Pirate's gone white and it's wide open


Shit Lips
May 19, 2020
Member Number
Kingsport, TN
Something happened and it's white now. Also, black stars can access all hidden forums.

It shows me as logged out. I think I'll just keep it that way.
Completley fucked, I'm all set with that.

How to murder a forum...... By VS.

Cricket and Jeff gonna have some splainin to do. :lmao:
Ok I thought I wouldnt like it and first impressions are usually correct.
Okay. Getting that new Pirate to go into dark mode was easy enough. The rest of it just sucks. Or I am just getting to be that old bastard like my Dad and don't like change.

I'd rather see the computer/forum world resemble Windows 98 as much as possible. Maybe XP.

Pirate has gone into the same look as a few other 4x4 and RV forums I used to follow. Dropped them when they changed to the mobile friendly candy coated look.

Yes, I still use a 1g flip phone and a notebook computer for internet. Any more than that is too much technology.
Haven't gotten that yet, still the same "working on upgrade" for me & same locked forum: Can log in and view threads as normal, but can't post.
Looks like the TP is gone and so is the Cooking Forum...at least for me. Someone who has a star will have to confirm.
I was hoping it would be a good thing. No it's not. No user profile page listing subscribed threads. Totally counter intuitive links/navigation. WTF.
I knew what to expect from the VS chloroforming and assraping JKO rotten.

Dark mode can only do so much - it's missing . . . all of this (its character).

Thanks again Austin! :beer: <-- this brew no longer available on "VSBB" :laughing:
Okay. Getting that new Pirate to go into dark mode was easy enough. The rest of it just sucks. Or I am just getting to be that old bastard like my Dad and don't like change.

I'd rather see the computer/forum world resemble Windows 98 as much as possible. Maybe XP.

Pirate has gone into the same look as a few other 4x4 and RV forums I used to follow. Dropped them when they changed to the mobile friendly candy coated look.

Yes, I still use a 1g flip phone and a notebook computer for internet. Any more than that is too much technology.
liked the old cuz I was used to it. Never really understood any reason to change.

fixing shit that isn’t broken is just dumb...... well, unless they made it easy to post pics and tech again. But that means moving back, not forward.
Something happened and it's white now. Also, black stars can access all hidden forums.

.....and there it is. Pirate is dead. RIP.

edit. it's deleted from my browser. Wow, 20 years gone....just gone....oh well.:flipoff2:

documented death 5/19/2020....death, covid 19 the, "beer virus". :flipoff2:
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Looks like the TP is gone and so is the Cooking Forum...at least for me. Someone who has a star will have to confirm.

Looks gone to me. Or hid someplace where I'm not finding it. Like an idiot I renewed my star just a month or two ago. I sort of wish I hadn't done so. Now need to go back and stop the auto-renewal. What do ya bet that is hid in some dark hard to find corner.
Managed to get in using my email address...Went back and forth with Jeff a bit, and was done at the editing my post because he could bit.

Hopefully at some point I can get some of my pictures back but I'm not counting on it.
Haven't gotten that yet, still the same "working on upgrade" for me & same locked forum: Can log in and view threads as normal, but can't post.

IT takes a bit to nav the b.s.
but it took a HUGE hit.
Guess it's a good thing my first 10 years were wiped...
The last 10 were muted at best.
It looks like dog shit on my phone, even in dark mode. Can’t imagine the atrocity on a computer screen.
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