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Old Man Fight


Amateur Viking
May 20, 2020
Member Number
North Bend WA
Ok, so the democrats allow Biden to do one debate with Trump ( I'm actually thinking they aren't going to allow any debates but I don't know how, kung flu?) on live television. Trump destroys Biden, makes him look senile, confused him, insults him,, etc.... Biden eventually loses his shit completely and advances on Trump. Who you got, Trump or Biden? :stirthepot:
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I still can't figure out how they decided Biden is their guy, it's like they didn't learn anything running with Hitlary.
I still can't figure out how they decided Biden is their guy, it's like they didn't learn anything running with Hitlary.

I don't get that either. Of all the people you could pick, it's this guy!? Even my liberal friends think "well, I'm voting for him only because I don't want Trump, but Biden is a dummy"
I still can't figure out how they decided Biden is their guy, it's like they didn't learn anything running with Hitlary.

yeppers. hidibeast is the devil. dont know how biden holds a candle to trump
In most of his speeches he seems unaware that he is even running for any office. Senile is the word that I think of.
Look at who the repubs ran against Obama, Mcain a far left of center repub, and Mittens another left of center Repub, whose state health care law was the blueprint for Obama care the second time around, Hell remember when they ran Bob Dole against Clinton all because they knew they didn't have a snowballs chance of winning so it is the same with Biden "It's his turn" for being a good Dem all these years
Its a Hail Mary.The most important person will be the VP pick.On the long odds chance that Jolted Joe wins,he won't last more than a few months. Dementia,whatever,he'll be taken out of the picture.They can't actually run the socialist they want to,but if that person is the VP,game on.

It's hard to tell if the current political bs has hurt Trump that much,but I really think he might be taking a few blows over this.

And to answer the original question:

If Joe doesn't get halfway to Trump and forget why he was going there,he still has a chance.

A chance to forget when he does get there.
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I have been writing Trump's family to get Trump to say something about Creepy Joe and all those girls he gets close to. Trump has twitted about it, calling him Creepy Joe and talking about his leg hair and shit 🤣

God we need Trump to win just for the memes alone. So entertaining.

I just want Trump to humiliate Creepy Joe about all the times he's kissed little girls while they cringe.


I hate to do it because it's part of the War on Men. But, if we must we must, it's already practically illegal to say hi to a girl anyway, if you're a middle-aged man. Every man I know is absolutely terrified of young women because of it, so might as well throw Creepy Joe under the bus.
I hope Biden gets asked about the dumbass snowflakes we have out there wanting America to go socialistic and what would he do... :laughing:

The winner would be the one most equipped intellectually & emotionally to know the difference between right.... and gobbleddygoop-
I'm surprised they haven't brought someone like Oprah or that Dr Oz character I see on the magazine covers while waiting in line at the grocery store.
It was just Joe's turn. Remember when he ran with Obama he was offered VP or secretary of state and chose VP.

Of course we are supposed to believe that the people chose Joe.

I would like to think Trump will beat him but with so much corruption who knows.

Also love to see the campaign ads in other states because there has to be something I am not seeing that makes joe look amazing or something.

agree debate probably won't happen but both camps have agreed to 3 live debates.
Joe is merely an easily manipulable figure head for the true leftist movement.
Not going to watch that shit show as I won't vote for either. I'm voting my conscience, Jo Jorgensen, libertarian. Go ahead and slam me, but my conscience will be clear. Will yours ?
Not going to watch that shit show as I won't vote for either. I'm voting my conscience, Jo Jorgensen, libertarian. Go ahead and slam me, but my conscience will be clear. Will yours ?

If that's all you have it's no wonder people refer to you as everboob.

You're trying to shame us for voting for someone who is extremely popular among his constituency. So I see your post as an 'old man yelling at cloud' moment b/c it's irrelevant. I'm not ashamed voting for Trump, at all.

You're the one who should be ashamed, throwing your vote away and then if Biden gets elected and falls asleep and poops his pants during the first summit with Xi Jinping, now America looks like a county of pants-shitters.
He annoys me and relies on repetition and slogans way too much. He'll be saying "crazy Joe" or whatever the nickname will be for Biden as often as McCain said "mah friens" (which also annoyed the piss out of me)

I can't stand it either. I stand beside him in everything he's done. But man, when he gets in front of the mic...its just, oh man STOP TALKING.

That's the one area Obama had nailed down; reading a teleprompter. He was great at that.
You're trying to shame us for voting for someone who is extremely popular among his constituency. So I see your post as an 'old man yelling at cloud' moment b/c it's irrelevant. I'm not ashamed voting for Trump, at all.

You're the one who should be ashamed, throwing your vote away and then if Biden gets elected and falls asleep and poops his pants during the first summit with Xi Jinping, now America looks like a county of pants-shitters.

There you go again, claiming I said/did something I never did. You're using the same old excuse everyone uses and then bitches about "nothing ever changes". You're the problem, not the solution.
There you go again, claiming I said/did something I never did. You're using the same old excuse everyone uses and then bitches about "nothing ever changes". You're the problem, not the solution.

I see Trump as an Outsider, most do. That's why he's so popular.

Every man I know is absolutely terrified of young women because of it, so might as well throw Creepy Joe under the bus.

What kind of assholes do you know? I'm a middle-aged guy and I'm not terrified of young women, but maybe it's because I try to be respectable and non-douchey
Its a Hail Mary.The most important person will be the VP pick.On the long odds chance that Jolted Joe wins,he won't last more than a few months. Dementia,whatever,he'll be taken out of the picture.They can't actually run the socialist they want to,but if that person is the VP,game on.

This, but if the VP pic is Comella Harris, she's no socialist. She's just your garden variety crook. The fact is most Dems are not socialists. Their just using that as a way to get votes. (Young people are too stupid to realize that) (Also they are too stupid to realize that socialism doesn't work)

Side note, someone said in this thread that Oprah said "white people must die for racism to end". Is that a recorded statement? That would explain why she doesn't run for office.
What kind of assholes do you know? I'm a middle-aged guy and I'm not terrified of young women, but maybe it's because I try to be respectable and non-douchey

Doesn't matter. All it takes is an accusation, no matter what you think.

AND you are not qualified to comment on if you are creepy or respectful.

Your non creepy , respectful, may be construed as creepy as hell and super douchey.

You are trying to comment on how SOMEONE ELSE perceives something.

For example: there was a story in the paper about a college professor telling an Asian lady named "Phuc Boi" she should pic an American name because her name sounded like Fuck Boy.

Someone commented how "her full name translated into something beautiful in her native language"

I commented "If i was in foreign country and my name translated into something vulgar I would want someone to tell me, AND if it did indeed translate into something beautiful, why didn't she go by the translation, so we could all enjoy it"

I was called racist and culturally insensitive for that comment. This person perceived that comment as racist. I can't help what they perceived.
These are the people interpreting your actions and have the final say if you are creepy or douchey! .......... Good luck
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COVID 19 and the Jamal Floyd bullshit all just fabricated media nonsense to prevent Biden from debating trump.
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