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Most spot on true statement I've read in a while-


you could have just used the little "like" button :flipoff2:

Um no! This really needs to be said, out loud, in an outside voice. The guys a troll no doubt and I've been scrolling past his posts and sometimes quotes which is kinda shameful because I'll sometimes lose the context of the reply.

That fucker owes me a new mouse as I've worn out my scroll wheel.
That fucker owes me a new mouse as I've worn out my scroll wheel.

Click image for larger version  Name:	20191209_000917.jpg Views:	0 Size:	402.3 KB ID:	87850

What is this, Romper Room? :flipoff2:
I wish more people would put the obvious trolls on ignore. I know, I know, it makes you feel like you’re being a baby about it. But if more people would do it, these fucking remoras would leave us alone.
The new Logitech MX Master III has the perfect scroll wheel.

I am not trolling. I actually care about you idiots. It's just that you want to circle jerk about masks, and I'm not having it. Deal with it.
Remember when I said Trump will try to push the election back indefinitely?

His tweet:

With Universal Mail-In Voting (not Absentee Voting, which is good), 2020 will be the most INACCURATE & FRAUDULENT Election in history. It will be a great embarrassment to the USA. Delay the Election until people can properly, securely and safely vote???

Seems to support what I said. Why don't you worry about your porch and getting off it, instead of making me your fanboi?
Germany the Muslim Sanctuary.

Germany owes Poland over $850 billion in WW2 reparations: senior lawmaker

WARSAW (Reuters) - Germany could owe Poland more than $850 billion in reparations for damages it incurred during World War Two and the brutal Nazi occupation, a senior ruling party lawmaker said.

Greek parliament voted this month to seek billions of euros in German reparations for the Nazi occupation of their country.
Germany the Muslim Sanctuary.

Germany owes Poland over $850 billion in WW2 reparations: senior lawmaker

WARSAW (Reuters) - Germany could owe Poland more than $850 billion in reparations for damages it incurred during World War Two and the brutal Nazi occupation, a senior ruling party lawmaker said.

Greek parliament voted this month to seek billions of euros in German reparations for the Nazi occupation of their country.

What the? How is this fitting for this debate? And who cares? Germany pays for Greece anyhow, we can just give them more money. Same with Poland, but they need to stop their right-wing bullshit or ze Germans will go take their shit country once again. :)
Remember when I said Trump will try to push the election back indefinitely?

His tweet:

Seems to support what I said. Why don't you worry about your porch and getting off it, instead of making me your fanboi?

He can't and he knows he can't. He also knows he can make people like you lose their shit and make his point about opening schools valid for him. Dumbass.
The new Logitech MX Master III has the perfect scroll wheel.

I am not trolling. I actually care about you idiots. It's just that you want to circle jerk about masks, and I'm not having it. Deal with it.

Why? Noone here gives a fuck about you. Cvnt.
Remember when I said Trump will try to push the election back indefinitely?

His tweet:

Seems to support what I said. Why don't you worry about your porch and getting off it, instead of making me your fanboi?

He’s trolling you, you fucking tool bag. You think he doesn’t know the law? By simply saying that, he has probably just put in motion whatever it was going to take to get walk in voting secured. I don’t even like the dude but seriously, he plays you liberal tools like a fiddle.
Actually, 32.9% (vs. 34.7% expected by economists surveyed by Dow Jones).

Fully attributable to the lockdowns for the COVID non-pandemic.

What else ya' got? (besides raging TDS :laughing: )

it still dropped. you need the trump tweet saying the president is responsible for the economy no matter what?

also shall we check and see how other countries are doing?
it still dropped. you need the trump tweet saying the president is responsible for the economy no matter what?

also shall we check and see how other countries are doing?

Have the other countries been ~80% locked down (which is up to the State governors)? :homer:

Think & post what you wish, just know you're coming across a tad idiotic & TDS-heavy.

EDIT: this thread is about weeviltwat being an idiot - please don't upstage him :laughing:
Have the other countries been ~80% locked down (which is up to the State governors)? :homer:

Think & post what you wish, just know you're coming across a tad idiotic & TDS-heavy.

Just as you come across as gargling trumps balls for 4 years. your orange glow is showing. put on your thinking cap and look around. other countries are coming of covid fine. why is "the great country on earth" not capable of even status quo, let alone leading the world on it. you gona blame the states on this?
Just as you come across as gargling trumps balls for 4 years. your orange glow is showing. put on your thinking cap and look around. other countries are coming of covid fine. why is "the great country on earth" not capable of even status quo, let alone leading the world on it. you gona blame the states on this?

Certain powers are reserved to the states - read a book, mu'fugger :homer:
Just as you come across as gargling trumps balls for 4 years. your orange glow is showing. put on your thinking cap and look around. other countries are coming of covid fine. why is "the great country on earth" not capable of even status quo, let alone leading the world on it. you gona blame the states on this?

You mean like Sweden that never implemented any control or like China where they walled off entire cities at the point of a gun ?? Our death rate is easily status quo. Don't even have to read a book or troll orange gizim when you clear your knob-stretched out throat.
Best part is my Army nephew's will not be going to Germany to defend you the Socialist from your Muslim infestation. You will be speaking Arabic or Russian soon enough.
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