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Moving forward, #fraudysix


Red Skull Member
May 25, 2020
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Since we are about to have a senile, morally bereft, throughly corrupt pedofile inaugurated as President and President Trump said in his fair well speech at JBAB that they would be back in some form, I was wondering what that form would take. I hope it takes shape first in the form of targeting weak Democrats for recall with the aim of changing the balance of power. I suggest Sen Manchin of WV as a good place to start. After that I hope he and they target weak Republicans in primaries. Right after they unseat the 10 Reps that voted to impeach him with no trial and no laws broken.
He is a RINO kind of D. Those kinds of people are not worth a shit. I also said they should recall him, not primary him. IIRC If they recalled Manchin the governor of WV could appoint his replacement
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I'm just grateful that there is someone out there who will save me the time and resources required to research a candidate and then drive to the courthouse and stand in line to vote... No longer needed. Gov't just saved me a few hours.
Unless blood flows....nothing will change. They (Rs and Ds) are making certain no one outside the establishment will ever be in the white house again.

There are a few but in general there is no difference in the two parties.

No...a 3rd party will not have a chance. They along with the media will see to it.

So again....until they face actual consequences, nothing will change for the exception of the United States going down the socialist hole.
Unless blood flows....nothing will change. They (Rs and Ds) are making certain no one outside the establishment will ever be in the white house again.

Plus the corrupt media and big tech. Our votes no longer matter. Biden was selected and installed and everyone knows it. 30,000 troops to protect the "most popular" candidate in history :shaking:.
There is no need for blood to flow and this isn’t the thread for that. This thread is about altering the current balance of power and ending the D’s autonomy to railroad through their bullshit.
I like that. #fraudysix :laughing:

ill use it after the inauguration today. It’ll go nicely with my #notmypresident post :grinpimp: Let’s see how they like four years of that hashtag. :homer:
There is no need for blood to flow and this isn’t the thread for that. This thread is about altering the current balance of power and ending the D’s autonomy to railroad through their bullshit.

And I'm telling you that will not happen unless they are giving a reason not to.

Tell me....what reasons do they have not to fix any election they want?
oh yeah lets get jim justice to appoint someone, great idea 🙄

What is your idea then? Be bitter and bitch? You offer nothing of substance.

And I'm telling you that will not happen unless they are giving a reason not to.

Tell me....what reasons do they have not to fix any election they want?

I didn’t address elections that are 2-4 years out. I am talking about right now. Things that can be done to affect the balance of power in the interim. Use your brain for something other than thinking about tits and ass for a minute.
I like that. #fraudysix :laughing:

ill use it after the inauguration today. It’ll go nicely with my #notmypresident post :grinpimp: Let’s see how they like four years of that hashtag. :homer:

You mean less than 2 years.... then cameltoe kamela gets to take the reigns
What is your idea then? Be bitter and bitch? You offer nothing of substance.

I didn’t address elections that are 2-4 years out. I am talking about right now. Things that can be done to affect the balance of power in the interim. Use your brain for something other than thinking about tits and ass for a minute.

I really wished (I'm being sincere here) I had your outlook on it but they have proven they can do what they want, when they want with complete immunity.

Until I'm given a reason to see it differently I have but one opinion on changing that outcome.

As for right now, i think anything short is a fantasy. Your freedoms were not won nor will they be preserved with words or a handshake.
I really wished (I'm being sincere here) I had your outlook on it but they have proven they can do what they want, when they want with complete immunity.

Until I'm given a reason to see it differently I have but one opinion on changing that outcome.

As for right now, i think anything short is a fantasy. Your freedoms were not won nor will they be preserved with words or a handshake.

There are razor thin margins that need to be overcome right now in order to change the dynamic. It is not the end we seek but it is a means to an end with respect to removing the expressway for a radical agenda.
There are razor thin margins that need to be overcome right now in order to change the dynamic. It is not the end we seek but it is a means to an end with respect to removing the expressway for a radical agenda.

Explain these razor thin margins you speak of.
Explain these razor thin margins you speak of.

The Senate is 50/50 with the VP breaking ties

The House is 211 R to 221 D with 3 vacancies.

You don’t win a war in one action. You have to whittle away at every opportunity.
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The Senate is 50/50 with the VP breaking ties

The House is 211 R to 221 D with 3 vacancies.

You don’t win a war in one action. You have to whittle away at every opportunity.

You're missing the bigger picture. Exactly how did they get the seats need to take control? You don't think they would "find" the needed votes to remain in control?

Again, they have proven they can and will do whatever it takes and will do so without any repercussions.

