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Is The Pussification Of America’s Youth Scientifically Engineered?

Times change, and so do people. This ain't the 1880's anymore. It's a whole different world and it ain't going back to the 1880's, so fucking get used to it. I suggest people need to stop looking for a "boogie man" and realize we live in a different world.

But nothing ever happens in your world. Right now mobs of terrorists aren't burning up American cities and getting into pitched battles with the police and anyone else around. Also, I can walk down to my local watering hole and elbow up to the bar and order what I want.

Times do change and people try to change them. They call themselves 'Progressives'. They get into the educational system as the OP article pointed out. His short essay is just the tip of the iceberg. I constantly harp on Bill Ayers and people are finally waking up to Susan Rosenberg because the Police unions are getting the word out there because she murdered cops. Sits on one of the funding bodies of BLM.

But you also argued for literal decades that nothing was wrong in California and that everyone was being a chicken little, and now you are moving to Idaho where you will no doubt have your California plated car vandalized and get the cold shoulder.

You do provide perspective on things Old Timer but not in the way you intend.
Our audience is primarily Middle America, and that is primarily white. We have trouble attracting blacks to the program.

Jeopardy requires humility and that is not a strong component of African American culture.
I watch Jeopardy sometimes and all the Race talk lately got me to thinking about how I don't recall seeing (m)any blacks on it. People of other "colors" yes, blacks no. The above at least reminded me that I wanted to search about that. First result was this link from 1995:


25 years later seems the same.

Well color me surprised that black people wouldn't want to partake in a show that tests your intelligence...
Most everyone worked at something in my youth. Very little .gov welfare stuff. Even the hippies painted houses , put up hay, did tobacco work. In the 80s more and more people could and did get .gov money. Along with a crazy amount of lawyers coming on . Deinstitutionalization of retards and other social misfits and the corresponding growth of .gov lead to the "acceptance" of lessers into society. And more .gov to care for them.
But nothing ever happens in your world. Right now mobs of terrorists aren't burning up American cities and getting into pitched battles with the police and anyone else around. Also, I can walk down to my local watering hole and elbow up to the bar and order what I want.

Times do change and people try to change them. They call themselves 'Progressives'. They get into the educational system as the OP article pointed out. His short essay is just the tip of the iceberg. I constantly harp on Bill Ayers and people are finally waking up to Susan Rosenberg because the Police unions are getting the word out there because she murdered cops. Sits on one of the funding bodies of BLM.

But you also argued for literal decades that nothing was wrong in California and that everyone was being a chicken little, and now you are moving to Idaho where you will no doubt have your California plated car vandalized and get the cold shoulder.

You do provide perspective on things Old Timer but not in the way you intend.

Damn, you are so full of shit. As usual you've completely misrepresented where I stand. :rolleyes:
Damn, you are so full of shit. As usual you've completely misrepresented where I stand. :rolleyes:

I'm confused on where you stand, then. The OP posits that the reason the kids are rioting is because they have been deliberately weakened as part of political aggression, and that this phenomenon will worsen.

Your post then ascribed the changes to the fact that it's not 1880 anymore.

I think both are true, but you are typically a "nothing ever happens" guy, so I think my assumption was perfectly reasonable. :confused: If you'd like to correct my assumption, go ahead.
What has changed is the internet has allowed bullshit theories to proliferate .....And bullshitters to present themselves like they actually know something .....
I'm confused on where you stand, then. The OP posits that the reason the kids are rioting is because they have been deliberately weakened as part of political aggression, and that this phenomenon will worsen.

Your post then ascribed the changes to the fact that it's not 1880 anymore.

I think both are true, but you are typically a "nothing ever happens" guy, so I think my assumption was perfectly reasonable. :confused: If you'd like to correct my assumption, go ahead.

You're confused because you're stupid.
What has changed is the internet has allowed bullshit theories to proliferate .....And bullshitters to present themselves like they actually know something .....

