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Old Parents & Money


Ordinary Average Guy
May 21, 2020
Member Number
Does anyone else have older parents (60 years old +) that just spend money or do things that make absolutely no sense, financially, for their future?

Example, I'll use my parents.

My dad is 60 years old, my mom is 66. Last year their outside wood burner was done for. I tried to convince them to look into putting in an easier system, like propane, or even pellets. Nope...they had their outside wood burner rebuilt for a rather large sum of money, and now my dad still has to cut a ton of firewood every single year. Just recently my mom made a comment about not being able to load the logs into the outside wood burner, and I asked what she would do if he passed away. Nothing.

My parents live 30 minutes away, and that wood burner needs loaded twice a day. It heats all their water, so it's a 24/7 thing.

Tonight, my wife's parents were talking about spending a large amount of money on something that was not financially intelligent given circumstances.

I'm sitting here thinking, what the fuck? My wife is always wanting to help her parents and my parents financially and it's just like, NO. Why? They're not making intelligent decisions. It's not our job to handout money to help pay for their mistakes or bad decisions. None of them are retired. They're all working full-time still with no retirement money set aside...

Am I off base here? What would you guys do?
Stop giving money for starters.

My mom recently retired. Same shit is starting to happen there too (buying stupid shit). She's not quite to the "QVC" stage, but I'm sure we'll be having that talk before too long
Stop giving money for starters.

My mom recently retired. Same shit is starting to happen there too (buying stupid shit). She's not quite to the "QVC" stage, but I'm sure we'll be having that talk before too long

We're not handing out money...yet, but my wife is always wanting to. I keep telling her I can't do it when our parents are frivolously spending money, stupidly.
My FIL has been this way for a while, it's gotten worse since he had a stroke a year and a half ago. His old Caravan needed a transmission but was otherwise a very well maintained and clean rig, so he bought a small crossover after barely looking at it or test driving it and decided he hated it about a month later. Not long after that he had a stroke and could no longer drive legally. That left his wife driving their old F250 to the dump, F250 broke down and the shop talked him out of fixing it for whatever reason. So, he did the logical thing and rolled all the negative equity on the little Toyota thing into a brand new F150 that he can't even drive instead of paying cash for a clean used truck. He's constantly donating money to political organizations instead of paying bills too, if anything at this point it seems like he's trying to spend all his money before he dies so there's nothing for his family inherit.

My mom is constantly dumping money into shit because she panics whenever the news tells her to. I'm not allowed in their house currently due to the beer flu but my dad says they've got more TP than the grocery store, FedEx guy pulled in right before me the last time I was over there and he needed a fuckin' hand truck to deliver all the shit she'd bought, dad says it's been that way almost every day for months. They're pretty set financially but still, you can only pack so much shit into their house.

I ain't got any money to give anyone so I don't have to worry about that.
My FIL has been this way for a while, it's gotten worse since he had a stroke a year and a half ago. His old Caravan needed a transmission but was otherwise a very well maintained and clean rig, so he bought a small crossover after barely looking at it or test driving it and decided he hated it about a month later. Not long after that he had a stroke and could no longer drive legally. That left his wife driving their old F250 to the dump, F250 broke down and the shop talked him out of fixing it for whatever reason. So, he did the logical thing and rolled all the negative equity on the little Toyota thing into a brand new F150 that he can't even drive instead of paying cash for a clean used truck. He's constantly donating money to political organizations instead of paying bills too, if anything at this point it seems like he's trying to spend all his money before he dies so there's nothing for his family inherit.

My mom is constantly dumping money into shit because she panics whenever the news tells her to. I'm not allowed in their house currently due to the beer flu but my dad says they've got more TP than the grocery store, FedEx guy pulled in right before me the last time I was over there and he needed a fuckin' hand truck to deliver all the shit she'd bought, dad says it's been that way almost every day for months. They're pretty set financially but still, you can only pack so much shit into their house.

I ain't got any money to give anyone so I don't have to worry about that.

