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Newsom attempting to avoid the recall


May 21, 2020
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combat city, CO
How is this not buying votes to keep him in office?


California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Tuesday signed into law a sweeping COVID-19 economic relief package.

It will provide financial aid to millions who’ve been hit hard by the pandemic.

“This $7.6 billion of direct relief that we are providing today not only helps support small business but supports some 5.7 million Californians with direct stimulus check relief,” Newsom said during a signing ceremony at Solomon’s Deli in Sacramento.

Here is what to expect in the coming weeks, along with information about how to get the benefits:

Some $3.8 million of the payments will go to households that qualified for the state earned income tax credit for 2020, which is available to residents earning less than $30,000 annually.

About 565,000 stimulus payments will go to thosewith individual tax identification numbers who did not receive federal stimulus payments and whose income is below $75,000, many of whom are immigrants in the country illegally.

“Those that have been left behind in the federal stimulus, California is not going to leave you behind,” Newsom said Tuesday.

Taxpayers with individual identification numbers who also qualify for California’s state earned income tax credit would receive a total of $1,200 in state stimulus.

The $600 stimulus payments will also go to 1.2 million people who receive money from the federal supplemental security income (SSI) or state supplementary payment (SSP) programs, and 405,000 payments will be provided to participants in CalWORKS, the state’s welfare-to-work program. An additional 15,000 payments are planned for participants in the Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants.

The CalWORKS payments will be placed on debit cards and issued to participants by mid-April, although the timing could change based on the ability to automate the process, said H.D. Palmer, a spokesman for the California Department of Finance. The timing and method of grant payments for those on SSI and SSP are still being worked out and are dependent on conversations with the federal Social Security Administration, he added.
How is this not buying votes to keep him in office?


California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Tuesday signed into law a sweeping COVID-19 economic relief package.

It will provide financial aid to millions who’ve been hit hard by the pandemic.

“This $7.6 billion of direct relief that we are providing today not only helps support small business but supports some 5.7 million Californians with direct stimulus check relief,” Newsom said during a signing ceremony at Solomon’s Deli in Sacramento.

Here is what to expect in the coming weeks, along with information about how to get the benefits:

Some $3.8 million of the payments will go to households that qualified for the state earned income tax credit for 2020, which is available to residents earning less than $30,000 annually.

About 565,000 stimulus payments will go to thosewith individual tax identification numbers who did not receive federal stimulus payments and whose income is below $75,000, many of whom are immigrants in the country illegally.

“Those that have been left behind in the federal stimulus, California is not going to leave you behind,” Newsom said Tuesday.

Taxpayers with individual identification numbers who also qualify for California’s state earned income tax credit would receive a total of $1,200 in state stimulus.

The $600 stimulus payments will also go to 1.2 million people who receive money from the federal supplemental security income (SSI) or state supplementary payment (SSP) programs, and 405,000 payments will be provided to participants in CalWORKS, the state’s welfare-to-work program. An additional 15,000 payments are planned for participants in the Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants.

The CalWORKS payments will be placed on debit cards and issued to participants by mid-April, although the timing could change based on the ability to automate the process, said H.D. Palmer, a spokesman for the California Department of Finance. The timing and method of grant payments for those on SSI and SSP are still being worked out and are dependent on conversations with the federal Social Security Administration, he added.

Yeah, the hardship imposed by Newscum and his dictatorial edicts, which will be paid for by the same people he fucked over to begin with by his edicts. FUCK that ASSHOLE. :flipoff:
The recall movement started 6 months after the election. It is inevitable and it is also inevitable that the republicans don't have anyone like Arnie to run against him... so, it will be a huge waste of money and symbolic only of futility. I don't think he is even really thinking about it. He won by such a huge margin last time AND by the time the actual recall comes around, people will be vaccinated, we'll be back at work and the tumult will be over.

My memory is long. His dinner at the French Laundry put him in the same class as Ted Cruz for me. Neither would ever get my vote. I forgive them poor judgement, we all make mistakes, but it eliminates them from consideration for office.

