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Lil Deuce 40s

We haven’t given ours any kind of iPad. She’s still a little to young for that. We might have a TV on for noise, but our daughter doesn’t sit down and watch it.

My nephew has his tablet glued to his face. For my wife's grandmother's birthday, we all got together to go out to eat at a restaurant. Nephew had his at the table, with headphones then entire time. His mother had to spoon feed him since he couldn't let go of the TV. It was painful to watch.
My nephew has his tablet glued to his face. For my wife's grandmother's birthday, we all got together to go out to eat at a restaurant. Nephew had his at the table, with headphones then entire time. His mother had to spoon feed him since he couldn't let go of the TV. It was painful to watch.

Different kids are different. Ours have tablets, and we take them with us out to eat. No headphones (they're playing toddler games) and they play with them a little bit bit don't get absorbed into them. But, they don't sit down and watch TV either. Cartoons are on alot but its typically background noise. In the winter when the weather is too bad to play outside we'll play in the shop... ill stick in a cartoon DVD and they rarely watch it.
Different kids are different. Ours have tablets, and we take them with us out to eat. No headphones (they're playing toddler games) and they play with them a little bit bit don't get absorbed into them. But, they don't sit down and watch TV either. Cartoons are on alot but its typically background noise. In the winter when the weather is too bad to play outside we'll play in the shop... ill stick in a cartoon DVD and they rarely watch it.

Mine do the same. Well, my oldest kid is getting into shows so he likes watching more television, but he's also ten, going on 13.

My youngest kid will watch 5 minutes of television, and then he's playing whatever he was watching, or being creative.

As for the online stuff, my oldest kid will Facetime his cousin in Colorado and they play Minecraft together. It's nerdy, and I don't get it, but I also grew up in the video game era. We have NO neighbors, and all the kids in school come from broken families, so there's no kids coming over on the weekend. It's the rare interaction my kid gets with someone around his age...but this all started with the stupid COVID shit.

We don't take tablets or anything into restaurants or public spaces anymore. They've grown out of that. Those things are a life saver on cross-country trips, though!
Oh, and Deuce, we might all say all this and you might end up with kids that can't conform to any of it.

My buddy had twins. His children, as his wife puts it, are MONSTERS. They're 2 years old. Adorable as hell. But...they CLIMB! I've never seen kids like this. They're busier than any kids I've seen, ever. At 1 year and a few months they were able to pull themselves up with ONE arm! He had to get rid of all his dining room chairs, all their decorations, everything. He's whipped their butts, put them in the corner, done absolutely everything. They just LOVE climbing.

He and his wife have figured it out, but they still have their struggles. It's not like they're not disciplining their kids. They just have super active, super strong children that love climbing on everything (window sills, counters, book shelves, you name it). My buddy said, if I bring my kids to your house, they'll literally destroy everything in it. :laughing:

EDIT: He said a few days ago he turned his back for all of two minutes to grab something out of the garage. When he came out, both kids were on the hood of his big tractor, that was on the trailer, playing with the smoke stack!
Congrats. It's a hell of a ride.

Had my first at 36. He's now 1.5 years old and busy. He's very sweet, but always on the go and into everything.

His mom and I aren't together, so it's a bit tough with 2 routines on him. His crib is still in his mom's room at her house, while he has his own room at my house. Get Lil Deuce in his own room ASAP. It's seemed to help my boy transition into an easier routine with me than what his mother describes.

Also have patience. They are learning a new world and sometimes it's hard for them to "get it". You'll learn their quirks and strengths. Roll with them. Past 1 year old they start becoming a sponge and gain intelligence in vocabulary very quick. I can communicate to him, but he's still stuck on one syllable 1/2 assed words that I don't necessarily understand, so he can get frustrated. When frustration or tantrums start, DISTRACT DISTRACT DISTRACT :laughing:
Yawp, keep em' busy. They start acting up, throw them something to do.
I will say though, watching him constantly learn and figure everything out is awesome.

My son basically stole his sisters ipad and figured out how to use youtube for his favorite videos. Anything trucks, tractors, motorcycles, cars he loves it. He has learned what John Deere and Caterpillar tractors are, he knows the difference between a Peterbilt and other trucks (because dad drives a Pete), he knows what a skidsteer, bulldozer, excavator are and how they do different things. Same with fire trucks, semi trucks, dump trucks, etc. All from youtube and other shows for kids with me helping him with names constantly.