I told my wife tonight it must be a thing with older people. Maybe it's denial about getting older?

My neighbors got their stuff together. Both in their 70's, both retired, very small ranch house that's paid for, two small Toyota cars that are paid for...they don't do anything that I think, "Wow, that's a bad idea." Ha-ha!
I am 67+ years old; live with my parents of 88+ years. I am widowed and had nothing better to do but move in and take care of things. This has be a fucking adventure to say the least; Mother is strong willed and sharp as a tack. Dad is slowing down fast, and starting to lose it. I don't think they will be around much longer; but this is the best time of MY life! I had the house signed over to me years ago have picked up all expenses and considerable upgrades to the property. So now my parents can spend any and all there money on whatever they want. Mother is at the casino two or three times a week and blows through some serious cash. Dad doesn't get around much so he is happy carving or reading a book. Told mother we are getting a housekeeper in January, your done making beds and cleaning! (I do that shit now; but would rather have someone else do it!). I do all the cooking, but enjoy it so it isn't a chore.

My problem is; I need a fucking break now and again!

OP See if you can slip in and start taking over some of the routine stupid shit your parents are worried about. I am getting this house setup the way it should be; mother would have still been fucing around trying to "fix it" type bull shit.
it seems like he's trying to spend all his money before he dies so there's nothing for his family inherit.


Should the family deserve to inherit anything? Maybe I'm off base, but I want my parents to spend all their money enjoying this life and not leave us kids shit. I think it's our responsibility to take care of ourselves. So long as they are taken care of financially for the rest of both their lives, and they should be based on their finances, I don't expect or want anything from them financially.
I am 67+ years old; live with my parents of 88+ years. I am widowed and had nothing better to do but move in and take care of things. This has be a fucking adventure to say the least; Mother is strong willed and sharp as a tack. Dad is slowing down fast, and starting to lose it. I don't think they will be around much longer; but this is the best time of MY life! I had the house signed over to me years ago have picked up all expenses and considerable upgrades to the property. So now my parents can spend any and all there money on whatever they want. Mother is at the casino two or three times a week and blows through some serious cash. Dad doesn't get around much so he is happy carving or reading a book. Told mother we are getting a housekeeper in January, your done making beds and cleaning! (I do that shit now; but would rather have someone else do it!). I do all the cooking, but enjoy it so it isn't a chore.

My problem is; I need a fucking break now and again!

OP See if you can slip in and start taking over some of the routine stupid shit your parents are worried about. I am getting this house setup the way it should be; mother would have still been fucing around trying to "fix it" type bull shit.

My parent's house is going downhill fast, and they don't have the money to fix everything. I offered to take on the rest of the mortgage, put the house in my name, and pay for all the repairs to be done properly. The problem is they think I'm wanting them to die so I can have all their junk. My sister wants nothing to do with the house, or their problems. I'm not buying my sister out of their house if I'm going to be the one to fix it up.

It's all a hopeless uphill battle, and it's like fuck it, ya'll can deal with this shit when you can't work. Then maybe you'll want to make some decisions.

Hell, we even offered to buy my in laws a house (they rent now), and they said no. I have no idea what either of our parents have planned for retirement, when they can't work anymore...I guess they're all just planning on dying before that point? :confused:
Should the family deserve to inherit anything? Maybe I'm off base, but I want my parents to spend all their money enjoying this life and not leave us kids shit. I think it's our responsibility to take care of ourselves. So long as they are taken care of financially for the rest of both their lives, and they should be based on their finances, I don't expect or want anything from them financially.

I agree.

