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** Meme **


This one is close to home. When my daughter was about 9-10, she was being bullied by a larger girl at their Catholic middle school. I spoke with the teacher, and the principal Sister Kathleen. Sister Kathleen was a old school nun who didn't put up with much. I liked her. We had a meeting with the other girl's parents who proclaimed their daughter was an angel and would never do such a thing, even though it was confirmed by Sister Kathleen. I informed them right then and there that my daughter was going to eventually defend herself against aggression. Anyways, this bully girl would grab my daughter by the arm and pull her around the playground. I taught daughter how to break someone's grip by pulling their thumb up, twisting the wrist and then push them down to the ground by bending their fingers. It doesn't take a lot of strength because its a pain compliance technique. Two days later I get called into the principal's office. Daughter did it and it worked, now bully's parents were up in arms about my daughter. Sister backed up my daughter and suspended the bully, while giving me and daughter a stern lecture about taking matters into our own hands. She could barely contain her smile and I could see in her eyes she approved, while telling us this in front of the bully's parents.
This one is close to home. When my daughter was about 9-10, she was being bullied by a larger girl at their Catholic middle school. I spoke with the teacher, and the principal Sister Kathleen. Sister Kathleen was a old school nun who didn't put up with much. I liked her. We had a meeting with the other girl's parents who proclaimed their daughter was an angel and would never do such a thing, even though it was confirmed by Sister Kathleen. I informed them right then and there that my daughter was going to eventually defend herself against aggression. Anyways, this bully girl would grab my daughter by the arm and pull her around the playground. I taught daughter how to break someone's grip by pulling their thumb up, twisting the wrist and then push them down to the ground by bending their fingers. It doesn't take a lot of strength because its a pain compliance technique. Two days later I get called into the principal's office. Daughter did it and it worked, now bully's parents were up in arms about my daughter. Sister backed up my daughter and suspended the bully, while giving me and daughter a stern lecture about taking matters into our own hands. She could barely contain her smile and I could see in her eyes she approved, while telling us this in front of the bully's parents.

I'll be teaching my boy the same thing.

Never start a fight, but never run from one either.
That is almost word for word what my Dad told me

That's a big part I missed out on. I couldn't fight. Severe hemophilia. I always had to back down. Big part of why I'm such a pushover now.
That is almost word for word what my Dad told me

My dad told me that too, but he also said "once they go down put the boots to them until they stop trying to get up." He also recommended against throat punches, any kind of attempt at choking someone out, or kicking in the head. Ribs, always break the ribs. "That shit can kill someone!" As an 8 year old I never had to apply his techniques.

Dad may have spent too much time in sailors bars in foreign ports when at sea, and biker bars when at home.:laughing:
That is almost word for word what my Dad told me

My Old man made me promise I'd never be the one to start a fight, that way he could stick up for me without having to know the details when the school called. It was always clear the punishment would be way worse if I made a liar out of the old man.
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