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Kurtuleas has been absolutely correct.

I think they already proved more than doubt in nevada. If it happened in one state you can bet your ass it happened in more. There is a reason the key states won't let the people watch votes being counted. The democratic party has spent 4 years trying to place doubt with trump and the Russian government. China the democrats right hand man, have the real collusion here. Covid was no mistake, and I bet we will see a covid 20 and 21 soon. It will be a easy way to push the left agenda. 19 was a experiment and it worked lots of sheep out there.

I don't hang out in the same parts of the internet as most of you guys. Can you link me some of the voter fraud articles? Genuinely interested in reading about it.
Food for thought in this election:

Since 2016 about 45 million people graduated from high-school.
Since 2016 about 5.6 million people became US citizens.
Most states usually have give or take 500k to 1M fewer people vote than actually registered to vote. (This goes back as far as 2004 that I read into)
This year more key states have counted within 100k votes of registered voters to votes placed.
In 2016 there were about 153 million registered voters 137 million actually voted.
In 2020 there are about 214 million registered voters 155 million votes have been counted and growing.
The 2020 census estimates there are 304 Million People in the US and 250 Million are eligible to vote
How is it nearly 69 million people have registered to vote in 4 years but only 20 million more so far have exercised that right to vote.

The Math doesn't count in itself. How do you get that many new voters but only gross a 30% increase of overall new votes.
My biggest thing in this entire election that comes off as super-shady is the spike in Biden votes in both Wisconsin and Michigan.

Those spikes in ballots happened in the early morning hours, about the EXACT SAME TIME in both states, and ALL of the 130,000+ votes were for Biden. Not ONE for Trump. There is no way possible that that would happen even in ONE state. And it was just enough ballots to get Biden over the top. It was a total coordinated ballot dump. If you look at the graphs of the incoming votes for those states, with a line suddenly going straight up, there is NO way you could not think "fraud"

It is also very telling that NO ONE is really focusing on that.
That just reminded me of something

I seem to remember when trump was running in 2016 that he came out saying that they were spying on him and everybody in the media of poohpoohed it yet he was right......there's been a couple of their times were hes come out and nobody believed him and a year later comes out that it's true...hmmmm
I seem to remember when trump was running in 2016 that he came out saying that they were spying on him and everybody in the media of poohpoohed it yet he was right......there's been a couple of their times were hes come out and nobody believed him and a year later comes out that it's true...hmmmm

I always think about this stuff. It must be frustrating as hell to have intel but have to hold your mouth shut so you do not spoil the "BIG Prize". You can drop the hammer and claim the pieces that were leading to the big prize that you just close the door on.... or wait it out and hope everything falls in line.

To be a fly on the wall would probably make my head spin with all of the things going on behind the scenes.
Trump in a landslide.

But then they will suddenly "find" more Biden mail-in ballots and declare that idiot won. That will then lead to a huge legal dispute and the media will do whatever it takes to get Biden in office.


I am always correct. :flipoff2:

So.... we are here, oh time traveler? :laughing:
Trump needs to drop the hammer, let the dogs out, burn the government down around him on his way out...., Or, he leaves gracefully, becomes a constant commentator, and sets himself or someone else up for 2024. However, since the Dems now know they can steal an election and get away with it, there will be no stopping them in all future elections for all political positions. The slow downhill slide will become a avalanche.
My biggest thing in this entire election that comes off as super-shady is the spike in Biden votes in both Wisconsin and Michigan.

Those spikes in ballots happened in the early morning hours, about the EXACT SAME TIME in both states, and ALL of the 130,000+ votes were for Biden. Not ONE for Trump. There is no way possible that that would happen even in ONE state. And it was just enough ballots to get Biden over the top. It was a total coordinated ballot dump. If you look at the graphs of the incoming votes for those states, with a line suddenly going straight up, there is NO way you could not think "fraud"

It is also very telling that NO ONE is really focusing on that.

The probability of that 130k dump being ALL for Biden (Or anyone) is 0. Mathematically it would look like this: 0.9[SUP]130000[/SUP] = 0

Not to mention the host of "issues" with several key states.

PA: stopped counting (why?)
"Found" pallets of ballots.
Violated their own election law when a Judge changed the rules. This will be addressed in court
Admitted to sending 800k people more than 1 ballot with no apparent mechanism to determine if someone voted more than once or if the intended recipient actually sent it back
Refused to allow republican poll watchers view the counting process, when they lost in court they moved the vote counting away from the poll watchers

Nevada has its own issues. Dead people voting, people voting from out of state, etc.

There is no way John James outperformed Joe and POTUS didn't.
6k ballots in one county were incorrectly recorded due to a "glitch"
30 other states are running that software.

Every single state that ran that software should be doing a manual recount.

I'd like to see an independent audit of the software and a background check on the programmers. Who made the last minute change? What changed? Who authorized it?

Some hope they can cheat to get a across the finish line and that's it. Even if their fraud is discovered there's no going back. I say fuck that, hold them accountable.

There are an imperial shit ton of issues that have come to light and they must be addressed.
PA: stopped counting (why?)
"Found" pallets of ballots.

Stopped counting or stopped reporting to the media? There is a difference. Of course Trump was shrieking about how they needed to stop counting, so why is it an issue?

As for "finding" ballots? That does deserve a look. Was it a case of fraud or an honest mistake with somebody losing track of which pallets had been counted in the wee hours of the morning?
Stopped counting or stopped reporting to the media? There is a difference. Of course Trump was shrieking about how they needed to stop counting, so why is it an issue?

