I mean, it is only 96 horsepower. Maybe the crack is no big deal. I’d have a hard time convincing myself to put an engine together with a cracked block. But, I have this tractor analogy. Are you going to stick your wife in it to drive it to California? No. It’s just a tractor at this point, if it runs it’s doing it’s job.
Back to the sleeves. I’ve worked at an engine machine shop and pulled sleeves with a legit sleeve puller. The block is the part that is meant to be salvageable and the sleeves expendable. I’ve pulled many sleeves and never without damaging them. They are thin and easy to damage. The way, the ONLY way to put them in is to heat the block and freeze the sleeve. It drops on and the two bond together. Once the temperature of the two normalize they basically become one, locking together tightly. There’s no way to heat or cool one without affecting the other directly.
You can practice this on the block with the bad sleeve in it to see what you’re up against.