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Damn! Them fuckers aint never gonna be the same. I had a buddy that suffered a injury like that in a car wreck. He was a completely different person afterwards. Different personality, mannerisms, everything. Went from being a pretty mellow cool guy to a complete asshole.
Put the jack to where the pump cyl is on the bottom
Loosening the lugnuts and some brief but energetic driving always does the trick.
Huh. Every time I've tried to use a bottle jack sideways it won't pump, I assumed cuz fluid reservoir.
but I keep Toyota jacks around:laughing:

I have a setup like that for my RV, Jack kinda works sideways at least long enough to pull one wheel, set it up right and cycle it then its good to go again

^^ Wow, this one sucks...

Should be:
Lock Down - The Fast and the Furious
2 Lock 2 Down - 2 Fast 2 Furious
Lock Down: Tokyo Virus - The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift
Lock and Down - Fast and Furious
Lock Five - Fast Five
Lock and Down 6 - Fast and Furious 6
Down 7 - Furious 7
Down of the Lock - Fate of the Furious
Lock and Down: Trump & Biden - Fast and Furious: Hobbs & Shaw

Meh, when blm said they were going to riot in the suburbs I realized I was unprepared. I had a roof, a rifle, plenty of mags, and even a megaphone to tell assholes to keep moving.
I however didn't have a spotlight to single out particular assholes for yelling at, or a way to keep my cooler from sliding off the roof :laughing:
I had a spotlight delivered the next day, and I'll tie a rope to a back porch post, throw it over the peak and use gravity to keep my cooler secure.

yeah, winning doesn't need to involve cardio:flipoff2:
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