​​​​​​We got him him a power wheels razr that he loves, same with his stryder bike. I can't wait to start building him bigger faster stuff :grinpimp:
The wife has been on research duty trying to figure out a way to maintain some sleep cycle. All the cousins in the family run rampant at all hours of the day/night. We're not putting up with that. :laughing:

put them in their own room within 2 weeks of coming home. no matter what the doctor says DO NOT WAKE THEM UP AT NIGHT IF THEY ARE SLEEPING. if they are in need of something they will let you know, do a feed at 11pm, wife pumps at 3am, should wake up around 5am to eat.
Bah, its fun. We're without the kiddo tonight and it'll be a lonely without him.

My wife and I havent had a single day together without my son since the day he was born. We both have pos selfish parents that dont help at all, shit for friends, and no one else trustworthy enough to baby sit.

Its a pretty big strain.
My wife and I havent had a single day together without my son since the day he was born. We both have pos selfish parents that dont help at all, shit for friends, and no one else trustworthy enough to baby sit.

Its a pretty big strain.

My folks take kiddo camping once a week in their RV. They're retired and love doing it. My Dad and my son are inseparable. 100% best friends. Any time Dad is over to help out with something, wife has to take the kiddo away or nothing will get done. :laughing:
Congrats man!

I had my first at 39, now we have 2. I feel like sleep is the only thing thats difficult about having kids when your older, I could have dealt with it better when I was younger lol

Either way they are a blast .... looks like with all the kids pop'n out around here we should be seeing a bunch of mini rigs being built :smokin:
My folks take kiddo camping once a week in their RV. They're retired and love doing it. My Dad and my son are inseparable. 100% best friends. Any time Dad is over to help out with something, wife has to take the kiddo away or nothing will get done. :laughing:

Enjoy the time you get to spend with your wife without any kids. We haven't had a date or literally been anywhere without atleast my son in 31 months.

Enjoy the time you get to spend with your wife without any kids. We haven't had a date or literally been anywhere without atleast my son in 31 months.


Hah, I hunt and she's inside knitting. :laughing:
Iunno, feels weird to be out and about without the kiddo. Almost guilty. Outside of running errands, the three of us are together.
5 years. We've been on 2 kidless dates in 5 years. It is what it is.

I don't think we could do that. Do you choose not to use a babysitter or are none available around you?
Both of ours go to bed and don't move until morning. Its like flipping a breaker off. I'm guessing its having set bedtime and never co-sleeping. They had a little portable crib and stayed next to our bed when infants and were doing the "up every couple of hours feeding" thing, but as soon as that stopped they slept in their rooms.

Congrats. I was 40 when we had our 1st one.

We did this as well. Used the pack-and-play for the first few weeks, and then we kept using it when we went on trips. She sleeps just fine anywhere now.

I was surprised how much I disliked her looking me dead in the eye and screaming in my face.
I don't think we could do that. Do you choose not to use a babysitter or are none available around you?

Actually we've got a 16yr old neighbor who's family we're friends with who would be perfect... who's asked... but we kinda forgot about it. My parents could, and did the 2 times... but they're not real grandparents. They come over twice a week for a couple of hours to be entertained, and that's about it. My mom has never had car seats, my kids have never spent the night, etc etc. Wifes parents have both passed away.

We both work and I guess the hectic lifestyle we've just become accustomed to neglecting our core relationship.
Avoid co sleeping. When my wife worked in the hospital she had a woman and her deceased baby come in. The woman smothered the newborn when she fell asleep. Can't imagine trying to overcome the guilt from something like that. It really affected the wife. Get a basinet for next to your bed the first few months, until they sleep through the night then bot them to their own room with a crib.

We really try to limit screen time as much as possible seen to many kids who have had tablets or phones as babysitters and want him to be raised more like we were. He gets some nursery rhyme videos a few times a week, but they only hold his attention for a few minutes until he wants to do something else. He loves playing outside and is working on mastering his tricycle.
Avoid co sleeping.

That's horrible. The very first night my sister in law's baby was home, he woke up during the night and my mother in law brought him to the couch. She fell asleep on the couch with him for 3 hours on accident. :eek:
I guess it's because some of our friends bitch about being tired all the fucking time. We're trying to have solutions before the problems get here.


:lmao: :lmao::lmao:

You're going to find out who you are (and didn't think you had in you).

Yawp, avoid cosleeping. 100%. My nephew is closing in on five years old, has never slept in his own bed. Ever.
Yawp, avoid cosleeping. 100%. My nephew is closing in on five years old, has never slept in his own bed. Ever.

A friend of mine married a single mom, her 14yr old son still slept with her. Every night. Dude wound up sleeping in the kids room half the time.

Um.... yea.
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