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Jackie Treehorn Jr

Jackie Treehorn

Well-known member
May 19, 2020
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Born early Saturday morning. I already have a 17 year old and a 14 year old and it seems strange starting over at 41. Sleep is overrated. :flipoff2:
Congrats? I couldn't imagine having kids spaced that far apart but 41 is still young........ish...LOL Congrats mom and dad :)

Got remarried recently and the wife never had kids so it was hard to refuse when she really wanted one.
Congratulations! I did the same 10 years ago when my youngest daughter was born, I was 42. New wife had never had kids, I had two older from previous, but she wanted one of her own. Had to get a reversal to have the kiddo, best decision ever. I find myself a much calmer and a more collective dad these days.
Congratulations! I did the same 10 years ago when my youngest daughter was born, I was 42. New wife had never had kids, I had two older from previous, but she wanted one of her own. Had to get a reversal to have the kiddo, best decision ever. I find myself a much calmer and a more collective dad these days.

Good to hear. I think I’ll be a better and more patient dad than I was at 24.
Good to hear. I think I’ll be a better and more patient dad than I was at 24.

Exactly, I was 22 when my first was born and 27 when the second. Fast forward so many years and with a new wife who is actually a partner in this thing called parenthood. Life is good. Enjoy the moments.
Congratulations, and best of luck :beer:

My youngest is 18 and I am 57

We got lucky and didn’t have any major issues when the kids were growing up, except for the youngest wrecking two cars already 😉
Born early Saturday morning. I already have a 17 year old and a 14 year old and it seems strange starting over at 41. Sleep is overrated. :flipoff2:

I hope for your sake he grows up to be a free minded "real fiscal conservative". ...not Republican, but a true "roll shit back" conservative. Funny how only "progressives" always make progress, but never have regression.

I had my boy at 35. Mature enough to be a good parent and simple enough to play with my child on his level. He's 12 now and growing into being just as much of an asshole as his old man :laughing:
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