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Need some advice..Panning for gold?


May 20, 2020
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I am sure I could try my hand and learn along the way, but I figured I would ask you assholes first.

How do you pan for Gold? I know there were a few threads on that other site, but I think this would be good tech to document on Irate!

Any ideas ThePanzerFuhrer ?

My advice is: include your subject in the the thread title if you're looking to create a local resource :homer: :flipoff2:
Here is my setup


Lol hope you have fun. Panning for gold is a skill all men should have. Start small and pan it into another tub that way if you mess up you can try again lol.
I suggest you go about it the old fashioned, and current 3rd world, way. Dump in some mercury, wait until it absorbs all of the gold, dump it in a pan and burn off the mercury. Make sure to inhale all of the fumes you can along the way :flipoff2:
I suggest you go about it the old fashioned, and current 3rd world, way. Dump in some mercury, wait until it absorbs all of the gold, dump it in a pan and burn off the mercury. Make sure to inhale all of the fumes you can along the way :flipoff2:

I could be wrong, but I feel like gold panning in Kansas is like chilling on the coast in AZ. :flipoff2:

First learn where to pan

The technique on moving the pan around is pretty easy to learn, I'm not good at it, but I've done it once at our local "gold Nugget days" which celebrates the discovery of a 54 lb gold Nugget just down the road from me :grinpimp:
I could be wrong, but I feel like gold panning in Kansas is like chilling on the coast in AZ. :flipoff2:

First learn where to pan

The technique on moving the pan around is pretty easy to learn, I'm not good at it, but I've done it once at our local "gold Nugget days" which celebrates the discovery of a 54 lb gold Nugget just down the road from me :grinpimp:

Panning in KS isn't so bad if you have ThePanzerFuhrer narrow it down for you! :beer:

I'll try my hand at it tomorrow and report back
Get a metal detector & search for gold. Thank me later-

Really? I always thought panning was better because you actually get it, compared to trying to detect a bunch of bottle caps.
What will be really funny is when there isn't actually any gold in that sand and you pan it over and over again for nothing. :lmao:

I loved that old Gold Rush show back in the 90s. If there's 2g of gold in that container, he should get visible flake the first time he wets it down in the pan and spreads it out. Seems like TPF made it easy for him so that it wasn't a mean trick. Also the media the gold is in looks to be damned near perfect to show flake.

Source: have never panned for gold in my life just loved that old Gold Rush theme song: "Gooooold goldgoldgoldgold.... Goooools gold goldgoldgold...."

You can pan for gold in Chicago, and not outside the Jewelers either. There's gold in a river there, also mercury and lead from industry, but actual gold I guess from a rock or whatever.

You can also pan for gold in the gutters in certain NYC neighborhoods where the men wear funny caps and have forelocks. That's not a joke.
Lol hope you have fun. Panning for gold is a skill all men should have. Start small and pan it into another tub that way if you mess up you can try again lol.

This, and watch a bunch of YuToob videos. Panning is an art, but with two grams in that small of a container, you should be able to take a couple tablespoons of the dirt and pan it down to get to the gold pretty quickly.

It will be time consuming, but avoid the urge to dump it all in the pan at once. Slow and steady wins the race. Especially when you are first starting out.

PS, it will look like this stuff
He shouldn’t have a problem. The sand has 90% of the black sands taken out. I took the blond sand from a washed sand gradations sample I took. That gold has a specific gravity of 15.9 the sand Is like 4. It’s cool on how all the lightweight stuff moves like it’s floating and the gold just anchors it self to the bottom.

The black sand I have is the devil. It Contains gold covered in manganese, and placer silver. It takes me a hour to pan out a couple table spoons of 100- mesh. Just when you think you have it all cleaned up more shows up. The gold in his sample is the biggest stuff I find lol. Most of my gold is 100- mesh ;(. The glaciers ground it up to dust for me to make it extra challenging.

Well off to run the washplant to hopefully catch some more today :). The landscapers are beating on my stone piles and need to get caught back up.

Maybe I’ll try to make a YouTube video of me panning out some cons to show the many techniques I use to pan the micro fine stuff.

Hopefully the op takes some pictures maybe a video for us to laugh at lol.
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Get a metal detector & search for gold. Thank me later-

I've got a Gold Bug II which is a premium gold specific detector, but Kalifornistan laws regarding using detectors is crazy. You pretty much have to own private property or know someone who does. The State laws regarding digging, erosion, and potentially disturbing artifacts are crazy. They have all of the State and County parks locked down for the most part from using a detector and you can't hit the National Parks either. You can go to state beaches on the coast, but they don't produce good placer / surface gold for the most part, just lost jewelry and coins, etc.

I used to enjoy gold panning when I lived in Prescott, especially when there was gold in the pan.

I found a spot not to far from where Dave Turrin was working where every pan had gold in it.

Good times. :smokin:
I used to enjoy gold panning when I lived in Prescott, especially when there was gold in the pan.

I found a spot not to far from where Dave Turrin was working where every pan had gold in it.

Good times. :smokin:

Lol every pan I take has gold in it. You just need to know where to get that pan. Need to learn to become a high grader!

I got up at 4:45 this morning to get the box cleaned up before we started . This is what it looks like comming out of the mats. Its a black sand nightmare! Crap is super heavy a 3/4 5 gallon pail weighs like 80 pounds.
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I may or may not be a weekend prospector. Dan Hurd on youtube has some good how to videos. First thing you want to do is rough up that gold pan. Grab some random dirt, throw it in the pan and rub it around. Pan a tablespoon at a time.
Watching this thread.

My property has about 300' of creek running through one corner and we get snow/ice so I think it gets agitated pretty well. The sale ad for my property as well as others along the creek claim it has gold. Here is example:

I'm interested in the light equipment side of "panning" for gold. It is ~100 feet of steeper terrain to get down to the creek. Power would be close to 300 feet so that isn't a good option either.

Any panning type activities in either Placerville or Auburn of California? Hell, ideal would be in Georgetown but I'm easy.
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