As for the texan above, glad your power is back on, hope you don't have a 3K bill for the pleasure of being without heat. Texas is the new California. Enjoy it.
The recall movement started 6 months after the election. It is inevitable and it is also inevitable that the republicans don't have anyone like Arnie to run against him... so, it will be a huge waste of money and symbolic only of futility. I don't think he is even really thinking about it. He won by such a huge margin last time AND by the time the actual recall comes around, people will be vaccinated, we'll be back at work and the tumult will be over.

My memory is long. His dinner at the French Laundry put him in the same class as Ted Cruz for me. Neither would ever get my vote. I forgive them poor judgement, we all make mistakes, but it eliminates them from consideration for office.

As for the texan above, glad your power is back on, hope you don't have a 3K bill for the pleasure of being without heat. Texas is the new California. Enjoy it.

No one that likes Ted Cruz gives a fuck that he went to Cancun. He isn't a magician who could just instantly turn all power back on. Its not like he came out and said "fuck you guys, Im out". I seriously considered hooking a load to Fl and taking my family there while this shit blew over.
So you are saying I cant accept his offer and flush hin down when the time comes ?


Those stupid fucks in Cali are going to eat that shit up and Newsom won't be going anywhere.
No one that likes Ted Cruz gives a fuck that he went to Cancun. He isn't a magician who could just instantly turn all power back on. Its not like he came out and said "fuck you guys, Im out". I seriously considered hooking a load to Fl and taking my family there while this shit blew over.

You aren't a US Senator, so had you hooked a load and taken the family, that would have been maybe smart and just fine. When you are in a position of authority and leadership, you have to demonstrate that by helping and leading and being present and being helpful. There are a thousand things that he could have been doing. Compare his behavior to the cops and firefighters in New Orleans who ran away during Katrina rather than stay and help people (as first responders are sworn to do.) They were shitbirds. Granted, they couldn't stop the rain, but they could do a thousand things to help the people who needed help.

There is no defense of Cruz or Newsom. They both did shitty things that leaders cannot do and remain in office.
So you are saying I cant accept his offer and flush hin down when the time comes ?

Aren't you Mr sovereign citizen? Why the fuck do you want any of that money? Hope you didn't take any stimulus checks either, wouldn't that be against your religion?

You aren't a US Senator, so had you hooked a load and taken the family, that would have been maybe smart and just fine. When you are in a position of authority and leadership, you have to demonstrate that by helping and leading and being present and being helpful. There are a thousand things that he could have been doing. Compare his behavior to the cops and firefighters in New Orleans who ran away during Katrina rather than stay and help people (as first responders are sworn to do.) They were shitbirds. Granted, they couldn't stop the rain, but they could do a thousand things to help the people who needed help.

There is no defense of Cruz or Newsom. They both did shitty things that leaders cannot do and remain in office.

Biden has done some shitty things while in office. Can we start there and work our way down the list?
You aren't a US Senator, so had you hooked a load and taken the family, that would have been maybe smart and just fine. When you are in a position of authority and leadership, you have to demonstrate that by helping and leading and being present and being helpful. There are a thousand things that he could have been doing. Compare his behavior to the cops and firefighters in New Orleans who ran away during Katrina rather than stay and help people (as first responders are sworn to do.) They were shitbirds. Granted, they couldn't stop the rain, but they could do a thousand things to help the people who needed help.

There is no defense of Cruz or Newsom. They both did shitty things that leaders cannot do and remain in office.

Are you saying Ted booked that trip right as the storms hit?
Or are you saying he's psychic and knew ahead of time that people would lose power?
OR... He alone has the power to turn the power back on had he stayed in TX.
You must choose one for your argument to make any sense.

Oh, and the whole Everyone will be back to work by then argument is BS too. Tell that to the hundreds of businesses that were closed forever due to
the known to be worthless shutdown edicts.
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Show here or the canuck site where I said such a thing ?

Its your interpretation, as ive shown how to get out of the things you have signed up for that people constantly complain about and they wonder how it came to this point.

Gee how did they get power over me to do this to me.

Aren't you Mr sovereign citizen? Why the fuck do you want any of that money? Hope you didn't take any stimulus checks either, wouldn't that be against your religion?

