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Police shoot Iowa woman dead in front of son - settlement releases video

Cops are such fucking chickenshits. Afraid of their own shadow.

100% this

at least 80%(and im being generous) of cops are worthless scumbags with major physiological issues and should 100% not be cops, this video is a perfect example.
When you continue to lower standards as to not discriminate....you get substandard.

90% of cops today would not have been hired 40...50 years ago.

But hell....75% of men today are pusses in comparison to 40 years ago.
When the payments to the wrongful death / murders come from the departments pension funds, shit WILL change. Until then it is not the bastards problem. Make the payouts NOT come from taxpayers but from the roid raging fucking assholes and the other LEO will start turning them in. FUCK THE BLUE LINE.
The same thing happened here in my town 2 weeks ago. Mom shot dead in front of both her kids.
Did some research...this guy was not fired, wasn’t charged and now is a school resource officer. Sounds like he got a sweet gig for his actions here.

Fucking spectacular. Hopefully, this piece of shit will NOT have the chance to shoot a school kid when their rabid, show-n-tell guinea pig gets loose.
The same thing happened here in my town 2 weeks ago. Mom shot dead in front of both her kids.
Definitely not the same thing. Could that have been handled differently to where she would still be alive? Probably. Should you expect to get shot by the cops if you’re charging at them with a big fucking knife? Probably. The lady in the OP is innocent, this lady is something less than innocent.
Definitely not the same thing. Could that have been handled differently to where she would still be alive? Probably. Should you expect to get shot by the cops if you’re charging at them with a big fucking knife? Probably. The lady in the OP is innocent, this lady is something less than innocent.

Yeah I didn't watch the op video or read the story. Just saw the headline and posted the local video to me. So probably not the same, other than in front of the kids part
When the payments to the wrongful death / murders come from the departments pension funds, shit WILL change. Until then it is not the bastards problem. Make the payouts NOT come from taxpayers but from the roid raging fucking assholes and the other LEO will start turning them in. FUCK THE BLUE LINE.

Best idea I've heard all day.
What a shit show. I was a paperboy in the early 70’s and got bit by plenty of asshole dogs. I never shot a one of them or their owners. I just gave them a rap with the pipe I had in my paperbag and went on with my business. Why do LEO think they have to shoot and kill every dog on the premises when they take a call? I’m exaggerating but it sure seems like almost a policy.

oh yeah, fuck that cop. He didn’t care about that lady, he was only worried about going to jail and knew he fucked up the second after he fired the shots. Did he ever apologize?
When the payments to the wrongful death / murders come from the departments pension funds, shit WILL change. Until then it is not the bastards problem. Make the payouts NOT come from taxpayers but from the roid raging fucking assholes and the other LEO will start turning them in. FUCK THE BLUE LINE.

That would help, but first I'd like to see training get back to the protect and serve roots of LE instead of the super swat/ kill everything/ every living mammal is a potential threat kind of shit we've had the last couple of decades.

If that woman was Taliban and that cop was a Marine then he'd probably be sitting in Leavenworth right now. It's a bit disheartening when US LE have less rules of engagement (and more administrative protection) on American citizens than soldiers at war do on non-Americans.
Yeah I didn't watch the op video or read the story. Just saw the headline and posted the local video to me. So probably not the same, other than in front of the kids part

Major difference is the OP video, it was 100% fault of the cop that it happened in front of the kid.
In your video, it's 100% the fault of the mom that it happened in front of the kid.

Furthermore, I bet the psycho knife bitch has already exposed that poor kid to plenty of horrible shit and it's his favor that he's no longer being raised by her demented ass.
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