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Nasdaq Seeks Board-Diversity Rule That Most Listed Firms Don't Meet

I really wish we still had men like Andrew Carnegie and JD Rockefeller running businesses to see how they would react to this kind of stuff. The tweets would be amazing.

people would vilify them like they do 45.

judging by this list I think the safest ones to identify as are

Demisexual: Similar to asexual people, as they do not feel sexual attraction, but they may develop sexual attraction towards someone once they form a strong (usually romantic) bond with them. The people they may feel romantic feelings towards is determined by one of the following labels.

Gender Outlaw:
A person who refuses to be defined by conventional definitions of male and female.

amorous: Attraction to multiple partners simultaneously. Poly people can also be bi, straight, gay, pan, or other type of orientation. They have two or more partners at the same time; these relationships can be very healthy and happy, so remember that even if a certain type of relationship doesn't work for you, doesn't mean you get to say what does and doesn't work for other people.

These are their labels and anyone can use them. I also found this term.

Womyn/Womxn: some womyn spell the word with a “y” or an “x” as a form of empowerment to move away from the “men” in the “traditional” spelling of women.

Just wow. What ever happened to sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me. Everything now is a name or label. It's just getting crazier.
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