However you said things to do right now. Its 2 years away from any seats being up for election. So what are your suggestions for right now?
Since we are about to have a senile, morally bereft, throughly corrupt pedofile inaugurated as President and President Trump said in his fair well speech at JBAB that they would be back in some form, I was wondering what that form would take. I hope it takes shape first in the form of targeting weak Democrats for recall with the aim of changing the balance of power. I suggest Sen Manchin of WV as a good place to start. After that I hope he and they target weak Republicans in primaries. Right after they unseat the 10 Reps that voted to impeach him with no trial and no laws broken.

Impeachment is akin to an indictment. It's an accusation and the trial and witnesses are in the senate. The impeachment is BEFORE the trial.
You're missing the bigger picture. Exactly how did they get the seats need to take control? You don't think they would "find" the needed votes to remain in control?

Again, they have proven they can and will do whatever it takes and will do so without any repercussions.

However you said things to do right now. Its 2 years away from any seats being up for election. So what are your suggestions for right now?

I just gave it to you. Beginning a recall does not require approval from the Dems. They may find enough votes to defeat it but you never, ever give them free run. Keep them on the defense even if you can’t beat them.
I just gave it to you. Beginning a recall does not require approval from the Dems. They may find enough votes to defeat it but you never, ever give them free run. Keep them on the defense even if you can’t beat them.

A recall....seriously? Okay, I'll try to hold out a glimmer of hope but I'm not holding my breath.

Personally I think the Democrats have shown to get things your way...beat the ones that are in your way. And I mean that in a physical sense.
I just gave it to you. Beginning a recall does not require approval from the Dems. They may find enough votes to defeat it but you never, ever give them free run. Keep them on the defense even if you can’t beat them.

I don't think you can recall a U.S. Senator.

As to removal by recall, the United States Constitution does not provide for nor authorize the recall of United States officers such as Senators, Representatives, or the President or Vice President, and thus no Member of Congress has ever been recalled in the history of the United States. The recall of Members was considered during the time of the drafting of the federal Constitution in 1787, but no such provisions were included in the final version sent to the states for ratification, and the specific drafting and ratifying debates indicate an express understanding of the framers and ratifiers that no right or power to recall a Senator or Representative in Congress exists under the Constitution.
Unless blood flows....nothing will change. They (Rs and Ds) are making certain no one outside the establishment will ever be in the white house again.

There are a few but in general there is no difference in the two parties.

No...a 3rd party will not have a chance. They along with the media will see to it.

So again....until they face actual consequences, nothing will change for the exception of the United States going down the socialist hole.
I disagree! People who keep voting R or D are the problem.
When he says he'll be back, he basically means just continuing to pound the election fraud "I didn't actually lose the election that I lost" drum. Trump is and always had been out for only his own best interests, period. As is the case for the majority of politicians, he's just a lot more transparent about it and a lot less nuanced which oddly makes his supporters even more fervent. If people would stop approaching politics like sports fans cheering on Team Red or Team Blue no matter what we'd be a whole lot better off for it.
I disagree! People who keep voting R or D are the problem.

can confirm. and I like to think the past six months have shed a lot of light on this. I'd venture a guess of fifty or so of those cards that change your party have crossed our counter in the past month. Solid mix of D's and R's going independent.
I'll get right on it... just as soon as I take my mandated 15 minute break, have seven or eight meetings to decide what to do about it, and get back from my two week vacation. :grinpimp:

don't forget the 3 pre-meeting-planning-meetings. :flipoff2:
I don't like it. I don't want to see it....but I'm not convinced there are any other ways to get things back to where they should be without something in the radical sense to bring it about.

Do I want the left silenced? Absolutely not. There will always need to be different ideas. Different opinions...different view points.

The right is good at being financially (hypothetical speaking) and economics...but suck at humanity issues. The left is just the opposite and we need a good mixture of both.

However, neither have we had in a very long time.
I don't like it. I don't want to see it....but I'm not convinced there are any other ways to get things back to where they should be without something in the radical sense to bring it about.

Do I want the left silenced? Absolutely not. There will always need to be different ideas. Different opinions...different view points.

The right is good at being financially (hypothetical speaking) and economics...but suck at humanity issues. The left is just the opposite and we need a good mixture of both.

However, neither have we had in a very long time.

The right and the left spend too much time fighting and not enough time compromising to get shit done. I'd like to see Biden put his money where his mouth is and actually reach across the aisle. I'd like to see all the other democrats follow suit. Obviously the right will need to do the same. I'm not optimistic about the chances of all that happening, but If we keep up with the polarized politics, we're all screwed.
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