Other than my dad's guns and his old tools, that's all I have coming to me. I only want them so my sister doesn't sell them!
Should the family deserve to inherit anything? Maybe I'm off base, but I want my parents to spend all their money enjoying this life and not leave us kids shit. I think it's our responsibility to take care of ourselves. So long as they are taken care of financially for the rest of both their lives, and they should be based on their finances, I don't expect or want anything from them financially.

yup, provided they don't cause damage to themselves. worse case scenario, they have to give up all their assets, go totally broke and move in to a shanty addition with the kids or be stuck in a state home.

what are they saving up for? maybe they will see 90, maybe they won't see 70, let it ride.
Should the family deserve to inherit anything? Maybe I'm off base, but I want my parents to spend all their money enjoying this life and not leave us kids shit. I think it's our responsibility to take care of ourselves. So long as they are taken care of financially for the rest of both their lives, and they should be based on their finances, I don't expect or want anything from them financially.

It's putting his wife getting to retire on time in jeopardy, and if anyone deserves something for taking care of his miserable ass, it's her. I stand to inherit absolutely nothing from him, so I ain't worried about it just seems like that's where it's coming from for him, spend and sell everything but the house as a final fuck you. He was left to his own devices for a week or two a while back and blew something like 10 grand buying shit online and making campaign donations.
Should the family deserve to inherit anything? Maybe I'm off base, but I want my parents to spend all their money enjoying this life and not leave us kids shit. I think it's our responsibility to take care of ourselves. So long as they are taken care of financially for the rest of both their lives, and they should be based on their finances, I don't expect or want anything from them financially.

I agree. My dad passed at 67. Worked until about two weeks before he died. Changed my perspective on life. I hope my mom lives her life doing whatever she wants up until the end. As long as she lives the rest of her life happy, it shouldn’t matter if my siblings or I inherit anything.
I"m fortunate with parents on both sides of the family.....

My mom is widowed and lives alone at 87. She's sharp as a tack, and financially well off with my dad's pension, SSI, and other savings. Frugal, but not afraid to pay for home improvements as needed; and has a weekly house keeper and gardener to keep things tidy. She still walks short distances despite hip replacement surgery, but that's about it. She has a great "support" network on her cul-du-sac where her neighbors of over 40 yrs also keep a daily eye on her. My sister lives within 15 minutes of her to also keep an eye her. Mom does fine and is happy to still live in her home....

My in-laws live within 10 minutes of my wife and I. My FIL is 95 and still drives around town just fine :eek:. My MIL is 89 and has had a stroke, so her mobility is short distances as well, but she is mentally sound. She still manages their retirement finances and is a successful on-line day-trader :laughing:.

I've really lucked out so far....
I hope my mom lives her life doing whatever she wants up until the end. As long as she lives the rest of her life happy, it shouldn’t matter if my siblings or I inherit anything.

This is right where I'm at, my Mom is 69 and since she retired back at the age of 63 she has been traveling the world. I do give her shit for buying stuff on QVC though.
My FIL has been this way for a while, it's gotten worse since he had a stroke a year and a half ago. His old Caravan needed a transmission but was otherwise a very well maintained and clean rig, so he bought a small crossover after barely looking at it or test driving it and decided he hated it about a month later. Not long after that he had a stroke and could no longer drive legally. That left his wife driving their old F250 to the dump, F250 broke down and the shop talked him out of fixing it for whatever reason. So, he did the logical thing and rolled all the negative equity on the little Toyota thing into a brand new F150 that he can't even drive instead of paying cash for a clean used truck. He's constantly donating money to political organizations instead of paying bills too, if anything at this point it seems like he's trying to spend all his money before he dies so there's nothing for his family inherit.

My mom is constantly dumping money into shit because she panics whenever the news tells her to. I'm not allowed in their house currently due to the beer flu but my dad says they've got more TP than the grocery store, FedEx guy pulled in right before me the last time I was over there and he needed a fuckin' hand truck to deliver all the shit she'd bought, dad says it's been that way almost every day for months. They're pretty set financially but still, you can only pack so much shit into their house.

I ain't got any money to give anyone so I don't have to worry about that.

I don't believe you. You're full of shit. At the very least you are projecting your bullshit onto other people. At worst you're just a shill.

Any inheritance is not your business. You're a greedy, grasping little fuck at the very least.

