Thanks, tried to make it as neat as possible, I'm just anal that way...
The loops on the wall were an initial attempt to remove water from the air as I was doing a lot of glass bead blasting. It works fairly well and I will get a lot of water out of it after long sessions, but do get some water past the cooler and filter/separator. I have since added a legit air drier and bypass plumbing for blasting/painting and hopefully a future plasma cutter, but have not really run this setup yet.
I've got a hose reel mounted that will reach all corners of the garage and out into the driveway, stubs to extend the piping towards the front of the garage or the third bay is needed. The plumbing wraps into the back bay for the blast cabinet and blow off gun for the sink. The takeoff from the main piping loops up and above to minimize any water making it into the drops and the entire system slopes to drive water thru the piping, and everything is mounted on thin Unistrut with pipe clamps Admittedly, it is overkill and expensive relative to the rapid air kits and knockoffs.