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Kurtuleas has been absolutely correct.

the conservative atheist

Jun 3, 2020
Member Number
Trump in a landslide.

But then they will suddenly "find" more Biden mail-in ballots and declare that idiot won. That will then lead to a huge legal dispute and the media will do whatever it takes to get Biden in office.

ALL the polls are way wrong. Some have it close in Montana. Some say Texas will go blue. Seriously? If Trump does not win in a landslide...something is rigged.

Fuck this guy is smart. Called it two weeks before the election. EXACTLY what happened.
This fraud needed to happen now

Election fraud in national elections had been happening for years, anybody really think that many races really come down to 49/51?

Trump is the sitting president, he filed a shit ton of federal judge seats Obama got lazy on, he filled the supreme court.

He has the balls to call a liar a liar, and did it from the oval office as he carries out his first term.

No other candidate who had a victory stolen from them had the sack, and lack of backroom deals to challenge an election.

And to watch the mainstream media run a smoke show for the deep state candidate at the same time.

Whether Trump wins or loses after the lawsuits clear out, the dirty deeds of the media, and democrats at all levels will be brought to light.

I personally think it's intentional to stoke a minor civil war then the deep state can strip rights away from both sides
This fraud needed to happen now

Election fraud in national elections had been happening for years, anybody really think that many races really come down to 49/51?

Trump is the sitting president, he filed a shit ton of federal judge seats Obama got lazy on, he filled the supreme court.

He has the balls to call a liar a liar, and did it from the oval office as he carries out his first term.

No other candidate who had a victory stolen from them had the sack, and lack of backroom deals to challenge an election.

And to watch the mainstream media run a smoke show for the deep state candidate at the same time.

Whether Trump wins or loses after the lawsuits clear out, the dirty deeds of the media, and democrats at all levels will be brought to light.

I personally think it's intentional to stoke a minor civil war then the deep state can strip rights away from both sides

Truth , nicely put thank you.
Yep, I think that anyone who has the ability to see beyond their nose has seen exactly what Kurtuleas predicted was coming a long time off.
Agreed. We are in what I consider a soft dictatorship. Our country is no different than any dictatorship where ballots are stuffed, agendas are forced upon people, and it has gotten to a point where the corruption is left in the open with not even a shameless attempt to make it look legit. The will of the people no longer matters. Rather, the will of the people is manipulated to attack the people. As it is said, a country divided will not stand. The BLM protests and opportunistic looting, for example, is not a reflection of lawful freedom of expression. It is a personification of brainwashing--I am surprised at how many hypocrites in the government followed along by kneeling and paying homage to looters and people with factual and know criminal histories. Not to diverge, the point is we are in a soft dictatorship, as it is not one individual imposing it but a collection of actors that simply must be voted out.
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Agreed. We are in what I consider a soft dictatorship. Our country is no different than any dictatorship where ballots are stuffed, agendas are forced upon people, and it has gotten to a point where the corruption is left in the open with not even a shameless attempt to make it look legit. The will of the people no longer matters. Rather, the will of the people is manipulated to attack the people. As it is said, a country divided will not stand. The BLM protests and opportunistic looting, for example, is not a reflection of lawful freedom of expression. It is a personification of brainwashing--I am surprised at how many hypocrites in the government followed along by kneeling and paying homage to looters and people with factual and know criminal histories. Not to diverge, the point is we are in a soft dictatorship, as it is not one individual imposing it but a collection of actors that simply must be voted out.


The saddest part about it is that "We the people" let that happen right in front of our faces. Its all OUR faults....
Yep, I think that anyone who has the ability to see beyond their nose has seen exactly what Kurtuleas predicted was coming a long time off.

I'm pretty sure 1/2 of Irate predicted that months back. It's not a hard prediction, hah!

I still find it insane that most presidential elections are so damn close, I really don't understand how that is possible almost every time. Even when it's a "landslide", it really isn't. It's just a little bit more one sided. To me, a "landslide" would be something like if 3/4 or more of the votes went to one candidate.