Yup, as evidenced by people linking youtube videos that were done by know-nothing people as evidence that their particular flavor of nonsense is valid.
Times change, and so do people. This ain't the 1880's anymore. It's a whole different world and it ain't going back to the 1880's, so fucking get used to it. I suggest people need to stop looking for a "boogie man" and realize we live in a different world.

what makes your dumbass think im not used to it?

because i gave an answer to the topic means im bitching and cant accept it or im not used to it somehow? :homer:

i love technology and use the fuck out of it everyday, im very thankful for it
as somebody from the generation after gen x that somehow got lumped into millenials when they changed that shit, we hate gen x too. Boomers, gen x, millennials, gen z can all get fucked.

an asshole from 1983
as somebody who thinks that population density is the root of all our ills, fuck you too

an asshole from 1993

I mean really, we could have a post-scarcity society by now but nope we gotta keep on taking on (and making) more and more fuckin' people
[486 said:
as somebody who thinks that population density is the root of all our ills, fuck you too

an asshole from 1993

I mean really, we could have a post-scarcity society by now but nope we gotta keep on taking on (and making) more and more fuckin' people

Dont blame me sweetheart. I'm not pumping out fuck trophies. Honestly most people shouldnt. They were raised by shitty parents, and will raise shitty kids because of it. The cycle continues.
as somebody from the generation after gen x that somehow got lumped into millenials when they changed that shit, we hate gen x too. Boomers, gen x, millennials, gen z can all get fucked.

an asshole from 1983

The Boomers were raised by parents who lived through WWII, suffered through WWII and knew people who were killed in WWII. Many of those parents had been through the depression too. They had seen so much shit, they all but hid the harsh realities of life from their kids. Their kids were protected, spoiled and unfortunately missed some very important life lessons. When those Boomers hit their 20's they ran with their lack of knowledge straight into the peace, love and drugs era. We're still paying the price for that, and will be for some time.

How many on here had a relative who was in WWII, but never spoke a single word about it.
The Boomers were raised by parents who lived through WWII, suffered through WWII and knew people who were killed in WWII. Many of those parents had been through the depression too. They had seen so much shit, they all but hid the harsh realities of life from their kids. Their kids were protected, spoiled and unfortunately missed some very important life lessons. When those Boomers hit their 20's they ran with their lack of knowledge straight into the peace, love and drugs era. We're still paying the price for that, and will be for some time.

How many on here had a relative who was in WWII, but never spoke a single word about it.

Not true but a good example of looking back with no actual experience in what it was like...I was born in 1947, a true baby boomer. I was taught in school the USA won WW2 and made great sacrifices. We all knew families that lost people in WW2 or Korea.. We had the constant threat of nuclear war with the Soviets. We had no constant news ,internet or cell phones. Friends got polio and wound up in an iron lung. You got cancer, you died, you got a bad infection, you died. But a simple life was fun at the time .
. Working class graduated HS and got drafted like me or joined the military because of the Vietnam mess...
The peace movement was primarily college students and just like today, exaggerated by the news. It was a time of social change with woman's rights and a distrust of the govt...
Drugs?? You never drank alcohol or smoked some reefer?
So boomers raised gen X and gen X raised millennials but boomers are to blame?

Uhh... not exactly.

My parents were boomers. I am Gen-X. My kid? I'm not sure what he is, because he damn sure is too young to be a millenial (just looked it up, its Generation Alpha, whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean).

I don't know what his generation will be known for yet, but I know he won't be like the others. He just turned 3 last week, but he already picks up after himself and pretty well obeys, especially considering his verbal skills are still minimal (didn't have any other kids to talk to until I put him in Day Care for socialization in May... I hear he hangs with the providers more than the other kids, too).

Placing sweeping blame on age brackets isn't accurate. I would say its more of those who followed Dr. Spock vs. those who shunned his advice. "Hug your child. Tell her she’s special and loved and unique. Feed him when he’s hungry. Discipline with words, not corporal punishment." No. Just no. Sure, hug your child, but tell him he has to accomplish something special to be considered special by others. Feed him, but not whatever he wants. And sometimes, a firm smack on the rear is what a kid needs.

Yup. Dr. Spock was the creator of the "every child is special and deserves a trophy." He was the downfall of future generations.
Uh, honestly, each and every one of if plays some small part in it. We're all humans, we all make mistakes, and we all perpetuate that mistake by not learning from it. Admit it, not one of us can say we've executed life perfectly. If you can, you're lying. The act of not acting is in itself helping create the new generation of pussies...
What makes me laugh and shake my head is how each generation wants to blame the other while accusing the other of not taking responsibility for anything.
that's right little guy, you keep up with your nonsense. it is fun.

I'll take that as a "yes" though not from who I expected. I think it's hilarious to watch people grasp at any scapegoat they can dream up just to avoid admitting that they failed as parents.
TheFlyingDildocupine said:
I'll take that as a "yes" though not from who I expected. I think it's hilarious to watch people grasp at any scapegoat they can dream up just to avoid admitting that they failed as parents.

Have your parents admitted they failed with you? Or are they still denying your existence? Hopefully you never procreate
Things like this aren't helping the situation any.
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