My memory is long. His dinner at the French Laundry put him in the same class as Ted Cruz for me. Neither would ever get my vote. I forgive them poor judgement, we all make mistakes, but it eliminates them from consideration for office.

Gavin Newsom is in charge of the state. Everything that happens, like lockdowns, is his responsibility. So he was breaking his own BS rules.

Ted Cruz Represents his state on the federal level he is not responsible for state policy, his responsibility is to make sure that any federal response to the situation in Texas happens.

These are not the same thing.

Some people are mad at Cruz because he has the means to pick up and move his family somewhere warm instead of toughing it out. I have zero problem with what Cruz did, I have a problem with him folding immediately and apologizing for it. I have been seeing more and more of him speaking in long form interviews and really like the guy but that was a mistake in my opinion, If we learned anything from Trump it is that apologies are just blood in the water for the media sharks, they help nothing. Dig in and hit back is the only response, It also helps if you don't do or say stupid stuff to begin with and that was most of Trump's problem.
You aren't a US Senator, so had you hooked a load and taken the family, that would have been maybe smart and just fine. When you are in a position of authority and leadership, you have to demonstrate that by helping and leading and being present and being helpful. There are a thousand things that he could have been doing. Compare his behavior to the cops and firefighters in New Orleans who ran away during Katrina rather than stay and help people (as first responders are sworn to do.) They were shitbirds. Granted, they couldn't stop the rain, but they could do a thousand things to help the people who needed help.

There is no defense of Cruz or Newsom. They both did shitty things that leaders cannot do and remain in office.

I'd have been more annoyed if Gov Abbott did the same. He's front and center every day in Tx, Cruz isnt. He's in Washington working. Dude had no idea that the DOE, ERCOT, etc was gonna fuck us like they did with the power. Only the poors are "outraged". How dare that guy live better than us!

To be honest, I don't care that police/fire/ems workers left during Katrina. Only the didndonuffins are the idiots that expected the .gov to save them. Just like in this situation, people fucking sat on their ass and froze instead of figuring out how to keep warm for a while. Anyone with an ounce of self preservation figured it out pretty quick.

If any liberal had done what he did they would get a pass. I know because they did and still do.

Cruz flew his girls down to meet friends and flew back the next flight. Like any good dad should.
You aren't a US Senator

Even if he was, it doesn't matter. A Senator's job is to represent the state government in Congress. He's not a state level politician, what do you and other idiots crying about him want him to do? Go door to door shoveling snow? :rolleyes:
Are you saying Ted booked that trip right as the storms hit?
Or are you saying he's psychic and knew ahead of time that people would lose power?
OR... He alone has the power to turn the power back on had he stayed in TX.
You must choose one for your argument to make any sense.

Oh, and the whole Everyone will be back to work by then argument is BS too. Tell that to the hundreds of businesses that were closed forever due to
the known to be worthless shutdown edicts.

Okay, lets follow your logic for a bit. Assume that Cruz made his reservations in advance of the storm. The party that Newsom attended was booked a year in advance. Does he get the same pass you are giving Cruz?

When a catastrophe (the power outage during extreme cold) hit, leaders and first responders react and go into action providing relief--> food, water, heat, shelter, medical support all things that someone in the senate could help with. He can 'be with his people' he could serve coffee at the mattress guy's place. Heck, AOC raised 36miillion to support texans during that time and went to Texas to provide assistance. Ted has way more rich friends that AOC, think of the help he could have provided!

As for folks opening up and getting back to work, as the vaccine advances cases will fall and we'll open up. People have had businesses close etc. They will be back, they are tough and will get some support and will generate the rest. We're Americans we don't just accept failure and we rise to the circumstances and prevail.
If any liberal had done what he did they would get a pass. I know because they did and still do.

Cruz flew his girls down to meet friends and flew back the next flight. Like any good dad should.

Newsom went to a celebration planned a year in advance, he is being recalled.

(and rightly so)
Even if he was, it doesn't matter. A Senator's job is to represent the state government in Congress. He's not a state level politician, what do you and other idiots crying about him want him to do? Go door to door shoveling snow? :rolleyes:

When a catastrophe (the power outage during extreme cold) hit, leaders and first responders react and go into action providing relief--> food, water, heat, shelter, medical support all things that someone in the senate could help with. He can 'be with his people' he could serve coffee at the mattress guy's place. Heck, AOC raised 36miillion to support texans during that time and went to Texas to provide assistance. Ted has way more rich friends that AOC, think of the help he could have provided!

