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Jackie Treehorn Jr

41 and 37. Good on yeas. Congrats.
Any difficulties with the pregnancy?

Pregnancy went fine but she was a gusher during birth. She lost a liter of blood. She’s not a big person and got a little torn up. The quick delivery didn’t help anything.
Pregnancy went fine but she was a gusher during birth. She lost a liter of blood. She’s not a big person and got a little torn up. The quick delivery didn’t help anything.

these days everyone (women) talking about how risky it is after 35 to have first child.. would you agree, from having talked to doctors during yours? high chance of down's is what I hear the most..
these days everyone (women) talking about how risky it is after 35 to have first child.. would you agree, from having talked to doctors during yours? high chance of down's is what I hear the most..

From what we were told late thirties wasn’t too dangerous but after 40 the risks go up quite a bit for birth defects. The only genetic problems with ours is being related to me. :flipoff2:
I’m not gonna make that mistake a forth time!

Has it been confirmed that any of them are actually his??? :flipoff2:

Congrats man! I don't think I'll ever have enough energy for another one.
Man, my old ass was worn out two kids ago.
LOLOLOLOL you dumbass!!!!!!!!!


(47 with a 6yr old and a 4yr old)

Congrats! :beer:
Yeah I can’t wait until his sister can come home from college and meet him. :lmao:
I'm near 40. Don't think I could deal with kids. My brother has 3. About 15 mins is my breaking point before I need earplugs and booze 🤣
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