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Panzers: I break rocks thread

My cheaters have been working exactly as designed lol. The plywood is catching the floaters and keeping them out of the tail pulley.

The portable guys don’t have the luxury of being able to have the perfect conveyors machines to do the job. Like me I make 10,000 -15,000 ton a year of breaker stone. To have a 48” wide slow moving stacker to keep the rollers at a minimum is not affordable. So we need to figure it out:lmao:.

Today is auction day. Gonna be a sad day seeing a 92 year old guy sell just about everything he owns. It’s crazy but my halfassed math thinks he should clear 500k today pretty easy.
how much of your $$ will go into his pocket today? :laughing:
good point..

So Panz spill it. did you cherry pick the lot and keep all the good stuff?
I got given a few good items all ready. But the big stuff I’ll have to buy.

I want to buy like 150k worth of stuff. But will only spend 20k or so. Bad time of year to be buying. Between the blasters and fuel guys I don’t have much fun money.
I got given a few good items all ready. But the big stuff I’ll have to buy.

I want to buy like 150k worth of stuff. But will only spend 20k or so. Bad time of year to be buying. Between the blasters and fuel guys I don’t have much fun money.

Gotta negotiate better tell him you will give him 50% now then 50% next year and split profit from the machine for the year while he still owns 50% of it.

Assuming that this is the old bad ass guy you said that outworks everyone at 90 years young.

Done a decent amount of odd ball deals on things that when owner wanted money but still wanted limited use of the asset for awhile.
Gotta negotiate better tell him you will give him 50% now then 50% next year and split profit from the machine for the year while he still owns 50% of it.

Assuming that this is the old bad ass guy you said that outworks everyone at 90 years young.

Done a decent amount of odd ball deals on things that when owner wanted money but still wanted limited use of the asset for awhile.
Problem is he is so old school he doesn’t like selling stuff outright. He likes to sell at a auction he believes that is the fair way to determine the price. I bought like 1 excavator from him just because of this.
He closing up shop for good or just downsizing? From experience people like that can't just sit still and need to have something to 'do' all the time.
He kept a loader and dump truck and his service truck.
I do not want to see his tax bills
between that and selling the shop... fuck, man
Yeah not gonna be good. Shops were bought last year. Work all you life to pay 300,000+ in taxes when you finally try to cash out. Stupid.

So by what he got for his stuff if the prices hold my shit should bring a nice payday.
He kept a loader and dump truck and his service truck.

Yeah not gonna be good. Shops were bought last year. Work all you life to pay 300,000+ in taxes when you finally try to cash out. Stupid.

So by what he got for his stuff if the prices hold my shit should bring a nice payday.
Could have sold all that shit cash and been dead by the time the tax man figured it out. :laughing:
How many % you gotta take off the price to make them find cash?

If it's less than the governments cut...

Generally the guys buying this stuff want to depreciate it and the auction house has it on their books. Not to mention just having $100k in cash is problematic.

Also even though it's a small chance the IRS will notice fuck paying for lawyers or dealing with them.
Sounds like good old dude, put him to work and let him stay busy and bet he would make you money and he would be happy to be active.
Yeah he’s still gonna cut the grass load trucks ect. His body is giving up on him and that is killing him. He wants to do so much but his legs can’t do it anymore.
It’s amazing how fast a place can get cleaned out via auction. Just a few lots left and everything is gone.

I’m still not fully believing it that this is my shop now. I really need to kick ass and make sure I can keep it. The last couple crushing contractors went out of business a few years after they built their big shops. Need to learn that lesson and keep the hammer down.

Main bay

Other end of the main bay. Had to start on my center pin project. Should be pretty easy with the crane. I took the cab off because I’m sure it’s gonna need some bore welding to get it back to spec. John deer did a excellent job at engineering the cab. It comes off in a little over a hour.

This is the my future home for the machine shop or some of the machine shop. It’s in close proximity to the phase perfect phase converter. So excited for 20hp of real three phase power. Both 480 and 240.

North bay. Some day it needs a door at the far end. Hopefully my door guy will need a big slug of gravel so we can horse trade it out.

The office and bath room.

It’s amazing how much room there is when all the racks are down. My first rule is nothing is to be stored under the crane. That space is holy!!!!

I even took my phone out of the case for you guys.

Fuckin' A man that's going to be an awesome workspace! Planning on adding a couple more doors?
Yeah at the far end. More doors = more usable space. I did that to my current shop and holy cow does that make more usable space.

Still not sure how I’m gonna play this. I have a shop about the same size right across the street that I use now. I really don’t want to buy another set of tools lol. And I don’t want to be forever driving back and forth losing stuff.
Just wait until you find out how densely you can pack heavy shit when you're using a crane and not pallets and a fork lift. :laughing:
Lol there is a 100 x 50 building right next to this one that will be for that stuff. I haven’t taken a picture of that yet.

I can honestly say I have way too much room under roof right now.

No way no how is shit getting stored under the crane. Projects that need to get done with the crane go under the crane!!
Yeah at the far end. More doors = more usable space. I did that to my current shop and holy cow does that make more usable space.

Still not sure how I’m gonna play this. I have a shop about the same size right across the street that I use now. I really don’t want to buy another set of tools lol. And I don’t want to be forever driving back and forth losing stuff.

Congrats on the new shop, I know you have been wanting it for a while.

If your going to be keeping both shops just start budgeting tools for both. The sthird time in an hour that you have to run for something stupid on a rush job you will be buying them anyway.
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