I mean, local elections are hardly ever that close all the time, at least from the ones that I've followed.
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I see the number of people that participate in Trump rallies vs. Biden - that is how I see in person voting vs. mail-in.
There is no fraud, some just wish there was.
I see the number of people that participate in Trump rallies vs. Biden - that is how I see in person voting vs. mail-in.
There is no fraud, some just wish there was.

Maybe, but Trump has maintained a decent approval rating and now he hasn’t even pulled in the same amount of electoral votes as Clinton in 2016?

No way.

The mail-in ballot agenda was established, pushed, and implemented to take control. Not keep people safe.
Whether Trump wins or loses after the lawsuits clear out, the dirty deeds of the media, and democrats at all levels will be brought to light.

You are suffering delusion from cognitive dissonance, probably because you've been gaslighted so hard.

We had a mountain of evidence that Joe Biden took bribe money for influence and acted on those bribes by interfering in a foreign nation's government, and the media successfully buried it.

If Trump wins every Court case, somehow it won't count, and it won't be covered by the Media and will be forgotten totally in six weeks.
I'm pretty sure 1/2 of Irate predicted that months back. It's not a hard prediction, hah!

I still find it insane that most presidential elections are so damn close, I really don't understand how that is possible almost every time. Even when it's a "landslide", it really isn't. It's just a little bit more one sided. To me, a "landslide" would be something like if 3/4 or more of the votes went to one candidate.

I mean, local elections are hardly ever that close all the time, at least from the ones that I've followed.

Because Prez Elections are the Cadillac of elections with all of the professional political firms inputting on both sides. Focus groups, surveys, all that shit still count in a general sense (if not in actual vote predictions), so that means each candidate about evens out in appealing to half the American population.

In this way, the near 50/50 split is indicative of a very efficient system. I believe that is the case.

Local elections tend to be single-issue, or in distinct political districts. You're not going to get 50/50 in a liberal city district, you're going to get 80/20 of course, if that.

I don't know what to believe about the way the vote went this year. Seriously, I don't know if I can call it corrupt right now or not.
Trump has had the keys to the safe for four years. He must have something incriminating on nearly ever sitting politician, and a bunch of former politicians. He needs to just burn their houses down.

Trump and his lawyer had damning evidence on Biden and they got completely outmaneuvered by mail-in voting.

It's hard to believe they allowed themselves to be gamed that hard but there it is.
I'm pretty sure 1/2 of Irate predicted that months back. It's not a hard prediction, hah!

I still find it insane that most presidential elections are so damn close, I really don't understand how that is possible almost every time. Even when it's a "landslide", it really isn't. It's just a little bit more one sided. To me, a "landslide" would be something like if 3/4 or more of the votes went to one candidate.

I mean, local elections are hardly ever that close all the time, at least from the ones that I've followed.

:laughing: Yeah it wasn't exactly divining lottery numbers out of tea leaves. Literally everyone expected this scenario the entire time, playing on every news station.
It is odd how everything has happened.

It is odd how they stopped counting

It is odd the whole fucking process of it.

I think COVID is odd.......we'll get through this one but the next one they let out will be far worse, and yes they'll let it out. Now who "they" are....I'm not sure.

I blame Trump's first debate, we were all waiting for Biden to gaffe out or maybe even fall off the stage. Trump went full retard and the whole fucking world seen it. He had him but couldn't control his own shit to let him stumble and fuck himself. Whoever prepped Trump for that debate is a fucking moron or just hates Trump. That is what happened to Trump's "Landslide Victory"....he fucked it up sideways as much as one could.

With that said do I think the government is corrupt..... you fucking bet! Do I think they would steal an election, I do...... did they who knows.

Do I believe Biden will make through his first term, no way in hell!
I'm pretty sure 1/2 of Irate predicted that months back. It's not a hard prediction, hah!

I still find it insane that most presidential elections are so damn close, I really don't understand how that is possible almost every time. Even when it's a "landslide", it really isn't. It's just a little bit more one sided. To me, a "landslide" would be something like if 3/4 or more of the votes went to one candidate.

I mean, local elections are hardly ever that close all the time, at least from the ones that I've followed.

Exactly, I'd like to think that most of Irate can see further than their noses! The rest of the country, not so much.