I do not expect our leaders to be good people, seeking power over other people like they have done already disqualifies them. I don't care how much money they raise for good causes or how much they give to charity. I expect them to do their jobs and nothing but their jobs to a fault. I expect them to know exactly where their line of responsibility ends and to not try to cross it.

The power outages in Texas are being used by AOC to push Government control of Utilities, and all aspects of life, as socialism is the one answer to everything to that broad. She wants the Government to be bigger and more powerful because she has power in the system. Is raising money in "support" of Texans really virtuous when she is simultaneously using the event to push policies which were responsible for the starvation and genocide of over 100 million people in the 20th century?
Newsom went to a celebration planned a year in advance, he is being recalled.

(and rightly so)

Wrong. He's the subject of a recall petition and the deadline for sigs is March 17th. The sigs haven't been verified so as of right now he is not being recalled.
Okay, lets follow your logic for a bit. Assume that Cruz made his reservations in advance of the storm. The party that Newsom attended was booked a year in advance. Does he get the same pass you are giving Cruz?

When a catastrophe (the power outage during extreme cold) hit, leaders and first responders react and go into action providing relief--> food, water, heat, shelter, medical support all things that someone in the senate could help with. He can 'be with his people' he could serve coffee at the mattress guy's place. Heck, AOC raised 36miillion to support texans during that time and went to Texas to provide assistance. Ted has way more rich friends that AOC, think of the help he could have provided!

As for folks opening up and getting back to work, as the vaccine advances cases will fall and we'll open up. People have had businesses close etc. They will be back, they are tough and will get some support and will generate the rest. We're Americans we don't just accept failure and we rise to the circumstances and prevail.

:confused: :edit: i see youre using someone elses logic now, but still they dont seem comparable to me

if cruz had banned travel out of the state for residents and then went to cabo for vacay these might be comparable

newsom closed restaurants and other small businesses, limited number of people allowed in my own damn house, told us to not gather for holidays, but no he can keep his winery open, he can go eat inside, he can gather up however many people he wants

fuck him, even tho the average californian will forget or say ya ya but that was covid times

i will remember
There is no defense of Cruz or Newsom. They both did shitty things that leaders cannot do and remain in office.

Breaking your own rules is WAAYYYY different than simply having your body somewhere else. Cruz doesn't turn wrenches, he makes phone calls. He can make those calls from Cancun or the moon for all I care.

You are CNN.
Funded by the California exit tax, Assembly Bill 2088....

California’s “Exit Tax” Explained

Posted on November 24, 2020 by Liz Prehn Posted in State & Local Taxation, Tax Planning & Compliance
California is in the midst of a significant overhaul of its tax code, and there’s one bill in particular that has lots of people talking. Assembly Bill 2088 (AB 2088), which was introduced in Sacramento in August of 2020, would impose the state’s first wealth tax. And more controversially, it proposes to levy a wealth tax on Californians for a period of up to 10 years, even after they’ve left the state, a California exit tax.


defending the indefensible requires a passion that will wear on you. At some point, the energy for defending these people will run out and you'll see them for who they are: poor leaders.

Cruz has lied multiple times about this misadventure, he has backtracked and apologized for leaving, he laid blame elsewhere for it, then retracted that. If he did nothing wrong, why all the flip flopping, the lying and the apologizing?

He should just have you guys defending him, because you have so much practice, you are great at it.... except that you don't change anyone's mind.

I follow Ted on Twitter. He blasted California when we had rolling blackouts and planned blackouts for fire prevention. Go look at his response to being called out for that when ERCOT shit the bed.

Defend away, it will wear you out and chip away at your heart. Your pick.
Breaking your own rules is WAAYYYY different than simply having your body somewhere else. Cruz doesn't turn wrenches, he makes phone calls. He can make those calls from Cancun or the moon for all I care.

You are CNN.

Wouldn't CNN support Newsom?
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