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Oregon woman holds suspected arsonist at gunpoint as wildfires rage

Fuck around and find out, champ . :lmao:

Fuckin *cringe*

You fantasize about conducting a Citizen's Arrest, don't you Barney?

Everyone in this thread responding to my post about telling some rando with a gun to fuck off:

Fuckin *cringe*

You fantasize about conducting a Citizen's Arrest, don't you Barney?

Everyone in this thread responding to my post about telling some rando with a gun to fuck off:


Nope not at all , but I will protect my family and what's mine by any means , and I mean any , is that a problem for you ?
I say smash 3 more for ohs down his gullet and go give his theory a shot:lmao:

You won't do shit, that fat cow wouldn't do shit, except stand there in befuddlement as I walked away laughing. :laughing:

"Heh-he dint do what I say when I waved my pew pew around! :crybaby2:"
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You won't do shit, that fat cow wouldn't do shit, except stand there in befuddlement as I walked away laughing. :laughing:

"Heh-he dint do what I say when I waved my pew pew around! :crybaby2:"

you're such a tough guy right meow
in fact, I'm willing to bet as soon as someone let's one go right next to your head you shit yourself and comply with every. single. command. you little bitch. if you say anything different than that, you're lying. just because you suspect that no one with a gun will do anything if you were to not comply with their orders, doesn't mean you are correct. you assume and would have holes in you.
Nope not at all , but I will protect my family and what's mine by any means , and I mean any , is that a problem for you ?

And you mean any?! Oh my word, you're really serious about shooting me in the back!

I don't take you one bit seriously and you deserve to be mocked.
you're such a tough guy right meow
in fact, I'm willing to bet as soon as someone let's one go right next to your head you shit yourself and comply with every. single. command. you little bitch. if you say anything different than that, you're lying. just because you suspect that no one with a gun will do anything if you were to not comply with their orders, doesn't mean you are correct. you assume and would have holes in you.

So your position is that you're going to start shooting warning shots at my back?

Then I will wail and piss my pants, fall on the ground, and you can stand majestically over me with shining rays of light in a fan behind your back, one New Balance sneaker pressed on my head, to ensure the Perp doesn't get away. A heavy-metal riff sounds, and a convertible full of young blondes squeals to a halt and they go "Mister! That... Was.... AWESOME!"

FJC11 roars up on his Harley, dismounts, and says "Hosss, that was some mighty fine shootin'". He claps you on the back. Later you guys go back to the Gastropub where local law enforcement buys you both round after round of fine craft brews.
And you mean any?! Oh my word, you're really serious about shooting me in the back!

A smart person would run around in front of you as you tried to walk away and shoot you in the front. Takes all that murder charge stuff off the table when they get to claim "self defense" and tell the nice officer how the fat slob dead guy that reeked of malt vinegar charged me so I had to shoot his ass.....

You lose.

I think skate board boy thought he could move faster than any 17 yr old kid could shoot too, look how that worked out for him

You think I'm coming after you with a skateboard after chasing you 2 blocks? Motherfucker I wouldn't chase a $10 bill two blocks.

Man, this scenario keeps getting more and more elaborate. Rich veins of plot layered upon each other about how you guys are going to save The American Way with your pew pews.
So your position is that you're going to start shooting warning shots at my back?

Then I will wail and piss my pants, fall on the ground, and you can stand majestically over me with shining rays of light in a fan behind your back, one New Balance sneaker pressed on my head, to ensure the Perp doesn't get away. A heavy-metal riff sounds, and a convertible full of young blondes squeals to a halt and they go "Mister! That... Was.... AWESOME!"

FJC11 roars up on his Harley, dismounts, and says "Hosss, that was some mighty fine shootin'". He claps you on the back. Later you guys go back to the Gastropub where local law enforcement buys you both round after round of fine craft brews.

you are the worst troll when you're mad at the staff. what did they do this time? do they know you're on the internet again?
you are the worst troll when you're mad at the staff. what did they do this time? do they know you're on the internet again?

Don't change the subject. Elaborate for us how you propose to use warning shots from your carry sidearm to cower perps.

I mean, if you miss, I would assume that you were aiming to hit, and now I will assume that you are winging shots wildly into the air, and my response is going to be to attempt sprinting in earnest for the first time in 15 years. You're obviously out of control and can't hit shit, because everyone knows you don't fire warning shots.

Now you've discharged a firearm at an unarmed man who is sprinting in the opposite direction.

What's your next move?

Your turn: Go!
you are the worst troll when you're mad at the staff. what did they do this time? do they know you're on the internet again?

Yup. I knew earlier when he replied to one of my posts in the School Board Meeting thread that he skipped his meds today.

I will admit though, even off his meds he's a better troll than Michael Garglesballs, Thecrawlingcockholsterpine and Nutsacktoucherlance combined. Fuck those guys.... :lmao:
Don't change the subject. Elaborate for us how you propose to use warning shots from your carry sidearm to cower perps.

I mean, if you miss, I would assume that you were aiming to hit, and now I will assume that you are winging shots wildly into the air, and my response is going to be to attempt sprinting in earnest for the first time in 15 years. You're obviously out of control and can't hit shit, because everyone knows you don't fire warning shots.

Now you've discharged a firearm at an unarmed man who is sprinting in the opposite direction.

What's your next move?

Your turn: Go!

See my post that you skipped over for your answer to that question...... You lose
Don't change the subject. Elaborate for us how you propose to use warning shots from your carry sidearm to cower perps.

