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Nuke going off, is it inevitable?


May 26, 2020
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Interested in what people think. Is it inevitable? Will it be a one off terrorist act, or launched by a country? With so many nukes in existence, I am surprised and thankful that one hasnt gone off yet, because that would be a very very bad event.
If there was going to be an accidental detonation it would have happened already. There were so many close calls throughout the cold war. Things have changed to mitigate that risk, like US Bombers no longer maintaining continuous airborne operations loaded with nuclear weapons.

I would imagine the likelihood for an accidental nuclear weapons incident would come from Iran, NK, India or Pakistan.

Likewise, those same 4 are the leaders in probability for active use (not an accident.)

The most likely scenario is probably terrorists via Iranian help.

The day Tel Aviv vanishes is the day the party starts.
I’d bet on North Korea or Iran blowing up their own countries.
Under Pres Trump, I don't see it happening. He's "antagonized" and not bowed down to anyone... still nothing in almost four years.

If Biden and Harris actually get in, I barely see it happening... especially under Harris. She is schizophrenic and I see lots of "bad guys" getting upset.
Its already happened hundreds of times during research, testing and at least twice during war. Nefarious countries with powerful weapons? What could go wrong???

The ugliest weapon, in my opinion, was made in the cold war. Its declassified, there are documentaries on it. "Project pluto". Imagine a nuclear powered drone rocket - powered by an open air reactor, spewing radiation out the back for months on end, killing indiscriminately, flying at mach 3 with sonic booms causing damage the entire time. Also carrying multiple nukes, dropped at targets, and when the reactor stops producing heat, the missile itself crashes and itself is another large nuke.

Terrible things we have created. Just terrible. We really did not like those ruskies.
As a Cold War kid who grew up in the 80s...meh.

Some little fat nutjob who can barely scrape together a handful of centrifuges is about as scary as the mullet-head in the trailer down the street getting wasted on BL and waving his Home Shopping Channel katana around.

The Soviets were an Evil Empire, with the Star Destroyers to prove it. We collectively had the nuke power to kill the human race, and possibly all the higher animals, in one single day. That was scary.
If Darnald doesn't get in you can bet fat boy Kim will start stockpiling. I have always thought it is inevitable but have hoped not in my lifetime.
I would bet that Israel will help Iran "accidently" set one off as soon as Iran gets one.

Didn't you read the other thread? They just assassinated Iran's head nuke guy...

Isreal DGAF about public opinion, and they have no desire for fallout in their neighborhood.
So we are going to trust biden with the button?
Wasn't the dems all up in srem about trump having it.
I can’t believe it hasn’t happened yet. I hope it doesn’t happen, but the world has been awfully quiet the last few years.....
bruh, there's already no toilet paper and bullets over a respiratory election, let's pump the brakes on another doomsday event to prepare for.
So we are going to trust biden with the button?
Wasn't the dems all up in srem about trump having it.

Trumps button was on a Speak And Spell game board. Always flashing red with triple ???. He was never was in control of this greatest Nation nuke program.
Didn't you read the other thread? They just assassinated Iran's head nuke guy...

Isreal DGAF about public opinion, and they have no desire for fallout in their neighborhood.

After WWII the Jews said never again. When you're fighting for your people's very existence public opinion doesn't matter, your survival does. If Iran was foolish enough to attack Israel directly I have a feeling Iran would cease to exist.
If there was going to be an accidental detonation it would have happened already. There were so many close calls throughout the cold war. Things have changed to mitigate that risk, like US Bombers no longer maintaining continuous airborne operations loaded with nuclear weapons.

I would imagine the likelihood for an accidental nuclear weapons incident would come from Iran, NK, India or Pakistan.

Likewise, those same 4 are the leaders in probability for active use (not an accident.)

The most likely scenario is probably terrorists via Iranian help.

The day Tel Aviv vanishes is the day the party starts.

It will not be accidental. Implosion weapons are fantastically difficult to detonate, there have been several cases where they have crashed, fallen out of an aircraft, or even burned and molten into a runway without detonation. This is all before safety features like '2-point' safety and PALs (permissive action links).

