There are no women on the non-visual internet. Women only exist on video sites like YT or streaming like Twitch, or other retard social media like IG.
The entire idea of 'woman' is based on the fact that they have something to offer as a woman. This means T&A or fucking, sandwiches or cleaning.
Because a msg board is text-based, there are no women here because they have nothing to offer. They're not going to fuck you, and they can't transmit sandwiches over IP.
Only the ideas in their head matter, and boards like this are the one place on planet Earth where women have to interact as equals.
In all other situations, the idea of woman is based on the possibility, no matter how remote, that she might fuck you.
Roxy to her credit never used a female privilege to interact afaik, despite saying that she was a 'bitch'. She was a 'bitch' because that's how women have to feel when they interact as equals. Women go through life interacting with men 100% of the time with female privilege. There is always some swashbuckler and his retard followers acting as if life is a Tavern in medieval England. Protecting the Faire Maidens from the rough and awful men.
On the text internet, that privilege doesn't exist. In this world, a 'she' can be told to fuck off, you can stomp all over her feelings, mock her mercilessly, and in all other ways treat her the way you treat your friends. Like shit.
Women don't like this, which is why text-based (idea-based) internet is almost completely dominated by Men. This is also an disturbing illumination into the character of 99.99% of all women. When women are expected to produce ideas and interact as equals, they almost universally bow out.
They say men are visual, but didja ever notice who spends the most time in the bathroom primping themselves, and who is sooooo eager to put her duck-faced profile picture on every goddamned account? Protip: It's not my ugly ass. It's women.
Women do this because they are seeking to re-gain the privilege which they enjoy in meatspace, on the internet. When those dopamine hits of privilege evaporate on a msg board, women scatter like a plague of cockroaches when you turn on the kitchen light.
Repeat after me,
ArTi54N :
There are no women here. There never will be. There never should be.