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Official Cast Iron thread

Mr Stubs

Taste my rainbow, bitches
May 19, 2020
Member Number
Land of liquid sunshine
Do we have one yet? If so, I didn’t see it on a quick search.

So post up what ya have, what you just got, questions about, etc....

CaryW has always been a huge help and kinda known as the resident expert, maybe he will bless us with his presence here every now and again.

My grandparents just dropped this off. Looks like it’s made for a wood stove? Either way I am going to have to figure out how to use this waffle maker.


Yeah. I've only got the one new pan, but I'm always on the lookout and get very jelly when I see some of the collections posted.

edit. The town my dad lives in has a town wide garage sale weekend, but it is kind of snooty and they don't seem to get rid of any of their old cast iron, if they had any in the first place.
I just have some cheap 6” and 10 or 12” from
the camping section in Walmart. They work. I like them better than regular pans that just warp and suck. But they are nothing to be proud of, I dont even know if they a made in USA or ChiCom.
Not sure when the last time this Ol’ girl was used, but it’s time to go back in service.

You are supposed to use the base, holds the 1/2's together when you flip it over.

Have 6 Lodge Loaf pans that made about 50 loaves of bread at Thanksgiving. Have the big lodge 15" skillet for camp cooking.
I just have some cheap 6” and 10 or 12” from
the camping section in Walmart. They work. I like them better than regular pans that just warp and suck. But they are nothing to be proud of, I dont even know if they a made in USA or ChiCom.

Chinese trash.
You are supposed to use the base, holds the 1/2's together when you flip it over.

Have 6 Lodge Loaf pans that made about 50 loaves of bread at Thanksgiving. Have the big lodge 15" skillet for camp cooking.
I would love to but I can’t. The ring base is designed for a wood fired stove I believe. It won’t sit flat on anything because of a locking tang out of the bottom of the ring.

I wish Carey would show up, he knows so much about these things history, ages, foundries, ect.
I've got a griddle I brought back to life, a skillet and then a round griddle. I use the shit out of em now so they are more seasoned than you see in the pics. I do pork chops or steaks 3-4 times a week.


No necessarily. WM still sells some lodge stuff in the camp section. All lodge (non enameled) cast is still made here.

The only lodge I remember seeing in the camping section was the Dutch oven with the 3 legs. Everything else was the Chinesium crap.
I was thinking about CaryW and his cast iron thread the night before last. Thanks for starting this thread.
Never knew I needed a cast iron waffle maker until now! :smokin:

Best skillet I have came from a dumpster, what a crime someone threw it out! The old Garland griddle up at camp cooks a mean pork chop, or whatever really.

Probably 12-15 items
Fav is a 9" ? Skillet , been in service around 30 years.
The 14" grandma left me is # 2
Loaf pans for bread\meatloaf (respectively)...
Who has the recure recipe?
The only lodge I remember seeing in the camping section was the Dutch oven with the 3 legs. Everything else was the Chinesium crap.

the cast iron in my WM camping section is ozark crap, the lodge stuff is over in the normal cookware section
I dont mind the gear oil taste and smell in my house. I didnt even have to season my stuff. Nothing sticks. And even better if it gets dirty I can just spray it with carb cleaner and take it to the car wash. :flipoff2:

Starting fluid works better :flipoff2:
I need so many things. An actual griddle, a really small skillet that I can cook 1 or 2 eggs in, a cornbread pan...that's what I can think of off the top of my head.
CaryW So what can you tell us about my newly acquired waffle maker?

Nice #8 Griswold. Too bad the base wont sit correctly on your burner. There are thousands of them out there but a matching set like that will usually fetch 100 to 125 or so. They made a high base also but it is difficult to get them up to temp with an electric stove.
We have a couple skillets, the deep one I use to deep fry Lumpia on a regular basis. Mrs uses the regular one for pork chops or salmon when cooking for her dad.

We also have a small griddle, a Dutch oven, my grandma’s cornbread iron (the half ears of corn one), and a square pan with ridges in the middle. These don’t get used much.

My mom recently gave us her LeCrueset collection because it was too heavy for her to use anymore
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