Just too much reddit in your posts Junior.
I don't believe you. You're full of shit. At the very least you are projecting your bullshit onto other people. At worst you're just a shill.

Any inheritance is not your business. You're a greedy, grasping little fuck at the very least.

Just too much reddit in your posts Junior.

You haven't killed yourself yet? That's a damn shame. Nobody gives a fuck what you believe.
I am 67+ years old; live with my parents of 88+ years. I am widowed and had nothing better to do but move in and take care of things. This has be a fucking adventure to say the least; Mother is strong willed and sharp as a tack. Dad is slowing down fast, and starting to lose it. I don't think they will be around much longer; but this is the best time of MY life! I had the house signed over to me years ago have picked up all expenses and considerable upgrades to the property. So now my parents can spend any and all there money on whatever they want. Mother is at the casino two or three times a week and blows through some serious cash. Dad doesn't get around much so he is happy carving or reading a book. Told mother we are getting a housekeeper in January, your done making beds and cleaning! (I do that shit now; but would rather have someone else do it!). I do all the cooking, but enjoy it so it isn't a chore.

My problem is; I need a fucking break now and again!

OP See if you can slip in and start taking over some of the routine stupid shit your parents are worried about. I am getting this house setup the way it should be; mother would have still been fucing around trying to "fix it" type bull shit.

That's kickass except your mother's gambling addiction, spending it all on the Indians and their undeserving ass.

Your dad reads and carves? He's already ahead of the curve. My stepdad refused to read anything he didn't have to. I hate deliberate ignorance.

Your mom needs to keep making beds and washing floors, unless you're trying to kill her. If that's the case, by all means hire an Illegal to do her work. What's your Mom going to do if Consuela is doing it all for her? Just bitch at Consuela? Maybe you want a fat little Mestizo milf to fuck on the side, like Arnold and that ugly woman he cheated with, or Jeb Bush. Both disgusting men, and disgusting concubines. If I get a Latina whore, I want Veronica Rodriguez, a Venezuelan.

Here's Veronica for reference:

This is right where I'm at, my Mom is 69 and since she retired back at the age of 63 she has been traveling the world. I do give her shit for buying stuff on QVC though.

I guess im sorta in this group. Both my sister and I have been trying to convince my parents to enjoy their savings. Dad goes back to Europe every year still at 80.

Unfortunately, we're pretty certain mom is agoraphobic. She may leave the house 10 times a year and hasn't been on a plane since they got stuck in Germany when swiss air went bankrupt and chained their doors shut until the swiss gov bailed them out. They flew over in September of 2001...I kinda get why she doesn't want to fly anymore.
I don't believe you. You're full of shit. At the very least you are projecting your bullshit onto other people. At worst you're just a shill.

Any inheritance is not your business. You're a greedy, grasping little fuck at the very least.

Just too much reddit in your posts Junior.

Jesus Christ you’re a fucking moron! You seem to think you know exactly what people think and who they are from a paragraph they have written? Fuck, just go away you parasite!
Last edited:
Jesus Christ your a fucking moron! You seem to think you know exactly what people think and who they are from a paragraph they have written? Fuck, just go away you parasite!


My soon to be ex in-laws are right there with trike kids in their spending habits. Blowing cash on stupid shit that's worth nothing and mortgaging the house to afford it at least 3 times in the last decade. :homer:

My parents just sold their house they owned for just shy of 45 years and bought a nice double-wide in a senior park. They paid cash for that place and invested the rest of the proceeds into an investment that will pay their bills monthly off the interest and they invested another 6 figures for my brothers and myself. We all sat around the table with the investment guy and told him to put "our" money in their account because it belongs to them and they need to spend every red cent. My parents drive older but extremely well maintained vehicles so their bills are very reasonable. I imagine once this covid shit is over they'll start travelling.
That's kickass except your mother's gambling addiction, spending it all on the Indians and their undeserving ass.

