? I expect it's not on youtube or twitter and no news ever wants to cover him, so how do we see it or hear it? And why aren't any of you telling us what it was about?

One America News Network is committed to airing every presidential speech.
Disagree! Reagan's actions stymied gun control efforts at the Federal level until this day!! Modern gun control initiatives have been mostly at the State level . . . most of which should be, and hopefully will be overturned by a Supreme Court that can interpret the very clear English phrase "shall not be infringed".

hell, if it weren't for reagon, the AWB would have NEVER had a chance. he could easily have rejected that and saved us significant grief. Yes the state levels are absurd, but hell, much of those are regularly reviewed and deemed worthy despite federal violation, much less consitutional ones
Disagree! Reagan's actions stymied gun control efforts at the Federal level until this day!! Modern gun control initiatives have been mostly at the State level . . . most of which should be, and hopefully will be overturned by a Supreme Court that can interpret the very clear English phrase "shall not be infringed".

He signed the Mulford Act and he was a vocal proponent of the 93 Brady Bill and 94 AWB. He's also directly responsible for killing full auto guns for the citizenry.

Hell, he's arguably the reason the 94 AWB passed at all. It only passed by two votes and several people who voted for it only did so due to his endorsement.

Reagan was a fucking hypocrite who's actions never matched his words. Why he's so revered by conservatives today is beyond me.
hell, if it weren't for reagon, the AWB would have NEVER had a chance. he could easily have rejected that and saved us significant grief. Yes the state levels are absurd, but hell, much of those are regularly reviewed and deemed worthy despite federal violation, much less consitutional ones
That was not Ronald Reagan. That was Nancy Reagan. Ronald Reagan was already gone at that time.
Cliffs? Frankly, I'm not a Trump fan. Never was. The only good thing I can say about Trump is I'd rather have him instead of Hillary or creepy Joe. Hoping for another Ronald Reagan soon.

unfortunately that's where we are.

many voted for trump because it wasn't hillary and here we are.

I wish there were another more reasonable alternative that actually had a chance at running our shit hole of a country, what it's become.
Yes, in a way. He pushed huge/expensive military programs, including "Star Wars" which scared the living fuck out of the Ruskies. It pushed them over the edge financially and led to the collapse of their system. Shortly after he left office the iron curtain fell.


Ronny Ray Gun.
Reagan was a man that fit the time. Same guy as president today would be overwhelmed by what the Dems and MSM have begun. His gentlemanly nature that is so known for would be completely unseen today. He would not be seen as good or effective now. There is a reason the current best option is Trump and it is very disappointing to me that we are here.
Can anybody imagine a politician in this day and age delivering such a speech? Like Trump? LOL. I bet Trump could not even recite the 2a.

it is the difference between a film actor reciting lines and a reality show goomba trying to make shit up.
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