I was curious about the closeness of elections myself so I went back and just looked at electoral college votes for the last 10 or so elections and really the last close race was between Bush Jr. and Gore. One thing I saw that was even crazier was if you look at elections further back than that, talk about landslides, even presidents that we might consider unpopular by today's standards were winning elections with around 400 electoral votes, Nixon was one of them!
Why are we even pretending Biden won the election, he didn't, a former California prosecutor who implemented all kinds of gun laws is the new preisident. We better get usto it it cause it just happened no matter how many legal cases Trump wins.
You are suffering delusion from cognitive dissonance, probably because you've been gaslighted so hard.

We had a mountain of evidence that Joe Biden took bribe money for influence and acted on those bribes by interfering in a foreign nation's government, and the media successfully buried it.

If Trump wins every Court case, somehow it won't count, and it won't be covered by the Media and will be forgotten totally in six weeks.

First of all, after you swallowed a big fuckung load of wear your mask hysteria, stfu about accusing me of being delusional and gaslighted.

the deep state, the media, the liberals and the never trumpers are pulling out every stop in an attempt to secure this win, thus hiding their crimes and retaining their power.

This can be seen in dollars spent.

This can be seen in unprecedented moves by election workers, and legal cover up the chain at state levels.

This can be seen in increasing censorship of a sitting president.

Their returns are diminishing, burning ever more cash, political clout and public trust to maintain the water line.

The country isn't turning a slightly redder shade of purple, or a slightly bluer shade, you've got people blocking freeways, and other people running them over.

I know you're frustrated with the amount of conservatives showing patience, but that's the battle lines being drawn

The president, who I voted for, but remained sceptical of, as he was previously a new York Democrat, has got my backing, and I believe he's going to run this through the courts. He's not fucking stupid, I'm sure his team planted some traps going into this thing.

Trump commented inn election fraud as early as 2012, I'm gonna sit back and enjoy the shit show
First of all, after you swallowed a big fuckung load of wear your mask hysteria, stfu about accusing me of being delusional and gaslighted.

the deep state, the media, the liberals and the never trumpers are pulling out every stop in an attempt to secure this win, thus hiding their crimes and retaining their power.

This can be seen in dollars spent.

This can be seen in unprecedented moves by election workers, and legal cover up the chain at state levels.

This can be seen in increasing censorship of a sitting president.

Their returns are diminishing, burning ever more cash, political clout and public trust to maintain the water line.

The country isn't turning a slightly redder shade of purple, or a slightly bluer shade, you've got people blocking freeways, and other people running them over.

I know you're frustrated with the amount of conservatives showing patience, but that's the battle lines being drawn

The president, who I voted for, but remained sceptical of, as he was previously a new York Democrat, has got my backing, and I believe he's going to run this through the courts. He's not fucking stupid, I'm sure his team planted some traps going into this thing.

Trump commented inn election fraud as early as 2012, I'm gonna sit back and enjoy the shit show

I agree. Trump is not stupid he saw this coming. They put things in place to prove fraud. It will come out soon enough.
He put things in place to cast doubt on a loss, there is a difference.

I think they already proved more than doubt in nevada. If it happened in one state you can bet your ass it happened in more. There is a reason the key states won't let the people watch votes being counted. The democratic party has spent 4 years trying to place doubt with trump and the Russian government. China the democrats right hand man, have the real collusion here. Covid was no mistake, and I bet we will see a covid 20 and 21 soon. It will be a easy way to push the left agenda. 19 was a experiment and it worked lots of sheep out there.
I find it amazing that Trump was ahead by 700,000 and the after all the other precincts were done, Pittsburg and Philadelphia counted theirs. And somehow Biden ended up over 100,000 ahead.

No...nothing to see here. You would have to have the IQ of a potato to believe that.

I guess they waited to count to see what was needed.
I find it amazing that Trump was ahead by 700,000 and the after all the other precincts were done, Pittsburg and Philadelphia counted theirs. And somehow Biden ended up over 100,000 ahead.

No...nothing to see here. You would have to have the IQ of a potato to believe that.

I guess they waited to count to see what was needed.

Additionally, nobody with an IQ above 85 believes a walking corpse that thought he was running against Bush, with a running mate who condones violent black revolution in our streets, could win a free and fair election.
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