I mean, if you miss, I would assume that you were aiming to hit, and now I will assume that you are winging shots wildly into the air, and my response is going to be to attempt sprinting in earnest for the first time in 15 years. You're obviously out of control and can't hit shit, because everyone knows you don't fire warning shots.

Now you've discharged a firearm at an unarmed man who is sprinting in the opposite direction.

What's your next move?

Your turn: Go!

you're committing a felony in this here scenario Skippy. you were committing a felony on my property, and I'll assume that since you were trying to start my property on fire, you were trying to kill my family and i. you wouldn't get your back turned before i made you a bit heavier. that fit your scenario dumb fuck? I'm not pulling my gun unless i need to use it. if i pull my gun, I'm in fear for my or someone i love's life. you aren't leaving the my property with a pulse, period. wanna give it a go tough guy? I'm easy enough to find. come get you some
Yup. I knew earlier when he replied to one of my posts in the School Board Meeting thread that he skipped his meds today.

I will admit though, even off his meds he's a better troll than Michael Garglesballs, Thecrawlingcockholsterpine and Nutsacktoucherlance combined. Fuck those guys.... :lmao:

there's that lol, but he's off his rocker dumb today...and i can't resist for some reason:lmao:
Seems to happen about once a month like clock work.

evernoob Are you a woman? :laughing:

i have thought lately he sounded quite a lot like a scorned woman with masculinity issues, but someone once told me that that ship had sailed. i wonder if there's proof of evernoob being vaginaless...things that make you go "what the fuck am i on? "
So your position is that you're going to start shooting warning shots at my back?

Then I will wail and piss my pants, fall on the ground, and you can stand majestically over me with shining rays of light in a fan behind your back, one New Balance sneaker pressed on my head, to ensure the Perp doesn't get away. A heavy-metal riff sounds, and a convertible full of young blondes squeals to a halt and they go "Mister! That... Was.... AWESOME!"

FJC11 roars up on his Harley, dismounts, and says "Hosss, that was some mighty fine shootin'". He claps you on the back. Later you guys go back to the Gastropub where local law enforcement buys you both round after round of fine craft brews.

Evernoob is bidens dick so far up your ass that you are gonna sit here and stand up for a piece of shit trying to burn down a neighborhood? And then call out a woman for standing up for her family and personal property. And tell us all how fucking tough you are. Life's not a video game quit living in a delusional state. Your whats fucking wrong with America. No respect for anything and think your gods gift to the fucking world. Think every thing is owed to you. Fuck your feelings. Grow the fuck up. Man the fuck up. Quit being a little bitch.
Evernoob is bidens dick so far up your ass that you are gonna sit here and stand up for a piece of shit trying to burn down a neighborhood? And then call out a woman for standing up for her family and personal property. And tell us all how fucking tough you are. Life's not a video game quit living in a delusional state. Your whats fucking wrong with America. No respect for anything and think your gods gift to the fucking world. Think every thing is owed to you. Fuck your feelings. Grow the fuck up. Man the fuck up. Quit being a little bitch.

He will never not be a little bitch. If he hasn't showed his true colors before ,this thread has helped him do just that. We all can see he's fucking Delusional and "above" us mere mortals.

He's seen and done it all. Knows everything there is to know about life and the world we live in.

He's never gonna change that because he would have to leave the house and see the Real world for what it is and what it's like to survive away from his Google and keyboard.

There's 3-4 vids of this Woman,she is not taking No shit from the nig or anybody else on her property that she deems as a threat. If he would have pushed his luck with her,I'd bet my bottom dollar this story would have a different ending.

This world needs more of Her and less of him.
I know I'm going to regret this, but Evernoob is a smart guy as far as intellect is concerned. You may hate him for whatever, but he's literate, rarely misspells a word, he's articulate, he gets his point across, and stays on his point. However, he lacks what some would call tact, or class, or maturity.

In this case, he's totally right and here is how: You really think that lady in that picture would have shot the guy in the back if he ran away?
I know I'm going to regret this, but Evernoob is a smart guy as far as intellect is concerned. You may hate him for whatever, but he's literate, rarely misspells a word, he's articulate, he gets his point across, and stays on his point. However, he lacks what some would call tact, or class, or maturity.

In this case, he's totally right and here is how: You really think that lady in that picture would have shot the guy in the back if he ran away?

here's my point. dude wasn't given the chance to run away. everboob would also not run away. he would lay there complying like he should and let the police sort it out. that is the
INTELLIGENT thing to do in this situation...especially if you're innocent.... you wouldn't run away either. Neither would I. Don't try to be a tough guy starting down the barrel of a gun held by someone you don't know.

I will give you this, he is intellectual, but he doesn't always stay on point. He is likely a savant when it comes to memory, but he isn't intelligent. Great memory skills do not equate to intelligence. I can tell he's not very intelligent when he starts taking about how intelligent he is. A person with an IQ over 140 rarely boasts about it. I know quite a few intelligent people. My son is one, over 140 iq, no social skills:laughing:.
They might put you in your place intellectually, but they won't say "see how lucky you are, a person with a 140 iq just put you in your place" the boob has literally said that multiple times... he is a dip shit:rolleyes:
Don't try to be a tough guy starting down the barrel of a gun held by someone you don't know.

Good advice and I bet if you have a legitimate reason for being on someone else's property you wouldn't be held at gun point.
And the issue could be talked out.
This thread piqued my interest. Someone who knows the woman provided some information. Then I scrolled through 3 pages of Evernoob being a fucking retard.

Eviltwit and Evernoob can ruin a thread almost instantly and make it worthless.
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