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** Meme **

Da fuck is that shit at the top in those boxes? Is that really how they teach kids multiplication now a days?

Inquiring minds want to know.

You geriatric/GenX fucks will have a new group of retards to complain about. Remember you raised them.
My Aunt on FB bringing the meme:laughing: Didn't have the nads to harass her.


I saw that on a quarter I got around a month ago and thought W.T.F. Over
Someone who should be shot came up with it. It fucks with my head and I got a minor in mathematics with my degree.

I've always excelled in math. Got up to diff EQ in college before I realized engineering wasnt for me. I cant make heads or tails of what they're dying with that problem.:confused:
I've always excelled in math. Got up to diff EQ in college before I realized engineering wasnt for me. I cant make heads or tails of what they're dying with that problem.:confused:

Seriously, where in the fuck are they getting those numbers?

More importantly, WHY are they bothering with all that extra bullshit? Christ on his cross, use that shit to balance a checkbook and you'd have a notebook full of gibberish.
Seriously, where in the fuck are they getting those numbers?

More importantly, WHY are they bothering with all that extra bullshit? Christ on his cross, use that shit to balance a checkbook and you'd have a notebook full of gibberish.

I understand common core because that's how I do math in my head *FOR SOME PROBLEMS*. Understanding when to use common core math vs old school math is just as important as doing the math correctly. Common core math is a tool that can be used, but you need to use the right tool for the job.

the example they give in the meme is one of the worst examples for common core, and it's not even done correctly. The numbers come from the addition of the remainder and 5's and 10's to get between the 12 and the 32. Obviously, using logic and old school math is better in that problem.

A different example would be 53 - 26.

start with 26. Add 4 to get to 30, add 20 to get to 50 and add 3 to get to 53. 4+20+3= 27.

And nobody balances checkbooks anymore. :flipoff2:
One of my nieces was upset that her daughter has not memorised the times tables and uses a combination of addition and multiplcation to figure it out. She was agast that I never lerned them either and used to use that same system, now days I just punch it in like everybody else
I've always excelled in math. Got up to diff EQ in college before I realized engineering wasnt for me. I cant make heads or tails of what they're dying with that problem.:confused:

It basically changes a lot of math into small addition problems.

As mentioned above, for in the head math this sometimes works well (like to do 23*8 I would do 20*8 + 3*8 = 160 + 24 = 184) but it's still pretty damn stupid to be the only mechanism, they could/should teach both.

I have a computer science degree, it requires a ton of math courses anyway, so taking like 2 more courses meant I could get a minor in math so I did it. Though one of those 2 extra courses I took was an advanced calculus course and it was a royal bitch.
It basically changes a lot of math into small addition problems.

As mentioned above, for in the head math this sometimes works well (like to do 23*8 I would do 20*8 + 3*8 = 160 + 24 = 184) but it's still pretty damn stupid to be the only mechanism, they could/should teach both.

I also have a "real math required" degree and generally really good at those sort of "well X is just Y more/less than Z and Z is convenient to work we so if we W T to Z and then A by Y you get V which is the <blah> of T and X like we wanted in the first place" type tricks and it still makes no fucking sense. You need to have a good handle on add, subtract, multiply and divide in order to learn the kind of tricks you need to learn to beat more complex math problems into submission. I'm all for teaching tricks because tricks give you better understanding of things but the trick is harder than just assaulting the problem head on in this case.
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