As for "finding" ballots? That does deserve a look. Was it a case of fraud or an honest mistake with somebody losing track of which pallets had been counted in the wee hours of the morning?

You don't think there is anything fishy going on with the vote count??????? Even the dumbest motherfucker on the planet could look at that data and figure out something isn't right about it. I could give zero fucks about who actually won at this point, but the fact that there is even a single question about the integrity of the counting shoud piss off every single American no matter what side they are on.
You don't think there is anything fishy going on with the vote count??????? Even the dumbest motherfucker on the planet could look at that data and figure out something isn't right about it. I could give zero fucks about who actually won at this point, but the fact that there is even a single question about the integrity of the counting shoud piss off every single American no matter what side they are on.

I do data analysis for a living. The super mysterious jump in numbers looks like a gap in reporting more than some sort of a seekrit conspiracy.

Now, finding ballots dumped in the Arizona desert? That sounds like someone committing fraud (and failing.) The constant chanting of "but he was up when I went to bed!" is the same shit the hillary camp was saying 4 years ago. Just because you went to bed doesn't mean the vote counters did.
I do data analysis for a living. The super mysterious jump in numbers looks like a gap in reporting more than some sort of a seekrit conspiracy.

Now, finding ballots dumped in the Arizona desert? That sounds like someone committing fraud (and failing.) The constant chanting of "but he was up when I went to bed!" is the same shit the hillary camp was saying 4 years ago. Just because you went to bed doesn't mean the vote counters did.

So if everything is on the up and up, your side should have no problem with an overseen recount to get to the bottom of this issue?

Why were R poll observers in some states removed or not let in to do their job? All on the up and up, right? :rolleyes:

To many things are wrong with the scenario for it to just be innocent mistakes.

How about the dead people voting. All good, right?
So if everything is on the up and up, your side should have no problem with an overseen recount to get to the bottom of this issue?

Why were R poll observers in some states removed or not let in to do their job? All on the up and up, right? :rolleyes:

To many things are wrong with the scenario for it to just be innocent mistakes.

How about the dead people voting. All good, right?

I am perfectly fine with a recount as long as it is overseen by representatives of all parties, yes even the third parties. ESPECIALLY in places where the vote was within 1-2%. I really doubt it's going to change the result.

Why were some GOP observers removed? I have no idea. That would be worth looking into as well. It might be as simple as being kicked out for being "no mask warriors" or campaigning in a polling place which isn't allowed anywhere, or maybe the local dems were up to something shifty. I wasn't there so I can't say.

The only major issue I'm seeing is a delusional spoiled man child president refusing to accept that he probably lost after doing everything he possibly could to fire up the left for four years.

The dead voter issue is an age old one. And with secret ballots it's nigh on impossible to figure out which ballots may have come from those. Local governments need to do a better job of purging dead voters from their rolls.
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The only major issue I'm seeing is a delusional spoiled man child president refusing to accept that he probably lost after doing everything he possibly could to fire up the left for four years.

You do realize the the D's have acted like spoiled man children for the last 4yrs over Trump winning in 2016, right? They blamed it on foreign interference, spent millions trying to uncover something, anything at all to suggest it and came up empty handed. Then, because they didn't get the outcome they were hoping for decided to throw anything and everything they could think of at the wa to try to get something to stick..... Which it did not.

You think Trump and his people are going to spend the next 4yrs ignoring their real jobs and spend every waking second of their lives to get rid of Biden?????

In the words of your boy himself...... Come on maaaan!

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You do realize the the D's have acted like spoiled man children for the last 4yrs over Trump winning in 2016, right? They blamed it on foreign interference, spent millions trying to uncover something, anything at all to suggest it and came up empty handed. Then, because they didn't get the outcome they were hoping for decided to throw anything and everything they could think of at the wa to try to get something to stick..... Which it did not.

You think Trump and his people are going to spend the next 4yrs ignoring their real jobs and spend every waking second of their lives to get rid of Biden?????

In the words of your boy himself...... Come on maaaan!


Sure but that doesn't excuse the GOP doing it. If anything that makes it worse. Do I think Trump is going to be in denial for 4 years? Yep. Now whether the GOP runs with it is to be seen.
Even if there is a recount it doesnt matter because they have already made so many false ballots that were put into the pot. It's over.
You do realize the the D's have acted like spoiled man children for the last 4yrs over Trump winning in 2016, right? They blamed it on foreign interference, spent millions trying to uncover something, anything at all to suggest it and came up empty handed. Then, because they didn't get the outcome they were hoping for decided to throw anything and everything they could think of at the wa to try to get something to stick..... Which it did not.

You think Trump and his people are going to spend the next 4yrs ignoring their real jobs and spend every waking second of their lives to get rid of Biden?????

In the words of your boy himself...... Come on maaaan!


y'all realize this is exactly why the MSM, et al, was so focused on "peaceful transition" questions during the debates and commentary... to setup a narrative..
y'all realize this is exactly why the MSM, et al, was so focused on "peaceful transition" questions during the debates and commentary... to setup a narrative..

mans why the media is already selecting one candidate to fire up the bases.
y'all realize this is exactly why the MSM, et al, was so focused on "peaceful transition" questions during the debates and commentary... to setup a narrative..

Precisely why Trump started talking about fraud weeks ago as well.
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