Gun-type weapons such as Hiroshima are another story, but the maximum detonation for them is 10-16kt, which is still terrible but you could set one off in New York for example and most of the city could go on with business. Hiroshima was boosted to 16kt, and boosting a fission weapon is almost as difficult as an implosive lens.

The problem with the Hiroshima weapon is they used well over a 'critical mass' and assembling that much U235 is one helluva task. As in you can tell on the international business market when someone is trying to do it. Anyone except for about 15 economies can't do it internally, they have to buy stuff, and all of those 15 countries are well, well within known nuclear parameters, even Israel. North Korea fizzled several implosion weapons and afaik still haven't detonated a full-scale 23kt Nagasaki weapon at this point.

So there will be no 'accident', just to speak to that point.
Its already happened hundreds of times during research, testing and at least twice during war. Nefarious countries with powerful weapons? What could go wrong???

The ugliest weapon, in my opinion, was made in the cold war. Its declassified, there are documentaries on it. "Project pluto". Imagine a nuclear powered drone rocket - powered by an open air reactor, spewing radiation out the back for months on end, killing indiscriminately, flying at mach 3 with sonic booms causing damage the entire time. Also carrying multiple nukes, dropped at targets, and when the reactor stops producing heat, the missile itself crashes and itself is another large nuke.

Terrible things we have created. Just terrible. We really did not like those ruskies.

Jesus christ I just read about that project, and the whole weapons system sounds like an 8yr old came up with it! "It's a rocket that causes radiation and then drops nukes and then kills with sonic booms and then flies around for years spraying radiation and then when it crashes it radiates everything" LOL:shocked::shocked::nuke::nuke::nuke::eek:
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Jesus christ I just read about that project, and the whole weapons system sounds like an 8yr old came up with it! "It's a rocket that causes radiation and then drops nukes and then kills with since booms and then flies around for years spraying radiation and then when it crashes it radiates everything" LOL:shocked::shocked::nuke::nuke::nuke::eek:

Sooo you're saying that's not plausible ?? :lmao:
Jesus christ I just read about that project, and the whole weapons system sounds like an 8yr old came up with it! "It's a rocket that causes radiation and then drops nukes and then kills with since booms and then flies around for years spraying radiation and then when it crashes it radiates everything" LOL:shocked::shocked::nuke::nuke::nuke::eek:

This youtube channel is pretty good:

Jesus christ I just read about that project, and the whole weapons system sounds like an 8yr old came up with it! "It's a rocket that causes radiation and then drops nukes and then kills with since booms and then flies around for years spraying radiation and then when it crashes it radiates everything" LOL:shocked::shocked::nuke::nuke::nuke::eek:

Wow. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Pluto

Its already happened hundreds of times during research, testing and at least twice during war. Nefarious countries with powerful weapons? What could go wrong???

The ugliest weapon, in my opinion, was made in the cold war. Its declassified, there are documentaries on it. "Project pluto". Imagine a nuclear powered drone rocket - powered by an open air reactor, spewing radiation out the back for months on end, killing indiscriminately, flying at mach 3 with sonic booms causing damage the entire time. Also carrying multiple nukes, dropped at targets, and when the reactor stops producing heat, the missile itself crashes and itself is another large nuke.

Terrible things we have created. Just terrible. We really did not like those ruskies.

That is the weirdest shit I have seen on the subject. :laughing: Nuclear explosions of lab accidents ? Reactor accidents or weapons detonations ? The "ugly weapon" if it is possible, could be brought down instantly by any one of 100 nations on the planet at this time easily.
Jesus christ I just read about that project, and the whole weapons system sounds like an 8yr old came up with it! "It's a rocket that causes radiation and then drops nukes and then kills with sonic booms and then flies around for years spraying radiation and then when it crashes it radiates everything" LOL:shocked::shocked::nuke::nuke::nuke::eek:

holy hell, thats all i have to say.
I'm sure you all know about the dead hand right? A quasi anti decapitation strike weapon the Russian's developed. In the event of a decapitation strike on the Kremlin, an order would be sent to launch the command rockets which would broadcast an automated launch order to Russian missile silo's. It wasn't exactly an automated system, but it what it did was to remove the decision from a human directly to launch nuclear weapons. Apparently they thought so long as the order was given to launch a non-nuclear rocket humans would comply.

Or something along those line. Haven't read the book in a while.
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