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MITO: B-52Gs and KC-135s do minimum interval takeoffs on pillars of smoke.

We had way too much fun there. Our squadron was banned from the Brit Club during our second deployment.

My first time there was in 97 as a transportation troop during Phoenix Scorpion. Since we were spending Christmas there one of our guys decided we needed a tree. Took it upon himself to cut one down. He was nearly kicked off the island.

So many other memories and a few nights I don’t quite recall.
My first time there was in 97 as a transportation troop during Phoenix Scorpion. Since we were spending Christmas there one of our guys decided we needed a tree. Took it upon himself to cut one down. He was nearly kicked off the island.

So many other memories and a few nights I don’t quite recall.

The Brits had an outdoor jail cell in the middle of our barracks as a deterrent. It didn’t work. One of our junior officers stole an Air Force van and drove it into the lagoon.:lmao:
The Brits had an outdoor jail cell in the middle of our barracks as a deterrent. It didn’t work. One of our junior officers stole an Air Force van and drove it into the lagoon.:lmao:

Yeah, I’ve got nothing on that story.:smokin:
Yeah, I’ve got nothing on that story.:smokin:

We had a reputation. My last deployment to Misawa we were on lockdown less than 12 hours after getting there. One of our guys got drunk and decided to break into someone’s house in base housing. Lady came home from work and saw my buddy sitting on the couch eating a sandwich and watching tv. They wanted to hammer me because I was the senior person there that was drinking. I had to explain to several Air Force brass that me and another guy carried him to bed and tossed him in it. We went to eat at the galley when he decided to get up and go on an adventure.:laughing:
Diego Garcia is one of my favorite places in the world. I would love to be able to go back someday. The fishing there is some of the best in the world. The British do not allow commercial fishing within 500 miles of the island.

Kwajalein is the counterpart to Diego Garcia. I worked the GEODSS and TRADEX programs back in the olden days. The best part of these islands was getting there! BTW: I was on Kwajalein for 6+ years (circa 1980's).
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Kwajalein is the counterpart to Diego Garcia. I worked the GEODSS and TRADEX programs back in the olden days. The best part of these islands was getting there! BTW: I was on Kwajalein for 6+ years (circa 1980's).

Awesome. Never been to Kwajalein. I have been to Midway twice.
Diego Garcia is one of my favorite places in the world. I would love to be able to go back someday. The fishing there is some of the best in the world. The British do not allow commercial fishing within 500 miles of the island.

What a privilege to be out there. One of my very favorite favorite places was the middle of the Atlantic away from the shipping lanes. You can only get this kind of exposure if you're in the military and have the taxpayers pay for it. :laughing:

Dark at night. You know what I mean.
What a privilege to be out there. One of my very favorite favorite places was the middle of the Atlantic away from the shipping lanes. You can only get this kind of exposure if you're in the military and have the taxpayers pay for it. :laughing:

Dark at night. You know what I mean.

Yes sir. We would get hammered drunk and lay on the beach and star gaze. Never in my life have I seen so many stars in the night sky.
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