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President Trumps speech in Texas

Cliffs? Frankly, I'm not a Trump fan. Never was. The only good thing I can say about Trump is I'd rather have him instead of Hillary or creepy Joe. Hoping for another Ronald Reagan soon.
[486 said:
fuck reagan
we coulda had rand
I'd take Rand any day. But I still think Reagan understood the Constitution more than any modern era politician.
The ex military guy with the eye patch and Nikki Haley look good. Shit, Tulsi Gabbard is looking good at this point!
I'd take Rand any day. But I still think Reagan understood the Constitution more than any modern era politician.
I wasn't alive at the time, but didn't he use the soviets as an excuse for federal expansion?
[486 said:
I wasn't alive at the time, but didn't he use the soviets as an excuse for federal expansion?
No. He used the Soviets (rightly) as an excuse to strengthen national defense. Which, BTW, is one of the few responsibilities delegated to the Federal government by the Constitution. One of my strongest memories of Reagan is the speech he gave in support of the 2nd amendment shortly after he was nearly assassinated.
No. He used the Soviets (rightly) as an excuse to strengthen national defense. Which, BTW, is one of the few responsibilities delegated to the Federal government by the Constitution. One of my strongest memories of Reagan is the speech he gave in support of the 2nd amendment shortly after he was nearly assassinated.

On May 19, 1986, President Ronald Reagan signed into law an act of Congress known as the Firearm Owners Protection Act.

yeah, he took his near assassination and decided to expand the ATF into monitoring bomb making and further shut down machine guns. :shaking:

butbutbut....it says "no registration!!" yeah, ok, take that up with every lawsuit ever against states and federal record keeping that has never been able to use the FOPA as protection
yeah, he took his near assassination and decided to expand the ATF into monitoring bomb making and further shut down machine guns. :shaking:

butbutbut....it says "no registration!!" yeah, ok, take that up with every lawsuit ever against states and federal record keeping that has never been able to use the FOPA as protection

to be fair, fopa '86 was pretty much positives until the hughes amendment was added right before it was passed
No. He used the Soviets (rightly) as an excuse to strengthen national defense. Which, BTW, is one of the few responsibilities delegated to the Federal government by the Constitution. One of my strongest memories of Reagan is the speech he gave in support of the 2nd amendment shortly after he was nearly assassinated.

Getting rid of the USSR was a bad move for America. We lost our daily example of why socialism/communism is rotten. Now we have Democrats who are pushing socialism and many Repug representatives are accepting it by staying silent.
Getting rid of the USSR was a bad move for America. We lost our daily example of why socialism/communism is rotten. Now we have Democrats who are pushing socialism and many Repug representatives are accepting it by staying silent.

because fucking china doesn't count? :laughing:

no, the USSR continuing to exist "proved it was possible"
[486 said:
I wasn't alive at the time, but didn't he use the soviets as an excuse for federal expansion?

Yes, in a way. He pushed huge/expensive military programs, including "Star Wars" which scared the living fuck out of the Ruskies. It pushed them over the edge financially and led to the collapse of their system. Shortly after he left office the iron curtain fell.
So, Trump's speech. How are we supposed to hear it? I expect it's not on youtube or twitter and no news ever wants to cover him, so how do we see it or hear it? And why aren't any of you telling us what it was about?
Getting rid of the USSR was a bad move for America. We lost our daily example of why socialism/communism is rotten. Now we have Democrats who are pushing socialism and many Repug representatives are accepting it by staying silent.
I participated in similar discussions back at that time. Although there is probably some truth to this argument it is patronizing.
No. He used the Soviets (rightly) as an excuse to strengthen national defense. Which, BTW, is one of the few responsibilities delegated to the Federal government by the Constitution. One of my strongest memories of Reagan is the speech he gave in support of the 2nd amendment shortly after he was nearly assassinated.

Yet he's responsible for most of the gun control that exists today at the Federal level and state level in California. Reagan spoke well, but he was a garbage President and certainly no friend of the Second Amendment, no matter how much he claimed to be.
Yet he's responsible for most of the gun control that exists today at the Federal level and state level in California. Reagan spoke well, but he was a garbage President and certainly no friend of the Second Amendment, no matter how much he claimed to be.
Disagree! Reagan's actions stymied gun control efforts at the Federal level until this day!! Modern gun control initiatives have been mostly at the State level . . . most of which should be, and hopefully will be overturned by a Supreme Court that can interpret the very clear English phrase "shall not be infringed".
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