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Newsom attempting to avoid the recall

There is no defense of Cruz or Newsom. They both did shitty things that leaders cannot do and remain in office.
You are trying to equate things that aren't close to being the same.

Somewhat this:
Breaking your own rules is WAAYYYY different than simply having your body somewhere else. Cruz doesn't turn wrenches, he makes phone calls. He can make those calls from Cancun or the moon for all I care.

Newsom's bullshit was "reee... everyone has to wear masks and social distance. Oh, and close all restaurants" then "fawk you, I'm not going to wear a mask and host a large party". Hypocrisy at its best on display. Start adding on his businesses staying open and taking CARE funds. That is what is putting him on recall attempt.

Cruz just had a badly timed trip. A bit of a bad optic but there isn't anything he can physically do on the ground in Texas.:homer: As good an optic as Pres Biden not doing a damn thing either.:rolleyes:
Wrong. He's the subject of a recall petition and the deadline for sigs is March 17th. The sigs haven't been verified so as of right now he is not being recalled.

I think it is fait compli, don't you?
Gavin Newsom is in charge of the state. Everything that happens, like lockdowns, is his responsibility. So he was breaking his own BS rules.

Ted Cruz Represents his state on the federal level he is not responsible for state policy, his responsibility is to make sure that any federal response to the situation in Texas happens.

These are not the same thing.

Some people are mad at Cruz because he has the means to pick up and move his family somewhere warm instead of toughing it out. I have zero problem with what Cruz did, I have a problem with him folding immediately and apologizing for it. I have been seeing more and more of him speaking in long form interviews and really like the guy but that was a mistake in my opinion, If we learned anything from Trump it is that apologies are just blood in the water for the media sharks, they help nothing. Dig in and hit back is the only response, It also helps if you don't do or say stupid stuff to begin with and that was most of Trump's problem.

Absolutely this. I was pissed when Cruz apologized. My wife told me and I said something along the lines of, “That’s bullshit and it’s no one’s business what he does with his family.”

Fuck everyone who has a problem with Cruz going to Cancun.
If any liberal had done what he did they would get a pass. I know because they did and still do.

Cruz flew his girls down to meet friends and flew back the next flight. Like any good dad should.

hey Polly, do you want a cracker?
Funded by the California exit tax, Assembly Bill 2088....

California’s “Exit Tax” Explained

Posted on November 24, 2020 by Liz Prehn Posted in State & Local Taxation, Tax Planning & Compliance
California is in the midst of a significant overhaul of its tax code, and there’s one bill in particular that has lots of people talking. Assembly Bill 2088 (AB 2088), which was introduced in Sacramento in August of 2020, would impose the state’s first wealth tax. And more controversially, it proposes to levy a wealth tax on Californians for a period of up to 10 years, even after they’ve left the state, a California exit tax.



Do you suppose Pelosi will be subject to that tax?
defending the indefensible requires a passion that will wear on you. At some point, the energy for defending these people will run out and you'll see them for who they are: poor leaders.

Cruz has lied multiple times about this misadventure, he has backtracked and apologized for leaving, he laid blame elsewhere for it, then retracted that. If he did nothing wrong, why all the flip flopping, the lying and the apologizing?

He should just have you guys defending him, because you have so much practice, you are great at it.... except that you don't change anyone's mind.

I follow Ted on Twitter. He blasted California when we had rolling blackouts and planned blackouts for fire prevention. Go look at his response to being called out for that when ERCOT shit the bed.

Defend away, it will wear you out and chip away at your heart. Your pick.

Honestly, as a Texan, I could give two fucks what Senator Cruz did and here is why, Cause I don't fucking care, he didn't tell me to stay home and freeze while he jetted off to Cancun. I would have done the same thing.

Now Newsome on the other hand if a fucking shitbag elitist, do as I say not as I do piece of shit. For him to close down everything and then get caught out eating with friends, yeah fuck that guy. They excuse he had it planned for a year in advance, big fucking deal, people had weddings and they got sidelined,
No fucking way he gets outted!
after the bribery is done!
Reds lost the election, how could a dem lose ANYTHING?

Those stupid fucks in Cali are going to eat that shit up and Newsom won't be going anywhere.

True, recall is just a feel good sentiment. Too many dumb asses in this state that would lick his balls thinking he is doing good. The dead and illegal voters in this state suck.
True, recall is just a feel good sentiment. Too many dumb asses in this state that would lick his balls thinking he is doing good. The dead and illegal voters in this state suck.

Probably true, but I can also see the recall as a black mark on Newsom's record as he eventually transitions to the national stage. That may be the whole point after all - cripple his future campaign efforts, which I would be perfectly fine with.
Probably true, but I can also see the recall as a black mark on Newsom's record as he eventually transitions to the national stage. That may be the whole point after all - cripple his future campaign efforts, which I would be perfectly fine with.

This is exactly the reason I am collecting signatures. It's fucking war, fuck him and fuck any democrat. except Tulsi Gabbard :flipoff2:

We will do anything to tarnish this greasy bag of shit.

