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Nice pics of your pets

what the fuck are you looking at... :grinpimp:
Turn the volume up.
Sasha is our 3rd wolf hybrid, but the first one that howls.
I had the opportunity to hear wild wolves howling in the Cascade mountain range years ago. They were close.

I felt excitement, and a little fear at the same time :smokin: (probably some deep primitive DNA stuff)
Sitting in the pet ER. It looks like Odie may have contracted blastomycosis. It hasn't been confirmed other than visually on X-rays.

Anyways, he really started panicking tonight at bed time and his breathing went into overdrive... Over 100 breaths a minute.. close to 140. We chose to run him into town an hour away to get him in the ER. He's currently in an oxygen kennel and a little sedated.

Things can still get worse from here... They'd like to keep him for 24hrs, for $3500... Fuck
Ummduh .. sorry man..
Thanks man. Things got bad fast. I'd love to throw every cent we have at him but that just isn't a wise decision... Absolutely sucks.

They're going to give us something to calm him down and some nausea meds so he can hopefully keep food down.. and hope for the best for now at home.
Thanks man. Things got bad fast. I'd love to throw every cent we have at him but that just isn't a wise decision... Absolutely sucks.

They're going to give us something to calm him down and some nausea meds so he can hopefully keep food down.. and hope for the best for now at home.
Man....sorry to hear. Hoping for the best for him.
Thanks man. Things got bad fast. I'd love to throw every cent we have at him but that just isn't a wise decision... Absolutely sucks.

They're going to give us something to calm him down and some nausea meds so he can hopefully keep food down.. and hope for the best for now at home.

I'm really sorry to hear Odie isn't doing well. I hope the Vet can find the right combo and get him better fast.
We got an appointment at the UW Madison vet school, apparently they're the best in the country for treating blasto. just got out of the shower and we're heading there.

He woke us up again at 9 with very labored breathing.. I honestly don't think he's going to make it. :frown:

The antifungals take some time to build up enough in the blood stream to start working, and then when they do l, the sudden die off of the fungii can cause it to get really, really bad..

On top of that, a large portion of dogs lose one or both eyes...

This absolutely sucks.
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