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** Meme **

What did I miss?
My wife(back then as my GF) always liked Friends. I didn't like it but watched just for that Anniston girl.
I had a coworker who bitched about his wife "drinking too much with her girlfriends, passing out and magically waking up at midnight, then running home and hopping in the shower so she could make a flight the next morning". No dude, you're a dumbass and she just got fucked by some other dude. She hopped in the shower to wash his jizz out and off of her while covering the cologne scent with body wash. :gary:
I had a coworker who bitched about his wife "drinking too much with her girlfriends, passing out and magically waking up at midnight, then running home and hopping in the shower so she could make a flight the next morning". No dude, you're a dumbass and she just got fucked by some other dude. She hopped in the shower to wash his jizz out and off of her while covering the cologne scent with body wash. :gary:
ahh yes, the Cuckie Von Cuckerson family.
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