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Movies that you just can't watch

Superhero movies, can't get into them at all.

There's a certain type of goofy comedy I hate as well, hard to describe but it's stuff like The Night Before, We're the Millers, Bridesmaids and The Hangover. For me it's the same feeling as being the only sober person in a room full of drunk idiots. Everyone is yelling and having over the top reactions and I find it more annoying than anything, they are often way to predictable to get a laugh out of me too.
Woke movies which is every movie made now. Not sure exactly when it happened but now that I noticed it I can’t un notice it.

shitty ass remakes and reboots that go on to trash and ruin the original

Yeah the woke shit has infiltrated everything it seems, trying to virtue signal so they don’t get canceled.
pretty much the messed up horror movies and many of the scary movies.. cuz of my PTSD.. with the exception of shyamalan movies.. and Im not sure why

also movies which are really awkward with moments to which many of us can relate to, even if we didnt experience those kinds of circumstances for ourselves

edit: I really do enjoy Woke movies...
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Jurassic park!

It comes on and I fall asleep


would like to see the whole thing through some day:laughing:
Wizzard of Oz scared the crap out of me as a kid, and it seemed like it was on every month.
Everytime I have tried to watch 2001 (Read the book several times and it never made any sense to me) and Gone with the Wind I wake up when the credits roll.
Any of the so called scary movies they just come off dumb to me and are just not plausable.
I kind of really hate liam's Neeson as well

I’m in this boat. Fuck Liam neeson. And who decided he should play all those tough guy roles? When I imagine a badass, I’m thinking Sylvester Stallone or the governator, not Liam neeson
Fuck Liam Neeson. That fucker hates that Americans have guns yet he uses guns in all of his movies.
Fuck musicals! If you like them, you are a fag.
Fast and furious movies are retarded.
Blade Runner.
Road Warrior.

In a Fury Road world, the 70s pacing is painfully slow. Road Warrior has 30-second establishing shots of nothing but a slow pan across a prarie sunset. I remember them fondly, and want to like them, but just can't. I've never made it completely through 2001.

Eta- wife, 11yo daughter and I watched One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest last night. It was much more sedate and tame than I remembered.

I like this list. Oddly all of these films are from the same film period, if not the same year. Basically over-artsy film brought to commercial fruition, Hollywood was mostly done with that by the 1980s but Blade Runner popped up because it was throwback Noir (but still too '60s').

They were great films for their time, if you were a kid with HBO and it showed up at 11pm on Saturday night.....
Ugh, that big-budget scat porno starring Oprah Winfrey :zzz:

I mean, seriously - when the midgets are too coked up to stay in character and even the donkey looks bored, busting out a half-dozen gerbils just seems . . . well, gimmicky and contrived. By that point, the movie's credibility is shot and you can't stop thinking they were all just doing it for the money. Sad, really :frown:

Wait, wut? :flipoff2: :cookie:
Ugh, that big-budget scat porno starring Oprah Winfrey :zzz:

I mean, seriously - when the midgets are too coked up to stay in character and even the donkey looks bored, busting out a half-dozen gerbils just seems . . . well, gimmicky and contrived. By that point, the movie's credibility is shot and you can't stop thinking they were all just doing it for the money. Sad, really :frown:

Wait, wut? :flipoff2: :cookie:

Seems like you shoudl start a weed thread of your own.
Anything Will Ferrell.... I just can't stand him.

This along with Steve Carrell, Liam Neesom, Jim Carey, anything with vampires, mutants, fucking superheroes, by Michael Bay, or any of the goddamn remakes by these pathetic millenial asshats that arent creative enough to come up with original material. Fuck em, fuck em all to death with a chainsaw then run em through a woodchipper. Hollywood fucking sucks.
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pretty much the messed up horror movies and many of the scary movies.. cuz of my PTSD.. with the exception of shyamalan movies.. and Im not sure why

also movies which are really awkward with moments to which many of us can relate to, even if we didnt experience those kinds of circumstances for ourselves

edit: I really do enjoy Woke movies...

Were you in the military? If not why do you have PTSD?
The Road.

Don't give a shit about all of the other movies in here that y'all "can't watch while comfortable" .

I can never watch that movie again, because it is *exactly* how things would go when the infrastructure breaks down.

The fucking monkeys amidst us will win. By monkeys, I mean EVERYONE you never knew were pretending to be civil and "human".

When my Wife and I watched it, she was exactly the wife in the movie: she said "yep, I'm not living by small fires for the rest of my life, I'd check out too".

Most devastating movie I have ever seen, and yet, there was hope.
I get about ten minutes into Spaceballs and I have to leave the room.
Oh yea, those super hero movies my wife has going all the time.
Almost everything hollywood recycles and churns out is just pure garbage .

Last theater movie I went too " Apocalypse Now" .
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