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Mechanics step in. What did this come off of

Pat McRotch

May 19, 2020
Member Number
Found this in my driveway after the snow melted. At Christmas I had two 2015ish subaru's Outbacks and a 2018 F150 in my driveway. The bracket was behind one of the subies. Also in the driveway, which haven't moved much,
is a 2019 F150, 2020 Ford Transit, 87 toy 2wd p/u and a 07 Outback.
What did this fall off of?
Also, after the ice and snow was gone, my F150 started making popping noise from the f/r wheel area. I looked around, didn't see where it could come from. Mini Pringles can for size comparison. (Was gonna use muh dick but...)
Eh you never know. Have had several calls about stolen drivelines. I didnt even know that was a thing..
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So if it pops and grinds they broke the vacuum actuators in the knuckles putting the CVs back in. Super common if you aren’t careful. Not sure why Ford though it was a good idea to use, plastic, vacuums and 4WD in the same part description.
i havent seen any of that gen fords but as others said driveline cv.

Id be more certain if it was only 2 bolts, common chry setup, but like i said, i havent seen that new of fords.
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