You aren't a US Senator, so had you hooked a load and taken the family, that would have been maybe smart and just fine. When you are in a position of authority and leadership, you have to demonstrate that by helping and leading and being present and being helpful. There are a thousand things that he could have been doing. Compare his behavior to the cops and firefighters in New Orleans who ran away during Katrina rather than stay and help people (as first responders are sworn to do.) They were shitbirds. Granted, they couldn't stop the rain, but they could do a thousand things to help the people who needed help.

There is no defense of Cruz or Newsom. They both did shitty things that leaders cannot do and remain in office.

That's your first mistake (of many). They are not leaders. They are elected representatives. You may need someone to lead you, and that's the problem.
No. First off the number of sigs haven't been verified and the recall election isn't a sure bet.

oh, newsom won't be actually removed. this is like the impeachment. it is already known, they'll get the signatures, run the recall and.... fail.

but, you know, it will be something.
Mr. Lib spin Gladman strikes again.:rolleyes:

Everything I said before the holidays, happened.

Call me names or whatever, but, elected officials are considered leaders... that is why they vote on stuff that you can't because you chose them to be.... wait for it, your leader.

The President of the US is the leader of the free world.

So, you know, ponder it, lick your own balls if you have been keeping up with your yoga, but, it like the rest of the stuff... turns out to happen. just like I told ya.
Everything I said before the holidays, happened.

Call me names or whatever, but, elected officials are considered leaders... that is why they vote on stuff that you can't because you chose them to be.... wait for it, your leader.

The President of the US is the leader of the free world.

So, you know, ponder it, lick your own balls if you have been keeping up with your yoga, but, it like the rest of the stuff... turns out to happen. just like I told ya.

Probably true, but I can also see the recall as a black mark on Newsom's record as he eventually transitions to the national stage. That may be the whole point after all - cripple his future campaign efforts, which I would be perfectly fine with.

Yes, think that might be true. Sure hope it works, not hard to see this slick talker trying to get potus roll. That would fuck the nation.
The recall movement started 6 months after the election. It is inevitable and it is also inevitable that the republicans don't have anyone like Arnie to run against him... so, it will be a huge waste of money and symbolic only of futility. I don't think he is even really thinking about it. He won by such a huge margin last time AND by the time the actual recall comes around, people will be vaccinated, we'll be back at work and the tumult will be over.

My memory is long. His dinner at the French Laundry put him in the same class as Ted Cruz for me. Neither would ever get my vote. I forgive them poor judgement, we all make mistakes, but it eliminates them from consideration for office.

As for the texan above, glad your power is back on, hope you don't have a 3K bill for the pleasure of being without heat. Texas is the new California. Enjoy it.

Trying to compare the two only shows your level of retardation. Did Cruz break any travel bans? Exactly what did he do wrong?

Newsom broke his own ban along with the same as Nancy. They put the bans in place and immediately broke them.
Not at all, but then I see you didn't think it through.
So you think CA is going to stop electing Liberal whack jobs who will continue driving the state into the ground? The people who vote for the likes of Newsome are not the people who are leaving the state. Rub two brain cells together and do the math.
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So you think CA is going to stop electing Liberal whack jobs who will continue driving the state into the ground? The people who vote for the likes of Newsome are not the people who are leaving the state. Rub two brain cells together and do the math.

Says the man from the great liberal state of RI......lol
Says the man from the great liberal state of RI......lol
What is your point? For sure the stupid fawks here will never vote the Liberals out of power in Providence or DC. I can do the simple math that SDCJ seems incapable of performing.
Everything I said before the holidays, happened.

Call me names or whatever, but, elected officials are considered leaders... that is why they vote on stuff that you can't because you chose them to be.... wait for it, your leader.

The President of the US is the leader of the free world.

So, you know, ponder it, lick your own balls if you have been keeping up with your yoga, but, it like the rest of the stuff... turns out to happen. just like I told ya.

You consider them leaders. That's the problem. They aren't elected to lead us. They're elected to represent us. And they're failing. And you seem to be ok with that.
So you think CA is going to stop electing Liberal whack jobs who will continue driving the state into the ground? The people who vote for the likes of Newsome are not the people who are leaving the state. Rub two brain cells together and do the math.

Didn't say that. His post implied that all of the people here voted for liberals and we're all to blame. Start reading and stop having knee jerk reactions.
What is your point? For sure the stupid fawks here will never vote the Liberals out of power in Providence or DC. I can do the simple math that SDCJ seems incapable of performing.


How does it feel to have yourself classified as a liberal by where you live ? Love to see people who do that get it turned around on them.:laughing:
True, recall is just a feel good sentiment. Too many dumb asses in this state that would lick his balls thinking he is doing good. The dead and illegal voters in this state suck.

I thought I saw an article claiming Newsom had under 40% job approval. Sounds like he is ripe for getting removed.

All it takes is 50% + 1 votes of the people who will take the time to vote to get rid of Newsom. It won't be a maximum voter turn out. I don't think it will sniff the 2020 votes. I'd be shocked for 11M.

In a lower voter turn out event, I see a reasonable chance of Newsome getting the boot say 40% to 50%. Especially if you have a bunch of pissed off liberals.

If he gets removed, I see a 20% chance of a conservative getting in. Look at what happened to the primary when he got in; a Rep made it through to the main dance.:eek:
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