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Nuke going off, is it inevitable?

Jesus christ I just read about that project, and the whole weapons system sounds like an 8yr old came up with it! "It's a rocket that causes radiation and then drops nukes and then kills with sonic booms and then flies around for years spraying radiation and then when it crashes it radiates everything" LOL:shocked::shocked::nuke::nuke::nuke::eek:

then it releases murder hornets!!!
That is the weirdest shit I have seen on the subject. :laughing: Nuclear explosions of lab accidents ? Reactor accidents or weapons detonations ? The "ugly weapon" if it is possible, could be brought down instantly by any one of 100 nations on the planet at this time easily.

I was more pointing out the darkest side of humanity, the terrible things we were willing to create and use against our brothers. They thought it up, designed it and built a test model and it worked.. luckily someone wised up and pulled the plug on the project (publicly anyway) This was decades ago, but what has not changed is there are still countries who wish to behold such power. So the reality is that there is a solid possibility that there will be another nuke used on this planet at some point in time.

If Osama Bin Laden had gotten his hands on one, do you think he would have used it against us? How many others like him are still out there? Do we really want Iran playing with this shit?
No chance.
There is too much food and wealth available. No entity would choose to end all of earth over anything unless the wealth and prosperity died worldwide.

When the world starves, only then does it nuke itself.
No chance.
There is too much food and wealth available. No entity would choose to end all of earth over anything unless the wealth and prosperity died worldwide.

When the world starves, only then does it nuke itself.


1) "A nuke" isn't gonna end all of anything, except maybe one city.

2) "North Korea has a military nuclear weapons program and, as of early 2020, is estimated to have an arsenal of approximately 30-40 nuclear weapons and sufficient production of fissile material for 6-7 nuclear weapons per year. " -Wiki

"Defector says North Korean regime turned its people into cannibals
Gim had good reason to flee a North Korean concentration camp. Political prisoners in the camps have been ordered to dispose of corpses and women have been forced to kill their own babies, according to a 2014 UN report. Some escapees have described watching the mortal remains of prisoners being “burnt like rubbish” and their ashes used as fertilizer.
The UN estimates there are currently up to 120,000 prisoners in these camps and that hundreds of thousands of political prisoners have perished in them over the course of more than five decades." LINK


But yeah, China/Russia are unlikely to launch.
I can’t imagine it and hope not. But if anyone would use a nuke it would be a liberal regime. Too much emotion not enough rational thought
Is rocket man alive ? he has been quiet , since the report he was dead

1) "A nuke" isn't gonna end all of anything, except maybe one city.

2) "North Korea has a military nuclear weapons program and, as of early 2020, is estimated to have an arsenal of approximately 30-40 nuclear weapons and sufficient production of fissile material for 6-7 nuclear weapons per year. " -Wiki

"Defector says North Korean regime turned its people into cannibals
Gim had good reason to flee a North Korean concentration camp. Political prisoners in the camps have been ordered to dispose of corpses and women have been forced to kill their own babies, according to a 2014 UN report. Some escapees have described watching the mortal remains of prisoners being “burnt like rubbish” and their ashes used as fertilizer.
The UN estimates there are currently up to 120,000 prisoners in these camps and that hundreds of thousands of political prisoners have perished in them over the course of more than five decades." LINK

But yeah, China/Russia are unlikely to launch.

Oppa gangnam style
Is rocket man alive ? he has been quiet , since the report he was dead

I'm thinking he's going to ramp up the shit with another Dem in the House. Iran is damn happy too. China really has the green light to go full throttle now.
You think 1 nuke goes and that's it, nobody else fires anything? I like rainbows, too.

Unless it's US/China/Russia attacking each other, odds of everyone going all in are pretty slim.

Let's surmise what might happen: NK hits the US, the US flattens NK...Iran hits US, US flattens Iran...Russia hits US, world is done...China hits US, world is done...Iran hits Israel, Israel goes ape shit and US helps flatten Iran...Pakistan and India hit each other, they lob a few and kill each other.

Pretty much anyone in the "flatten" situation isn't going to ruin their entire country and anyone in the "world is done" situation isn't going to end the world.
World is done or a lot of the world is done, still bad both ways.
But like I said, nothing to worry until some 1st world countries start to starve.
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