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Nor easter for East Coast folks-

Ended up getting a foot of snow, got 5 more inches after going to bed. Took a 'snow day' with the kids and been out all day enjoying it.
Probably 3' feet here. My 55 gallon burn barrel is completely under the snow. The drifts around my F250 were to the top of the window.

Not 20m into plowing the driveway, I go to angle the plow on the tractor and I get a squirt of fluid out the front. Snapped the 90º fitting off the ram. Broke the threads right off inside the ram. Use a hammer and chisel to knock it loose. Got it out. Fortunately the hose threaded right into it. The fitting was just there for routing purposes. I'll have to grab another. The hydraulic line kind of does a big loop now.

I was so mad though. 3' of snow and THEN the plow gives in. Could have been worse I guess.
About 32" here, I had a terrible day plowing, fawk snow!

North/central MD here, right on the PA line.

It snowed about 5", then rain/sleet for a couple hours, then snowed another 2-3".

Plowing this garbage SUCKED!!!!! The plow either wanted to dig in or skip across the top layer. I plowed my way out of my house around 6am and had a hell of a time getting it clear and making it look somewhat reasonable.

I had to get my store open in Gettysburg, PA and they got more snow, but less rain. The snow was heavy, but much easier to get down to bare pavement and looking good.

I got home after dark, and the driveway is a skating rink :rolleyes:
Not sure how much here, between 12-16 I guess. Much wetter than expected. Shoveled out and tended the chickens. Plowing sucked, did two passes with the wheel loader and stopped because it doesn't have chains and it was getting slick. I dont want it stuck at the bottom of my hill. Then took the kubota to clean up around the canopy pad and bottom of the driveway, hyd hose broke but was able to finish. Then took the sled out and buried it in a drift/pile. Broke the front handle and nose pan pulling it out. Driveways still snowy and I'll be stuck tomorrow with the boxtruck trying to come back up the hill.

Not a fun day.
Here at some point in the night 1-2 am? there is a 2 "layer of dense snow , 3 -4" powder under that and 2 ft of powder on top. By the end of day it was getting heavy on the bottom, the ground seems to lost the 1" of frost already.
Man, some of you guys got hammered. I think we had about 8-10” when I woke up. Still haven’t plowed yet. Just put in a Rock Auto order for steering parts, so I’ll get the drive nice and tidy for the brown trucks. :laughing:
I've heard about the marble mountain, It's just to the left of the sun, haven't been in it yet.

Opened the back back door, then closed it. Mound on the left is a ranger with an old man topper.

I need to remember to not use the img link button.
I've heard about the marble mountain, It's just to the left of the sun, haven't been in it yet.

Which Marble mountain?
Assuming Mt Aeolus. You live too close to not have gone there.
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Only ended up around 10" in Northfield, vt. but we have a snowrun coming up next weekend, so perfect timing. otherwise it would have been a grass run.
Got about a foot to 15 inches on our ridge. Then while it was still a blizzard I decided to remove the metal building that was disassembled on my trailer so I can pick up a friends tractor. It was snowing so fast that the first pieces were buried by the time I had it all out.
Got the truck and trailer unloaded but couldn’t turn around like I normally would because there was 44,000 pounds of gravel there. So I got stuck and had to get the wife and our lifted/locked XJ out of the backyard to yank the trailer back. Probably a 6/10 on the clusterfuck scale.
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Which Marble mountain?
Assuming Mt Aeolus. You live too close to not have gone there.

That's Dorset mountain in the pic. I guess I don't really know, I was told it was a quarry where people worked so I didn't poke around as I felt I would be in the way. Neighbor down the road used to drive truck, hauled rock out of there.
I have never been happier that it was in to 60s here yesterday. :flipoff2:

And miss the joys of starting your day with 2 hours of moving snow from one place to another, then ending your day with two more hours of it? You've obviously never experienced the cold wet tiredness of a good nor'easter. I am sad for you.
Got about a foot to 15 inches on our ridge. Then while it was still a blizzard I decided to remove the metal building that was disassembled on my trailer so I can pick up a friends tracker. It was snowing so fast that the first pieces were buried by the time I had it all out.
Got the truck and trailer unloaded but couldn’t turn around like I normally would because there was 44,000 pounds of gravel there. So I got stuck and had to get the wife and our lifted/locked XJ out of the backyard to yank the trailer back. Probably a 6/10 on the clusterfuck scale.

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Man I'm jelous of all that snow!! That's the one thing I'm going to miss from the midwest!​​​​​​
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