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Labor Day losers


May 30, 2020
Member Number
Sloughhouse Ca
Working 07-1500 today

I can't complain too hard though, I get holiday pay and the work load is usually lighter :homer:
Paid, on call sucks. Going to the lake to take the docks out
My big excitement for the day is dropping some stuff off at my moms then swinging by the gas station on my way home.

It's sad I don't care to go anywhere or do anything anymore. My wallet's happy though.
Working, but not as many hours as usual. So that’s nice.
Gonna do a round of yard work as it looks like it's going to be a nice day, maybe hang the gate I built on the front porch too if I am motivated enough. There will be plenty of OG Coors consumed today as well so it may end up being an early night for us.:laughing:
Watching my wife cook breakfast now. Supposed to be upper 80's today, will probably take the wife and daughter to the river and do some swimming/cliff jumping. BBQ Elk backstrap for dinner.
Off, and wife is off. Lazy/easy day of beer drinking, grilling burgers, and outsidey type shit.

Right now wife is in town, me and the kids are looking for crawfish
Doing bills today ;( Most profitable part of the work I just hate doing it.

I don't miss billing, seems everyone wants you right now, but then they don't want to pay for the service. I had one commercial trucking company i did work for I finally had to threaten to drive to their office in Phoenix to get paid
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Going to go to the folks house and pressure wash their upstairs deck and front of the house. They have company coming over Friday and it's looking a little shabby.

Come home and clean up some of the wiring on the bronco, the BBQ oysters and burgers and corn. Already made pasta salad.
I fixed the sloppy pins on one of my plows, that tuckered me out so now just sitting in muh chair , wife has divorce court on...LOL
Working - can't complain though. My guys were happy to have the holiday pay and I also get holiday pay. Plus, there's so few people in the factory it makes it that much easier for me to actually help/do what I want to do without Union grievance BS (I'm "not allowed to physically handle parts" as a salary employee).

Still one thing after another at the house... I don't believe in luck, but trying to figure out what karma we're paying on. Found out late last night that our upstairs fridge/freezer had taken a crap, so cleaned out the basement beer/killing fridge and distributed everything between there and our other freezers. Talked to Chris earlier, somehow the copper wire running to the ice maker was kinked/broke and so did the valve, so now there's more water in the basement... on top of the water that we recently had down there due to our AC drain line backing up. Just checked the Ring camera and saw one of our buddies (flooring guy) walking into the house with a saw so, I'm guessing it's getting interesting.

Hoping to work on tree stands and trail cameras when I get off work, but may be helping with the house or picking up flooring or a fridge. I leave on Friday for an early goose hunting trip up in MN and excited about that, gotta get my stuff around for that eventually too.
Cutting grass with push mower, will report to salt mines at 6pm. Really nice weather too-
Her family just left and she went to work. Rained an inch already so i am cleaning the house.
Got the new exhaust for the shitbox bolted up. Single bent pipe replaces three segments of pipe with leaking joints and cracks leaks and holes in multiple places. It knocks like 20db off the idle noise but the flanges leak and it sounds like a hive of bees farting into a kazoo every time you step on it. That's what I get for using the gaskets with the ring instead of the cheapo fiber ones. Oh well, I'll live with it for a week.
Work got shut down for a few weeks due to busted pumps and lack of parts availability.

Otherwise I would be asleep...Now I get to do some clean up around the house.

Looks like I'm off for a month now.

2 weeks on 2 weeks off.

This is normally my on cycle.
Mom's got a bunch of mixed vegetables ready to can, then she has ten pounds of hamburger she's going to turn into chili that will be canned. She can get it all ready, but I have to load the canner because it's to tall for her to see over the top
Just got back from almost pleasant bike ride out through the foothills before it gets stupid hot and was informed we are killing spiders. No beer. Apparently, they have encrusted outside on the eaves, window sills enough to piss off Mrs Splib and now they must die. All of them. Broom, shop Vac, hose and water. Death Death Die All All must die.
working 7 to 3;30 then headed to the house. its double time on top of holiday pay, hard to pass up. but i figure i will do this a few more years and hang it up. normally i would have the family up in Colorado this week but the stupid covid shit has people acting strange to say the least. and my wife having to take care of her mother every other week.
Going to hang a couple of LED fixtures in the garage today. We must have a big fire nearby; smoke is thick and heavy. (Saint George, Utah).
Sitting at home, did a little interior detailing on the GF's car, mostly been sitting around, probably go tinker on shit in the garage.
Went camping this weekend with the family. It got terribly windy after about 9 and trees were falling down like crazy. Got out of there asap and how we got home and the power is out. The generator ran for an hour and ran out of gas and all the locallish gas stations don't have power to sell gas I are screwed.
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