For the record. Ruger customer service 336 949 5200 From their webpage -
Customer Service
Notice the Prescott AZ heading for the (336) area code. 336 is in North Carolina. OK.
Talked to Charlotte in service repair and Ruger does not offer replacement barrels for the older rifles. They can't sell a new or old barrel with or without a gas block to me, to my gunsmith or anyone for that matter. The option they have is for me to mail them my family heirloom
and they will replace it with a new rifle at reduced cost
That is just something special. Like an Old Isuzu commercial. So that leaves aftermarket, apparently. Looks like I will have to lurk some Ruger forum or some similar
Suggestions for a Ruger username ?
I trust my gunsmith could take a piece of railroad tie and end up with a barrel for this thing and it would cycle and shoot fine but fuck me this is not a simple deal at all so far.
Not the answer I was expecting at all.