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Motor a gonner???


May 24, 2020
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Just fired up my 1972 Bronco with a 302 with the new MSD ready to run distributor. Greased the shit out of it like the instructions stated and started up fine. Set the timing and let it run and then was chasing down a charging issue and it died. After a lot of poking around I found that 2-1/2 teeth on the distributor gear are gone. Drained the oil and can see shinny flakes in it. Not sure why the gear bit the dust, but at this point more worried that I just pumped metal flakes though the hole motor. Thoughts?
What does the oil pump rod look like?
Not sure on the year of the motor but had a stock point style Motorcraft distributor in it and the new MSD has a cast iron gear so should've been ok. Just pulled the pan and some nice chunks of the teeth in it and pump shaft is straight and not twisted. The new distributor is fairly tough to turn by hand, but not sure what the speck is supposed to be?
Honestly, I didn't spin it before installing it to tell if it's different now. Going to reach out to MSD tech tomorrow.
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