Your dad reads and carves? He's already ahead of the curve. My stepdad refused to read anything he didn't have to. I hate deliberate ignorance.

Your mom needs to keep making beds and washing floors, unless you're trying to kill her. If that's the case, by all means hire an Illegal to do her work. What's your Mom going to do if Consuela is doing it all for her? Just bitch at Consuela? Maybe you want a fat little Mestizo milf to fuck on the side, like Arnold and that ugly woman he cheated with, or Jeb Bush. Both disgusting men, and disgusting concubines. If I get a Latina whore, I want Veronica Rodriguez, a Venezuelan.

Here's Veronica for reference:


Yaba daba do! MOTHER has a serious case of COPD and QVC (hording useless crap) . Come January, I am going to que up a mess of latinas for a job interviews.

La cucaracha, la cucaracha
Ya no puede caminar
Porque no tiene, porque le falta
Una pata para andar
Una cucaracha grande
Se pasea en la cocina
Y la chancla de mi madre
Le ha quitado una patita
La cucaracha, la cucaracha
Ya no puede caminar
Porque no tiene, porque le falta
Una pata para andar

That's kickass except your mother's gambling addiction, spending it all on the Indians and their undeserving ass.

Your dad reads and carves? He's already ahead of the curve. My stepdad refused to read anything he didn't have to. I hate deliberate ignorance.

Your mom needs to keep making beds and washing floors, unless you're trying to kill her. If that's the case, by all means hire an Illegal to do her work. What's your Mom going to do if Consuela is doing it all for her? Just bitch at Consuela? Maybe you want a fat little Mestizo milf to fuck on the side, like Arnold and that ugly woman he cheated with, or Jeb Bush. Both disgusting men, and disgusting concubines. If I get a Latina whore, I want Veronica Rodriguez, a Venezuelan.

Here's Veronica for reference:


Looks like a dude.
I just turned 73, wife is 74. We live on about 40 grand yearly after tax money , pension, 401k ,SS....$300 grand in the bank, house paid for...We live without excessive frills, except for my motorcycle collection...I still crawl under our older vehicles for repairs,we both fix whatever needs fixing. We had planned to make a move but I came down with a very lethal disease last August and still getting treatments... Thanks to modern medicine it won't kill me anytime soon so life sorta goes on for right now. I want to move south ,wife has family here and his dragging her feet ....
You haven't killed yourself yet? That's a damn shame. Nobody gives a fuck what you believe.

Jesus Christ you’re a fucking moron! You seem to think you know exactly what people think and who they are from a paragraph they have written? Fuck, just go away you parasite!

You and your guilty consciences definitely care.

You got caught out worrying a bit too much about your paltry inheritance. If your parents want to leave this Earth penniless, that is 100% their business and 0% your business.

An entire thread of hiding, sniping, greedy little cowards worried about their ELDERS sitting home and saving every last penny to pass on. :shaking:

What's your poor old mom doing blowing your new multi-process welder money on QVC doilies? Oh nooooo!

You guys got busted, and like a bunch of 4 year-olds you're angry and resentful about it. It's so clear.

Looks like a child , sick fucking pedo for sure.:barf:

Yeah, she's undocumented so no one is sure of her age. She has no papers! So she better clean that kitchen before you call la Migra.

That's right, clean that kitchen you dirty little slut. Then afterwards you have 3 loads of laundry and a pole to polish. Yeah, get it nice and shiny, you naughty immigrant.

Tell you what, Everboob can ruin a thread almost instantly.

I'm not sure of what your experience is with this boob, but I can tell you this much, it's not that we worry about parents dying penniless and not leaving us anything, but if they get in serious financial trouble and can't pay, we're stuck figuring out what to do with them. You either watch them struggle, possibly become homeless, or you help them. In my situation, my wife and I are the only ones nearby to help both sets of parents. It's frustrating watching this unfold.

But like some others have said, it's not our business to worry or tend to them, but it's hard watching parents struggle, or listening to them vent about having no money, problems piling up, etcetera.
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