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Old Barns in your area or travels pic thread


Red Skull Member
May 20, 2020
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I’ve been seeing old barns in my area disappear either from neglect or farms being replaced with subdivisions. I was out test driving my car on the backroads near my house and started getting some pictures of the old barns thinking some may not be around much longer.

I watch a British guy on YouTube that does motorcycle repairs and his test rides thru the country side I see old stone houses and barns that seem to be in good condition for there age I’m guessing older than barns in my area.

The old farmhouse behind me was built in 1910 the barn foundation is still there and a few out buildings left . My parents house was built in 1888 still in good condition with only the caridge building left nothing left of the main barn or mill .

Here’s a few pictures I took post up some in your area before they become a 7/11 or amozon warehouse.
I like the old barns, they just reek of nostalgia. Mine was built in 1982 so doesn’t qualify, but if I ever have to build another it will be in the old style.

There are old barns in my area but I don’t think they are that old, maybe from the 1920’s and newer.
There are/were a couple near me. A farm near us grew hops many years ago. The hop barn is still somewhat there, but the upper structure collapsed a couple years ago. The old barn that was near the hop barn was dismantled before it could collapse. One of the adjacent buildings is being given a little TLC after years of neglect. During the nasty storms we had two years ago, the barn across from the school was damaged. I was happy to see that it was repaired.

I’ll add pics asap
I wish barns could talk for all the stories they could tell. I believe this one was built in 1939 and is roughly 100 feet from my backdoor. My dad remembers stacking hay up in the hayloft when he was a kid. Still very sturdy but the west wall is going to need some repair's soon.

This is before I painted it


I found this barn north of Terre Haute, IN while I was out looking for squarebodies. Round barns are few and far between around here

So cool. I've come to the conclusion recently that in order to be happy I need a tractor, a pond and a BARN! Life goals. :smokin:
A tractor is a must for us. May not work well in a tract home setting though.

The property next to ours has a good sized year round pond (close enough for us to enjoy the roaring of the frogs 😊)

We have a couple older “out buildings”, but nothing close to a barn.
Last year the bank I deal with here did there calendar with a pic of barns from Lapeer county. Every month featured a different barn with a caption.
Im lazy and don't feel like taking pictures, so google :flipoff2:

The one on the left was originally a horse barn, converted into the milking barn in the 80s, We're pretty sure its older than the house which was built in 1916. The middle one was built in the 30s and was the milking barn back then. The one on the right was a machine shed, built in the 50s
Screenshot 2024-03-17 22.21.03.png

older Google to show the old well shed that was replaced by the above shed 15ish years ago. Because who wouldn't have their water come from the middle of a cattle yard? :homer:

Screenshot 2024-03-17 22.23.18.png
I love this topic.

Brodheadsville PA


Kunkletown PA


Gilbert PA


Jonas PA


Reeders PA (Since razed)


And the barn that made me appreciate barns. My great grandparent's barn, photo from the late 80s, was located in Swiftwater PA, since razed for a school. I'm still incredibly bitter.

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